Second Chance

Chapter 1

This is a new story idea I have decided to write. I will not give up on the other of my stories, but will take a break from 'War' for a while. This first chapter is short, I realize, because it is just leading up to everything else. Please read. And I understand that it is kind of sad, but will be happy later on. Thank you.


I was driving down the highway while it was raining. I was on my way back to Edward, my new husband. Husband. I repeated the word over in my mind, thinking about what it meant. Our wedding happened a week ago, and I was due to be changed in a matter of days.

Alice, having nothing to do, pleaded with me to allow her to take me shopping. Edward had decided to tag along, not wanting to leave me to the mercy of Alice, but Alice shooed him away. Edward ended up unwillingly stayed home with everyone. In the middle of shopping, I decided I had enough of this, and had wanted to get back to Edward as soon as possible.

Charlie and everyone else were okay with Edward and my engagement. Even Renee on my wedding day came down from Sunny Florida to see her "little girl finally get married." At first, she thought that Edward and I would end up like her and Charlie. But after some persuasion, she had no worries. She and I both knew that Edward would love me till the day he died. Only Edward and his—and also my—family and I knew the secret meaning behind those words.

I was halfway to the mansion when it started raining—hard. By the time I was around five minutes away to the mansion, it was raining so hard that I could barely see the road.

I turned to the bridge that would soon lead me to Edward, when suddenly, one of my tires slipped on the rain and my truck with me along with it.

My truck slipped off the bridge and fell to the ground and started going downhill. I clutched frantically at my seat, scared out of my wits. And I couldn't call Edward—I didn't bring a cell.

I was rolling around toward the edge of the forest. My truck finally stopped, my windows cracked and broke, covering me in sharp shards. My whole right side felt numb, and I was beginning to see red dots in my vision. I could smell my own blood from the damage, and I knew I had to get out of my truck, as something I couldn't identify was on top of me, making it so that I couldn't breathe.

I struggled against the foreign object, and finally got it loose enough that I could slip out. I tried standing and fell to the ground, hitting my head on something hard. My head throbbed and so did my arms, legs—everywhere.

When I finally crawled far enough where I could possible rest, I looked down to see the extent of the damage. I was bleeding quite heavily, as my white and blue shirt was completely stained with read. I resisted the urge to not throw up.

I crawled a few more feet, resting my head on a fallen log, before collapsing completely on the ground due to the loss of blood.

I looked to the sky, praying for Edward, before I blacked out.

Please review! I have up to chapter 6 written up. Will update this story (And Edward and Bella) soon!
