A/N umm, first story……….hehe. I hope you all like it! And please be nice about my horrible attempt at some humor

k, so this is in Ryoma's POV, and he's thinking about a certain 3 words Sakuno said to him earlier that day.

Italics are a flashback, just so you know. D

Disclaimer: I do not PoT, or the 'thinking pose'


Ryoma was bewildered.

He couldn't believe it. He absolutely, positively could not believe it.

Sakuno had a crush on him…..didn't she? Like, last year, right? Right?!

Sure, he acted ignorant about things that included her sometimes, but it wasn't like he didn't know who she was. She was just too darn shy and he got uncomfortable. Would you like it if the person you're trying to talk to either blushes whenever you get near, or tries to talk, but stutters; or both?

He liked her, but not in the way you all are thinking of. So not in the romantic way, just the person-who-happens-to-be-there-and-sees-a-really-nice-and-polite-girl way.

If that makes any sense.

But he was sure she had a crush on him. It wasn't like he was that dense. He just acted that way because he knew his sempai liked to tease him about her obvious liking to him, and it was easier just pretending he didn't know what they were talking about.

See? Even the sempai thought she had a crush on him.

Then why did that happen?!


Earlier that day, when Ryoma walked onto the training grounds for morning practice, it seemed like it would be another boring, crazy practice, (because of the fan-girls). And sure enough, there was the "president" of his fan club, walking (sprinting) his way.

"Kyaa! Ryoma-sama!" she called (squealed)

As soon as he saw her coming too close (which was at least 10 feet away), he sprinted the other way, doubled back in the bushes so she couldn't see him, and went into a court, where she wasn't allowed.

He was quite proud of himself; he wouldn't be late trying to run from her (again).

Yet, for some reason he couldn't think of, Tezuka still made him run 15 laps…..now how was that fair?

Other than that, his practice went well. They were doing accuracy practice that day, which none of them really had any problems with, but who argues with Inui? First, his data is rarely wrong, and second, his drinks.

What did he put in there anyway? shudders

Anyway, while it was Ryoma's turn, Momo and Eiji decided they wanted a bit of fun, so they began to search for a certain girl to tease. A certain girl who had a crush the size of Japan on their favorite (and only) O'chibi; or so they thought.

And when they found her, as they expected, she was watching Ryoma practice with Tomoka.

"Oi! Ryuzaki!"

Sakuno turned, surprised.


"So, don't you think O'chibi has great aim?"

"Ah!…..um…hai…" Sakuno replied, staring at her feet now.

"Ha! So you do think Ryoma is great at tennis! I knew it!"

"…" Sakuno blushed, hard, still looking at her feet.

"Say, Eiji sempai, isn't he still single?" Momo asked, using his amazing subject-changing skills.

Sakuno blushed an amazing color of red now, and started to play with the hem of her school uniform skirt; really, she should have been used to it by now, didn't someone say something about her and Ryoma at least once a day?

"Hmmm…" Eiji used the 'thinking pose', pulling at a long, white beard (where in the world did that come from?), pretending to think about it.

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't……"

"Really now?"


"Hmmm…isn't it about time our youngest Regular started to think about girls?"

"Maybe he just needs a little push."

"Your right sempai! But what would be a good way to give him a hint?"

They began to suggest a few ideas to each other, apparently forgetting Sakuno and Tomoka was there, listening.

"Maybe a girl should ask first; then he might think a bit more about it."

"Yea! That's a great idea sempai!"

"No it's not! Do you know how many girls from the fan club ask him everyday?! He just ignores him and walks away!" Interrupted Tomoka, as this was her area of expertise.

"Oi, she's right……"

"Maybe if it was a certain girl, he might think more about it…" Eiji trailed off, looking at Momo and Tomoka straight in the eyes.

Tomoka began to say something that probably would have been along the lines of 'But who would be of any interest to Ryoma-sama?! So many girls have already tried!', but then realized his meaning.

Simultaneously, the three heads turned toward Sakuno like robots, who had gotten bored of the conversation long ago, and was watching the current tennis players' practice. Which included Ryoma's.

"Oi, Sakuno" Tomoka called, deciding she should be the one to say this, considering she was her best friend.

"Hai?" Sakuno replied; tearing her eyes away from the amazing returns the players was making (in her eyes).

"We were just thinking…"

She looked on with questioning eyes, still having no idea of what they were going to say.

"That maybe it was time Ryoma had a girlfriend…"

Her blood ran cold; she now knew what they were trying to get at, and that the next thing they were going to say had something to do with…

"And that you should be his first, so go and ask Ryoma-sama right now!!"

"EH?!" Sakuno screeched, her face heating up so quickly, it made you want to stop and call Inui over to figure out how it was even possible.

"Yea, considering you're the only girl he doesn't run away from…."

"We thought you would have the best chance!"


"No buts Sakuno! This is very important! It involves Ryoma-sama!"

"..But.." Sakuno kept repeating, exasperated.

"Didn't your friend just say no buts?"

"But…but…" She was getting desperate…

"What's going on here?" Asked a very irritated Ryoma, choosing that exact moment when Sakuno yelled…



Why?! It made no sense; she acted like she had a crush on him, with all that blushing and stuttering making everyone think she liked him; then she goes and says she hates him! What is wrong with that girl?!


Haha so that's the first part. I'm thinking of making the next chapter in Sakuno's POV, to explain that 'I hate' thing, but I might just leave it as a one-shot. So please review and tell me! Even if it just says that is was so terrible that I should just delete it, I don't care. If no one reviews at all, I'll think you all hate me and I won't write anymore. Thanks for reading!!
