This story contains very little violence outside of the acceptable target of the Heartless, no swearing, and some subdued suggestive themes.

Sora, Riku, and Kairi are copyright Lucasfilm, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are copyright Nickelodean. All rights reserved.

GLaDOS is copyright Valve Software. All rights reserved.

This author has the sincerest hope that no lawsuit will be taken for the use of the aforementioned copyrighted material or for any failure that comes about due to lack of research done on said characters.

Also, to the person that put me on the "marysues" community of LiveJournal... I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is a huge boost to my readership and I appreciate that you took the time to spread awareness of my stories (even though you thought it negative). Cheers.

Small aside: I heard my other story The Adventures of Kiko Fluffy Pants is pretty good. I think it might be worth checking out.

ETA: I'm releasing the non-derivative elements of this story into the public domain. Do what you wish.

Gather around, gather around, for a tale that knows no bounds. Tales of courage, tales of might, these-

"Oh, stop it with the horribly corny rhymes," said an off-camera figure.

...Right. This gentleman that interrupted me is Sora. You may know him as the chosen holder of the keyblade and the several time savior of the multiverse. He singlehandedly defeated fake Ansem, Xehanort, Organization XIII, dozens of huge Heartless-

"Yeah, yeah, on with it," responds Sora, sarcastically.

It's been nearly five years since the events of Kingdom Hearts II. Sora has fought tons more Heartless, rebalanced the scale of good versus evil several more times, and has thwarted the plans of dozens of villains ranging from the maniacal Dr. Reinhardt and his black hole device to Negaduck and his inner circle of thugs. He-


Today is a special day for young Sora. It's his twenty first birthday, but unfortunately, he's quite far away from the Destiny Islands. His latest assignment brought him to Duckburg when they found out that Magica De Spell was commanding the Heartless to try and get Scrooge's lucky pen-

"Skip that part."

Right now, Sora and Riku are travelling on the Gummi Ship towards Cape Suzette. Sora is feeling rather down because he'd rather be spending his birthday with all his friends in the Destiny Islands, but at least Riku is here to give him company. Good old reliable Riku. He's no slouch, either, having successfully infiltrated the Heartless four more times and-

"I don't want to talk about any of that," said another off-camera figure.

That gentleman, as you can probably guess, is Riku. As you can tell, both of them are pretty jaded about being the chosen keyblade masters. He's not quite as upbeat as Sora, but he's very good at what he does. He could really lay off the darkness, though.

"It's not my fault I'm this way," responded Riku, indignantly.

So, as I was saying, Sora and Riku in the lounge of their Gummi Ship, en route to Cape Suze-

"Riku," says Sora, with a tone that suggested he had a potential idea.

"Yes, Sora?" responds his buddy.

"Have you thought about the future?" asked Sora.

"I try not to," answers Riku in a matter of fact way.

"Because I was thinking... do we really want to still be doing this when we're 60?" asks Sora, "Being a keyblade master was fun at first. I could travel all around the galaxy, meeting strange new people and having exciting adventures. The rush of this power was great, giving me magic powers and the ability to defy physics."

"Lucky you," responds Riku, dryly.

"But this is starting to get really boring. Nothing ever excites me any more. I'm not even afraid of dying, considering that even the couple times it has happened, I turned out all right. It's not even like anything poses a threat any more."

"I see what you mean."

"I got to thinking, though. We were just a couple teenagers when we started. What makes us so special?"

"Well, we have magic powers and can defy the laws of physics."

"An oversized duck has magic powers and an oversized mouse defies more laws of physics than we do."

"I don't think it's fair to discount Donald or King Mickey's abilities," says Riku, walking towards the fridge to get another cold one, "They have been very helpful to us."

"But what about all the worlds we visit?" asks Sora, reclining into the couch, "We just randomly meet people that can help us out immeasurably. A duck with a robot suit was mowing down just as many Heartless as we were."

"So?" says Riku, grabbing a bottle from the fridge, "None of them want to give up their lives so they can fight the forces of darkness."

"But you see how low the barrier of entry for this job is, right?"

"Whatever you say, Sora."

"What if we get some people to take our place?"

"Sure..." says Riku, taking a sip, "...wait, what?"

"Well, you see, I don't think it really matters that much who becomes the chosen keyblade wielder. What if we find and train a replacement?"

"That's crazy talk," says Riku as he nonchalantly plopped onto a couch.

"Remember that glyph we found at Babel Tower?"

"Oh, god, please don't remind me of that world," says Riku, closing his eyes and placing his fingers on his temples to try and avert a headache.

"But you remember it, right, Riku?"

"Yes, I do," responds Riku, looking annoyed.

"The glyph said that the keyblade can change users if we want it to. Have we ever wanted to?"

"No, the glyph didn't say that. It said something about Zohar transferring hosts, not keyblades."

"But the picture on it clearly showed a keyblade, remember?"

"No, it showed a squiggly stick figure holding a squiggly line with another squiggly line at the end of it. Why would that world care about the keyblades, anyway?"

"I still think that it was about us. We should try it," says Sora, sounding hopeful about his wild theory.

"...sure, but please understand that this is your birthday present," says Riku, in a tone that seems more appropriate for dealing with little kids.

"Thank you, Riku. I knew I could count on you. I'll meet you on the bridge." With that, Sora and Riku walk through the door at the other end of the room onto the bridge.

"Computer," Sora calls to the main screen.

"Yes, captain?" responded a smooth female voice.

"Cancel our trajectory to Cape Suzette," Sora says, firmly.

"But captain, King Mickey said that the Heartless were gathering there for-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," interrupted Sora, "They'll live. Take us to Zanarkand."

"Sora," Riku starts, "Zanarkand doesn't exist."

"Oh, right. That wasn't a good idea, anyway. What's a place with a lot of normal humans?" asks Sora.

"I think the closest would be Port Royal," Riku responds, "We just have to go to the mainland."

"Computer, take us to Port Royal," Sora says, large and in charge.

"The scanner shows zero Heartless activity there, sir," the computer responds, showing Port Royal's scan information on the screen.

"To Port Royal, computer. Use the hyperspace module and drop us off at a mainland city."

"At your command, sir." With a lurch, the ship spins vertically, positions itself, and enters hyperspace.