Chapter 4

"You wouldn't believe how scared I was when I didn't see you in your bed that night. It felt like my heart had just stopped beating." Calleigh's smile started to disappear as she remembered the night her daughter was taken from her. Calleigh was a very young mom, she was only eighteen when she had Rachel and somehow she still managed to become a CSI. Her parents help her out a lot when it came to looking after her and so did her brothers.

"I really thought you were gonna come and get me. Michael told me he was looking after me for a while. I would sit by the door waiting for you, but you never came." Rachel held back a tear. Eric noticed she was just like Calleigh, she had her hair, her eyes, her smile and her stubbornness especially when it came to her emotions.

"So for the whole day you would sit by the door!" Calleigh questioned. Rachel replied with a small nod. "What did you do when you went to sleep?"

"I was falling asleep by the door and waking up in a bed! Michael said he would carry me to his room then go back down to the sofa and sleep there. The guest bedroom hadn't been done." Rachel was slowly nodding and looked down at her coco. "So, how long have you and Eric been dating?"

When Eric heard his name he quickly came out of his daydream. "Um, Eric and I aren't dating." Calleigh said looking from Rachel to Eric and back to Rachel.

"Oh, sorry, I just assumed coz you know, you seem like a couple and you seem happy together." Rachel became slightly uncomfortable.

"Don't worry honey, you wouldn't believe how many people say we look like a couple." Calleigh had a huge smile on her face. "Eric and I are best friends, we always have a good time together. Don't we Eric?"

"Yes. Whenever Calleigh's around I feel I don't need to worry." Eric smiled shyly at Calleigh who was trying not to get lost in his eyes.

"Yea, me too!" Calleigh watched as Rachel looked back and forth from her and Eric. "What are you thinking about?"

"I just think…" Rachel trailed off, did she really want to go down that road.

"Think what?" Calleigh was being persistent.

"I just think…that…maybe…" Rachel was finding it hard to find the right words. She looked into her mother's gaze and she knew she'd never give up until she told her the truth. "Maybe…I should go to bed. Night!"

Rachel tried to leave but Calleigh grabbed her arm. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what you were thinking!"

"I think you and Eric should be a couple. Okay goodnight I'll see ya'll in the morning." Rachel quickly left before Calleigh had a chance to reply.

Eric was sitting there smiling. "What are you smiling about?" Calleigh gave him a dangerous look.

"Nothing!" He said quickly taking a sip of his once hot coco. He spat it back out when he realised it had gone ice cold. "It's gone cold." He explained as Calleigh was still looking at him. He got up and put his cup in the sink and came back into the lounge to get Calleigh and Rachel's cups. As he was washing them up Calleigh quietly stood at the door watching him. A smile crept over her face as she realised how good he was to her. Maybe Rachel is right. She thought to herself. She began to bite her bottom lip as she fantasized about Eric.

How she had longed to run over to him and kiss him all over. But she managed to control herself. She snapped out of her daydream when she heard Eric's voice. "Cal, are you alright?"

"Yea, I was just thinking about some stuff." Calleigh tried to shake the image of a half naked Delko from her head. He's standing very close. I wish I could tell him how I feel.

He could feel his heartbeat fasten and he started to breath deeper. He just wanted to kiss her right there and then. Unfortunately he had to fight the urge, for one there was no inter office relationships and another he didn't want to ruin their friendship. I love you Calleigh. He kept thinking over and over again but the words never seemed to make it out of his mouth.

She could feel his breath on her face, it felt warm. She placed a hand on his chest not sure of what she was going to do. She wanted to grab a hold of his shirt and pull him towards her. She stood there for a moment trying to figure out what to do when she felt his hand snake around her back and pull her close to him.

He was sure she'd pull away but she didn't, she just fell into his chest and rested her forehead on him. He lightly kissed the top of her head, he could still smell the lasting scent of her shampoo. He weaved his fingers through her hair and held her closer to him. He didn't want to let her go and she didn't want to leave. Ever.

She finally looked up and whispered his name ever so quietly just like she had done when he pulled the glass from her finger when they were working on a case together.

Eric couldn't stop himself, she was so beautiful, he just had to. Had to let her know how he felt about her. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. When he pulled away he begun to apologize but she just put her finger on his lips and kissed him again. This time there was a little more passion. The only time they pulled away was for air.

When they stopped Calleigh had both hands just below his neck and he had both his hands on the bottom of her back.

"I love you Calleigh." He finally said those three words that he has wanted to say since the day he met her.

Her heart skipped a beat, she had been waiting for him to say that for, what felt like a lifetime. "I love you too." She reached up and kissed him again.

Eric lifted Calleigh up and carried her off to her room. He gently laid her on the bed and crawled on top of her. He slipped his hand up her top and round to her back. He could feel her unbutton his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. He pulled his hand back out from under her top and took his shirt off. He moved his lips down her jaw line, then her neck. He broke it off to slide her top over her head and replaced his lips on new uncovered skin. Pretty soon their cloths were all over the bedroom floor and they were making love. When they had fallen asleep Calleigh was wrapped up in Eric's strong, comforting arms.

When she woke the next morning she could hear laughing. She got up, throw on a bathrobe and walked into the kitchen where she found Rachel talking on her cell phone.

"Yea, okay. I'll see you in about half an hour. I have other things I need to do. Okay honey bye. Yea I love you too. Bye." Rachel hang up, spun around and almost had a heart attack. "Oh my god mom, I didn't even hear you wake up."

"Who were you talking to?" Calleigh made herself a cup of coffee.

"A friend." Rachel just nodded and looked at her watch. "I've gotta go. Gotta sort some stuff out. I'll see you later." Rachel gave Calleigh a kiss on the cheek and headed for the front door.

"Okay, be careful. I don't want to lose you again!" Calleigh smiled as she sipped her coffee.

"You'd rather lose your cloths wouldn't you." Calleigh looked shocked at this statement and walked towards Rachel who quickly opened the door and ran out giggling.

"What was that?" A half naked Eric said as he emerged from her bedroom. He had quickly put his boxers on before he came out.

"That was Rachel's father's side appearing." Calleigh couldn't help but let a smile come over her face.

"I've been meaning to ask you, who is Rachel's father?" Eric snaked one of his hands around her back and the other in her hair.

"That isn't important." Calleigh gave him a kiss before she went to get ready for work.

They had got to work five minutes late due to a few interruptions from a certain Cuban guy not being able to keep his hands off a certain Southern beauty. "Sorry we're late H." Calleigh said as she strolled into the break room.

"That's okay. It's a little quiet this morning so I gave the only case we have so far to Natalia and Ryan." Horatio looked at Calleigh with one of his concerned looks. "I thought you were going to take the day off Calleigh!"

"I was but that was because of this thing and now it's sorted itself out." Calleigh gave one of her smiles, the one that told people to mind their own business or she'll shoot them.

"As long as you feel you can work." Horatio smiled knowing Calleigh was fine.

"Hey!" Rachel appeared from around the corner.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Calleigh started to sound worried.

"Um, could I borrow twenty dollars please?" Rachel asked.

"Yea sure. But why do you want to borrow twenty dollars?"

"Well my friend has asked me to go to the cinema and I need to borrow twenty dollars. I'll pay you back. Promise." Calleigh handed Rachel the money and gave her another hug and kiss.

"Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't."

"Gives me plenty to do then!" Rachel laughed slightly and ran out the break room before Calleigh had time to react.

As she headed towards the elevator she saw him, standing there talking to a guy in a police uniform. He seemed to be talking about a murder case he was working on. She smiled, ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck and shouted, "Daddy!"


So I'm ending it on a cliff-hanger! If ya'll want to find out who Rachel's father is then ya'll just have to wait until my next story! Let me know what ya'll think. Thank you to the reviews I have already gotten, glad ya'll liked it.