Of Secrets and Lies

Chapter One

It Begins

If one was to ever think of the Kamiya family they would start with Kamiya Koshijiró, the widowed head of the family and the proud father of three children. The family was not poor due to the amount of money that Koshijiró's father had left them including a reasonably sized Dojo and house; however he still had to work long hours both as a councillor for children and young adults as well as running classes. As a man he was well liked and respected; a good neighbour, a good friends, somebody who you would generally want on your side and someone you could depend on. As a person he was down to earth, practical, sensible and a devoted father and Uncle to his family.

The second person most would think of would be the eldest child Kamiya Megumi. Her birth had come a shock and was source of gossip for nosy neighbours in years to come. How could that Susumu girl have found herself married and with child at only the age of seventeen? Yet Megumi had proved to be unusually gifted - A genius and a beauty who but with the flicker of a smile could depend upon people (of whom the majority boys) running around after her senseless. Her brains had managed to earn her a place at one of the best University's in Japan - Aizu International University of Science and the Arts. Megumi left home at eighteen to study to become a successful doctor.

Third in line would be Kamiya Yahiko, the youngest child and only son of the family. His teachers would describe him as an ill tempered child who needed to give fewer attitudes to his seniors. While his grades were not quite at his oldest sister's levels, his ability at kenjutsu was favourable; the boy had natural talent and threw his heart and soul into the ryú. At only twelve he could compete against most of the students from the advanced classes.

And, finally there would be the middle child, the youngest daughter Kamiya Kaoru. Most would describe her as a very nice young girl providing you let her nowhere near your cooking utensils. Aiko-sensei of the Home Economics department at Sakurihi High school would always be critical ever since the time Kaoru somehow managed to destroy a perfectly good oven. As a person she was passionate about kenjutsu being in the advanced classes ranking ahead of her younger brother. While she did not retain Megumi's skill with mathematics she was equally as good at Literature and History although failed miserably in Biology. Above all else Kaoru feared being alone.

"And we interrupt your weather broadcast with the latest news bulletin. Lord Ryousuke-sama was found dead in the early hours of this morning. Police will give no statement of the nature of Ryousuke-sama's death but the Government has concluded that the cause of death was fatal wounds most likely caused by katana's. This comes as the second death of this nature in the past month making it the overall thirteenth this year leaving the public to conclude that Lord Ryousuke was assassinated."

"Lord Ryousuke served Japan as its War Minister since the re-establishment of the Government ten years ago. He will be sorely mourned by both his wife and the government. Lord Hoji has given a statement warning civilians of the new dangerous times and how extra precautions should be taken. He assures them that President Shishio is giving this matter his full attention. In the meantime the public is urged to be vigilant. Do not approach any suspected Hitokiri's, instead phone the new hotline..."

The face of the news-reporter vanished leaving on a slight echo of her clear authority's voice. Kamiya Koshijiró sighed taking another deep draught from his mug of tea before setting it down on the table. His eyes drifted towards the Kitchen clock were making it quarter to nine. Shaking his head he smiled slightly before glancing at the hall door. Upstairs he could hear thumping noises as doors were slammed and re-opened.

"It's quarter too! Kaoru-chan you'd better hurry up or you'll be late! Is Yahiko up yet?" Koshijiró shouted and then chuckled as he heard a number of colourful swearwords. A few moments later an avalanche descended down the stairs until his youngest daughter emerged wearing the navy blue school skirt and blouse that looked as though they had not been ironed. Her black hair was left messy, running down her shoulders and she looked incredibly agitated and stressed as she ran over towards the mirror and began to brush her hair in frenzy.

"I know, Otou-san. Why didn't you wake me up?" Moaned Kaoru as she pulled out a vivid indigo ribbon from her skirt pocket and began to tie her hair back. Koshijiró shook his head, this was typical Kaoru. No matter how well the plan of action was plotted something would go wrong. This morning it had been the alarm clock which she had forgotten to set the night before. Now the result was a panicked race against time.

"You turned seventeen two months ago. I thought you wanted more responsibility?" Koshijiró teased. He earned himself a glare before her shoulders sagged. She turned around and nodded picking her lunchbox off the table and shoving it forcefully into her purple rucksack.

"I know. I know...it's just so annoying. I can't believe that lousy, stupid cheap clock!" Kaoru said furiously as she picked up a slice of toast from her fathers plate Koshijiro nodded absently, trying to think of how to phrase the next sentence. She wasn't going to like it, he knew that much but her safety was his main priority. As much as she wanted to grow up, Koshijiró would always think of her as she was now - his little girl. It had been hard enough letting go of Megumi three years ago. He shuddered thinking of the mere eighteen months of school she had left. Where had the time gone? When has she grown?

"Passing over your alarm clock. Is Yahiko up yet?" Asked Koshijiró. Kaoru halted for a moment, pausing under the archway leading into the hall. She wheeled around slowly and faced her father with a blank expression before slapping her forehead and racing down the corridor, screaming her brother's name as she went. A grumpy voice retorted.

"Shut up will ya? Loud mouthed busu!"

"What was that? You little-" At this point there was a smashing noise followed by a groan of pain - "We're going to be late for school if you don't hurry up! You're not even dressed!" Koshijiró listened taking another bite out of his toast. As much as he attempted to discourage sibling brawls he'd learned that it was impossible. The best thing to do was to ride it out and make sure nothing too serious happened. A moment later Kaoru was back in the kitchen plopping herself on the chair next to Koshijiró buttering herself another slice of toast. There was a silence for a few minutes punctuated every now and then by a sip of tea or a yawn. Then Yahiko showed himself with a frown on his face. Kaoru shot up.

"You haven't even done your tie up properly!" Lectured the older sister, yanking the blue tie around her brother's throat and tightening it so effectively that Yahiko started spluttering for air. "There much better. Now come on or we'll be late!" Said Kaoru admiring her handiwork as she grabbed Yahiko by the arm.

"What! I haven't even had breakfast yet!"

"Well maybe if you were up earlier -"

"Calm down you two," Said Koshijiró raising a hand for silence. The argument seized as they both faced their father, Koshijiró prolonged the moment by taking a deep sip of tea. Once he was done he looked up at them both. Kaoru and Yahiko stared at him eagerly waiting whatever he was going to say. Kaoru looked strained though as her eyes darted nervously at the clock which was clicking dangerously towards five to nine.

"There was another assassination on the news this morning," Started Koshijiró in a grave voice, "It wasn't in this neighbourhood but it was close. Okina-san and I have reached an agreement...we think it would be for the best if you all don't go out after school. You can visit your friend's houses but no wandering the streets and we want you to have your mobiles on you at all times." The reaction was as he expected. Yahiko and Kaoru instantly launched themselves into a debate of protest.

"Otou-san! Yutaró and I are supposed to be going to the arcade tomorrow!"

"Otou-san, I'm seventeen-"

Koshijiró held up his hand again and they both quietened down. "I know you both want your freedom and it's not that I don't trust you but you must consider the logic. I know you are both capable of defending yourselves but I want you safe. Okina-san agrees with me and he'll be letting Misao-chan know this morning. Yahiko, you can go to the arcade but I want Sano to go with you." Yahiko brightened up and Koshijiro smiled. Sagara Sanosuke was like a second son, and he knew the young man wouldn't let anything happen to Yahiko.

"I understand Otou-san," Said Kaoru tiredly.

"Good. Now get to school or you'll be late," Said Koshijiró in a voice of mock superiority as he leaned over to kiss his daughter on the cheek and to ruffle Yahiko's hair playfully. He watched and listened as the front door slammed shut and the sound of footsteps faded from the garden path. Once they were away the house seemed strangely empty and quiet, simple noises such as the hum of the refrigerator and the creaking of the floorboards alarmed him for a few brief seconds. Sighing, he picked up the newspaper.

August 25th 2007; Issue 645

Lord Ryousuke-sama Assassinated

He lowered his head into his hands.

'When was it going to end?'

Kaoru huffed and puffed dragging herself up the flight of stairs. The corridors of Sakurihi High School were completely and utterly empty and deserted. The only sound was the faint tapping of her shoes as they clipped off the green tiled floor. As she raced past classroom doors she could hear a faint murmur of chatter from each of them mingled with the voices of authority of the teachers as they called out the register.

The irony of the situation infuriated her, it was like a twisted scene from a comedy film; the ones Misao usually made Kaoru watch with the predictable jokes and story lines. She'd spent all of last night packing her schoolbag, carefully filling it with brand new fresh pencils, pens and textbooks that still had they brand new sort of scent that stayed for the first few days. Her uniform had been laid out neatly on the chair next to her vanity table; her pack lunch for the day was even in the fridge. Kaoru had been truly prepared and excited about her first day of being a senior. The navy blue uniform that was reserved for the older pupils had filled her with delight.

Then she forgot one simple detail. One tiny, little detail. She had forgotten to set her alarm and the result had been waking up to find she had not two hours until school began but precisely thirty-five minutes. Chaos and panic had ensured building up on her anxiety of a new term of school. Now she was running up the stairs ten minutes late, red in the face, panting like an asthmatic donkey and looking like she'd just rolled out of bed. This was the moment when she wished she could hit the redo button and start all over again.

'3b, 3B,' Chanted Kaoru in her mind as she wheeled around a corner pushing open the doors that lead into the third base of upstairs Building A. The tiled floor gave way to a neat pale blue carpet that matched the lemon coloured walls. Looking around she breathed a sigh of relief recognising the big yellow sticker on the door marked 3B. 'Saved!' She darted outside it nervously. Now she'd have to face the embarrassment of walking into class ten minutes late and the wrath of her Registration teacher.

'Bite the bullet Kaoru,' She told herself, 'Sticks and stones will break my bones...and so will words. I'm dead,' Swallowing she turned the door handle before she could run. Pushing it open she entered the classroom painfully aware of how everyone looked up to watch her walk in. Heat rose in her cheeks and she glanced fearfully at the registration teacher Keichi-sensei - beady eyed man with slicked back brown hair. Thankfully he nodded and pushed a few buttons on the computer marking her present.

"Hey Kaoru! Over here, I saved you a seat!"

Kaoru smiled and felt relief wash over her as she walked up to the back desk where her little cousin was waving enthusiastically like she hadn't seen Kaoru for years. Makimachi Misao sat in a uniform that looked two times too big for her scrawny frame. Emerald coloured eyes glittered and her black hair was in one long single braid that dangled on the edge of the chair. 'You'd think she hadn't seen me for years, it's only been two days.' Nonetheless Kaoru smiled warmly feeling a bubble of happiness and affection for her cousin.

"So you were late huh? Omasu gave me a lift in. Gramps was telling me all about the new curfew, stinks huh? Still not as bad as what I hear Keiko-chan's getting. Apparently she's not allowed out at all without adult supervision! Oh, yeah do you want to come over tonight cause Sano is! I'm so excited it's the first day! Officially seniors!" Misao did not seem to pause for air and the pace of her speech did not slow, yet there was something immediately comforting about that. Kaoru allowed Misao's babble to wash away her morning anxieties.

"I can't believe it! You should have seen Gramps face when he saw me in the uniform, I thought the old man was going to cry or something. Wow, Kaoru, look it's our timetables!" Trilled Misao as the teacher handed out the small white square bits of paper. Kaoru picked her ups and peeped at it through her fingers trying to prolong the moment of anticipation. 'Please not gym! Please not gym!'

Kamiya Kaoru. Class 5B

9.15 Until 10.10 - Home Economics classroom F12. Nagoyaki-san.

"Hai!" Yelled Kaoru punching the air victoriously. Home Economics and gym were by far her worst subjects but it looked like Cooking might improve. Aiko-sensei seemed to hate her after the humiliating affair with the microwave but Nagoyaki was much gentler. 'Maybe this year I'll finally learn how to cook properly!' It now seemed like a validated hope, it had always been a sore spot when her family and friends teased her about it. Megumi and Yahiko were particularly vocal on the subject and Kaoru knew the only reason Sanosuke ate her food was because it went against some sort of Moochers Code of Honour to waste it.

"Nagoyaki-san! That's great Kaoru...I've got Geography first. I wish gym was today though..." Said Misao wistfully. Kaoru shook her head scanning the rest of the day. The lack of gym on her first day back suited Kaoru just fine. Unlike her sonic the hedgehog worthy cousin Kaoru possessed talents only in kenjutsu and the thought of running around a track was enough to send her in the opposite direction.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Kaoru cocked her head up at the siren like sound of the school bell signally the end of Registration. There was a deafening grind as twenty chairs were pushed backwards and then forwards as they were tucked under their desks again. Then there was the sudden rush for the door. Kaoru sat for a moment bewildered at how the class had gone by so quickly, and then Misao nudged her on the arm.

"That was fast," Said Kaoru, standing up and slinging her bag over her shoulder once more. Misao nodded.

"Well what did you expect? You were only in there for like three minutes," Pointed out Misao as they walked into the Third base. Misao halted outside classroom 3A with an apologetic look on her face. "I'm at Geography Kao-chan. I'll see next period in Mathematics though right?"

Kaoru nodded and rolled her eyes, "I can't wait," She stated sarcastically before flashing a grin and walking away with the crowds of students. Sakurihi High School was split into two buildings; the first was A building which was newer than B building and was were all the main subjects took place such as Math's, Literacy, Modern Politics, History, English and Biology. It also contained a relatively big swimming pool for gym and the teacher's board office. B building was in moderation smaller and designed for the practical subjects of Woodwork, Art, Music and cooking. It was also a few yards away from A building.

The Assistant Master sighed as she stepped out into the sunlight, her eyes glancing upwards at the clear blue sky were only a few puffy clouds floated by lazily. It was quite warm and the feeling of the sun stroking her skin was pleasant as well as the cool breeze causing her hair to waver. The area between the two buildings was a sea of light and navy blue clothed figures dashing to class. Watching them, all ready her stressful morning seemed like a bad dream. When she reached the dark brown corridors of B building she felt quite relaxed. Nagoyaki wouldn't be as sharp as Aiko-sensei if Kaoru was a minute late.

The swarms of students had dispersed with only the odd first year darting around trying to find their classrooms. Her footsteps echoed as she trotted up the stairs leading to the cooking corridor named F. It was a long narrow corridor with rooms on opposing sides of the light brown walls, yet to Kaoru they were familiar. After five years she could finally locate where she was going without too much trouble. Her mind drifted as she paced past F1. The new restrictions on her freedom was slightly irritating, but more annoying when Kaoru couldn't even blame or argue with her father over them because he was not in the wrong. 'Might not be so bad...it's not like I really go anywhere without Misao or Sanosuke anyway...'

Had her father imposed the same strict rules that Keiko's had and Kaoru might have argued for a bit longer. As it was, she didn't feel it was too extreme. What was the point of going out alone anyway? It was true sometimes she did enjoy being able to wander shops at her own liberty but constant company was a small price to pay in the bigger picture. 'I hope the students still come to their lessons though. It would be awful if this affected our Dojo.' The thought was horrible. Kaoru genuinely loved teaching Kenjutsu, it was the only pursuit that made her feel like she was doing some worthwhile instead of sitting around like a lump of lard as she usually did. She didn't have to be shy little Kaoru-chan or loud mouthed Tanuki. She became Kaoru-sensei and there was a feeling of self-satisfaction and pride from watching young pupils master their kata's.

"Excuse me ma'am."

Kaoru jerked out of her thoughts and turned around to see her addresser with wide eyed surprise. Standing a few metres' away was a boy. Senior, because he wore the same uniform as she did only of course minus the long skirt. He was a few inches taller than she was but that wasn't saying much about his height. The thing that made her stare was the colour of his hair - long red hair tied into a low loose ponytail. There was a sort of sheepish smile on his face and clear lavender coloured orbs stared into her own blue ones.

"Excuse me ma'am but do you know where F12 is? Only it's my first day and I'm a little lost de-gozaru," He said laughing nervously. Kaoru nodded and smiled awkwardly. Talking to strangers was not her strong point and boys especially put her at unease. Most teenage boys she knew were either loud and horrible or complete sleazes. The only one she trusted was Sanosuke at that was because he was like her older brother. 'Still he looks okay, and we're in the same class. What interesting hair colour...is it dyed?'

"Oh sure. That's where I am now," Said Kaoru politely. The boy looked relieved as he trotted up to her and followed her quietly down the corridor until Kaoru walked through the open classroom door. Inside the class there were five rows of single seat desks - enough for twenty-one pupils. Most of the class were leaning over to their partner's table speaking casually while the teacher typed a few things into the computer. Kaoru made a beeline for a desk at the back of the classroom. The class's attention was not on her but on the new boy who stood at the front. All ready murmur's began to spread most of which stating along the lines of ; "Is that his real hair colour? Who is he? Looks like a girl!"

If the boy heard these he pretended otherwise as he stared obliviously into space waiting for Nagoyaki-sensei to notice his appearance.

"Ah Himura-san," Said Nagoyaki. She was a tall, thin woman with black hair tied into a neat bun with a few curls framing her pale heart shaped face. "Class. This is our new student Himura Kenshin. I want you all to make him welcome and to assist him when possible." The class gave a few lazy nods and Nagoyaki gestured to the only empty desk left. Kaoru watched as he bypassed her and took the desk behind her.

"Right." Said Nagoyaki standing up, "You are all now seniors so I expect that most of you will have grown up and matured by now. With of course the obvious exceptions," She smiled teasingly, "Since some of us are new I think we should all introduce ourselves. When I call your name you tell me something about yourself that will help me to remember your name. We'll start alphabetically with Akito Momo."

Kaoru sat very still thinking of her own little introduction. She also felt slightly nervous that the new boy was behind her, she couldn't fight the feeling that she was being watched. That, and the whole class kept glancing back at her, staring through her to the boy behind. Finally the register wheeled around to his name.

"And our newest edition Himura Kenshin."

"Um...this one enjoys running and likes to cook in his spare time de-gozaru," A few of the boys sniggered at this and the hushed whispered speculation continued. Kaoru waited until finally her name was called. She gulped feeling nervous aware of her reputation in the cooking frontier.

"Uh, I enjoy practicing kenjutsu in my spare time and going out with my friends..." Said Kaoru trying to must up all the confidence she could. She relaxed though as the teacher flashed her a kind smile.

"That's right. I thought I recognised your surname, you're father owns the Kamiya Dojo correct? My nephew Itsuko Shigeo goes there."

Kaoru smiled thankfully praising her rescue, "Yeah. I know Shiego-chan," Said Kaoru remembering the ten years old who had been going regularly for six months. Nagoyaki smiled again before moving onwards. Kaoru sighed sinking into her seat pulling out her textbook and scrounging around for her pen. So far the day seemed to be going quite well with only a few minor hitches.

'Tomorrow I am setting that alarm if it kills me!'

And this is my first re-draft of the first chapter. I hope you enjoy and review if you haven't all ready.

Bluemoon Out!x