"Riley stop it,"



Sydney Poole rolled onto her stomach and shoved her head under the fluffy pillows. Riley sat on his side of the bed, playing around with the alarm clock. The constant beeping always drove Sydney crazy, but amused Riley to no end.

"Sydney, it's time to get up," he said, pressing the buttons on the small device.

Sydney lifted her head up, and glared at her husband. Married for only a month, Sydney felt as if it were years.Riley set the clock down and smiled at her, pushing her messy hair away from her face.

"Ben and Abigail are expecting us in two hours. You have to get into the shower and get dressed," he informed her, as she grumbled.

"Why did we offer to do this again?" Sydney asked, as she pushed the blankets down.

Getting out of bed, Sydney went into the attached bathroom and started the shower. Riley stood in the doorway, cleaning his glasses with the bottom of his shirt.

"Because that's what godparents do. They offer to babysit their godchildren, when their parents want a day to themselves," he said, as Sydney hung a towel over the shower rod.

Sydney made a face, "We are too nice to them. They never offer to do anything like that for us," she said, pulling the hair tie out of her knotty hair.

Riley frowned, "That's because we don't have any kids," he said.

"I know that Riley. What I mean is, they drop Alex with us at every moment they can. Do they not love their child?" she asked, turning to face him.

"Sydney, of course they love Alex! Now stop complaining and get into that shower," he said.

Sydney grinned, "We'll save more water, if we share..." she said, biting down on her lip.

Fourty-five minutes later, Riley and Sydney made their way downstairs to the car, fully dressed and satisfied.

"If he throws up again, it's your turn to clean it up," Riley said, as they turned down the familiar street.

Sydney groaned, "Riley! Noooo!! You know how I get when I see puke," she cried.

Riley shook his head, "Well, it's only right. I did it the last time," he said, pulling the car up in front of the house.

They both got out of the car, and headed up the pathway to the Gates house. Abigail pulled the door opened, just as they stepped up to the door.

"Geeze Abby! Do you have to do that?" Riley asked, clutching his chest.

Sydney and Abigail giggled, and exchanged hugs. Stepping into the clean hallway, they heard Ben and Alex from the livingroom.

"He's just setting him into the playpen," Abigail said, as she shut the front door.

A few minutes later, Ben stepped out into the hallway.

"Hey guys!" he said, giving Sydney a kiss on the cheek and Riley a handshake.

"Thank's for doing this! It really means a lot to us," Abigail said, as she grabbed her purse off the table.

"Oh no! It's fine! It means a lot that you asked us to do it, and not some random teenager!" Sydney said, looking at her husband.

Riley gave her a look, and shrugged. Abigail and Ben looked at them for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, well.. we better get going. We wont be home too late," Ben said, as Abigail opened the front door.

"Oh take your time!" Sydney said, as they stepped out onto the front steps.

Riley coughed loudly, and Abigail looked at him.

"Are you alright, Riley? You're not catching a cold are you?" she asked, frowning.

Sydney shook her head, "Oh he's fine!" she said, waving her hand.

"Okay then... We'll see you a little later! Call us if anything happens," she said, before walking towards the driveway.

Sydney shut the door, and Riley began to complain.

"Take your time?! Weren't you the one that didn't want to do this?" he asked, as Sydney pushed past him.

"Riley, chill out! What was I supposed to say? "We really wish you would stop using our sex time to watch your kid?" " she asked.

"Well.. no.. but.." Riley started, unsure of what to say.

"I'm sure today will be fine! Alex will probably sleep all day, and we'll have to feed him once," she said, as she started for the livingroom.