Me: I feel sorta bad about not UpDating….
D.Wing: (Whispers) no she doesn't
Me: Dang it Dark Wing! (I deck him)
L.Wing: Dragon doesn't own SRMTHFG.
Sprx walked down the hallway, he waved to Gibson and made small talk to Otto, and even said hey to Nova. But as he rounded the corner, right in front of Antauri's room, his shoulder blade started to itch. He thought nothing of it and started to scratch at it. Suddenly the blasted itch moved down his body to his stomach. He itched feverishly at it, but it just made it worse.
Antauri was meditating peacefully, but soon was interrupted by a loud 'thump' outside his room. Antauri got up and looked out his door, only to see Sprx itching at his himself, rubbing against the floor. Antauri found this somewhat funny, but then suddenly the bottom of his foot felt itchy. He reached down to scratch, but it just got itchier and itchier.
Otto and Nova walked by, remembering what happened last time they tried to ignore the itch that began to show up. But, alas, it was to hard to ignore, so they itched at themselves until, they two were on the ground.
Chiro and Jin-May were walking by the monkeys and saw them on the ground scratching.
"Oh no, not again!" Chiro cried out a he scratched at his neck.
But, Jin-May didn't itch at herself, for she was a full robot. She didn't fall to the spells of the evil itch, or, maybe the itch couldn't bit at her.
Gibson walked into the room and saw them itching, he began to use his pencil to scratch at his itch on his back.
"O.K! That's it! I'm going to find out what's making us itch!" He yelled and walked to his lab, still itching.
After twenty more minutes of scratching, Gibson walked back into the room. A smile on his face as was a red mark, the scratching ended up on his face, but now he was scratching his tail.
"I know what's making us itch!" He exclaimed.
"What!?" Everyone but Jin-May yelled, she was helping them scratch the hard to get places.