So I'm back, once again it's been an awfully long time. Apologies. I meandered off, not really knowing where this was going. I kept stopping and starting, and I think I'm going to go back over the previous chapters to clear up some things as well.

Disclaimer: Not Mine

Chapter 7- In the Name of Peace

Silence reigned over the kitchen.

"War?" the Doctor stared at Rose, breaking the silence that was beginning to get extremely awkward, "There was no indication that this world is at war. There was nothing that showed up in the TARDIS. How did it happen?"

She sighed, still tracing patterns on the table, "It was...four years ago," she said, "The beginning of the new age, they called it. Humanity here has always been aware of extraterrestrial life. We just didn't have the technology that could contact life outside of this world," she looked at him, "That changed four years ago. The man who you know as the Founder came into his job and we discovered a way to directly communicate to other species. At the beginning it was...amazing. We could communicate with aliens and they could communicate with us, and it seemed like we were going to have a golden future," she chuckled sourly, "Then something changed, and suddenly there was more than we could cope with. Aliens wanted things from our planet, coal, minerals, and water. They had superior technology and it was only the threat of nuclear weapons that staved off anyone trying to get onto this planet. We can't win if they try and attack,"

"But you said that there are missiles," Donna inputted, "Pointing at this planet. What's going on there?"

"If we fire at them then they fire at us," Rose answered, "And vice versa, it's worked so far, but personally I don't think it's going to last much longer. We're still at war; we have to negotiate with them. First time the whole world seems to have agreed with itself. Torchwood acts as the liaison. It's a war but not one that many people fully understand the impact of. But you can't get out of here. I guarantee that as soon as you walk back into Torchwood, you'll be arrested,"

"You're the Director," the Doctor pointed out, "Don't you have any sway in Torchwood, stop us from getting arrested?"

"I'm a short enough leash as it is, Doctor," Rose informed him, "The Founder...doesn't trust me. Everyone in Torchwood knows about my past, the fact that I am not from this universe. I am good at my job, but I am known to be a liability, I blame that on you," she looked pointedly at the Doctor, "One more slip and I just might get fired,"

"Who is this Founder?" Martha asked, "Can't you just call up to his office to ask him or something?" Rose and Jackie looked at each other before laughing a little sharing some private joke between them, "What's so funny about it?"

"The Founder is elected by the people, like another Prime Minister. He's like the Head of the Ministry of Defence but more...prestigious," Rose answered, "He is the will of the people, and so...therefore, what he says goes. The people wanted assurance that Torchwood was under the government and so the President implemented an election. Harold Saxon won by a landslide,"

The Doctor dropped his mug, looking up alarmed, "Harold Saxon?" he demanded, "You have got to be joking," Rose frowned slightly, "Harold Saxon?"

"I don't tend to make jokes these days, Doctor," she replied, taking a drink of her tea, "But yes, Harold Saxon. Born 1973. Went to Eton, wrote a book, went into politics and became one of the youngest Foreign Ministers ever. I know his wife," the Doctor laughed hoarsely, running a hand through his hair, "He's tough, and follows the rules to the limit. I don't agree with a lot of what he is doing with the alien crisis, but he is trying to get results, and the public agree with him,"

"Harold Saxon is not good news, Rose," the Doctor said, pacing the floor of the kitchen, "The Harold Saxon that I knew back in our universe..." he looked out of the window, "He was an insane megalomaniac who wanted to rule over the world. He was an alien in disguise,"

Jackie laughed slightly, "There's no chance of our Harold Saxon being an alien here," she told him, "He doesn't like aliens at all. He's the complete opposite which explains the anti-alien laws. There's a small minority of people who want him to show leniency toward alien- Pete and Mickey are a big supporter of them- but you can't do anything if you don't have the force of the people behind you," the Doctor stared at him, "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"I'm surprised that you can follow any of this," the Doctor informed her, with a grin, "Last time, I met up with you, Jackie Tyler, you didn't even know who the Prime Minister was,"

"Shut up, you," she retorted, before smiling slightly, "With a daughter in Torchwood, and a husband in the business market, you get informed a lot about it," she picked up the mug, placing them in the sink, "But we can all agree that this situation is ready to blow at any point in the near..."

There was a sudden scuffle from the other side of the closed door.

Rose quickly rounded on it, pulling the door open. Vivian fell over in front of her, "You're listening in?" Rose said and the girl stared up at her defiantly, "Vivian, what has Mum and Dad said about listening in on the grownups talking?"

"There was a sign on the door," the younger girl replied sassily, and Rose shot a glare at Jackie, "And it's not like I don't know what's going on,"

"Vivian, you're too young to understand that there are things you don't need to know," Jackie said calmly, and the blonde haired little girl folded her arms mutinously, "Go and play with your friend, there's nothing here that you need to know," Vivian stomped out of the room, and Jackie shot a look of apology at Rose, "You know she doesn't mean anything by listening at the doors. She's only a little girl, she can't do much harm and no one sane would listen to her,"

"I understand, but I also know that if she speaks one word about this in the playground then it could get out of control," Rose shrugged simply, "One wrong word in the wrong situation could result in Torchwood coming here and arresting us. I won't put Lily in their firing range, not at the expense of Vivian," Jackie merely nodded, and Rose looked away, "I need some air," she walked from the room quickly.

The remaining occupants of the room looked towards Jackie for explanation, "I don't mean to sound indelicate," Donna said, "But what damage can a little girl do? She's a little girl; she can't exactly walk up to a policeman and tell him about aliens in her house. Why is Rose so...scared of her saying anything?"

"You forget that this world knows about aliens. They've known for a long time," Jackie leant against the sideboard, "Rose, for all her faults, cares about this family. She cares about Lily, her daughter. If Vivian said anything to anyone then Torchwood would be here searching the place for any anomalies. And they would arrest us. Rose is tolerated for her...differences at Torchwood because she is a very efficient Director, and the Founder knows that she has a lot of support behind her. That support will go if they find anymore...rule breaking. We're living on the fringe here,"

"She's compromised," the Doctor answered bluntly.

"You said it yourself, Doctor, she's not the girl that you left on the beach," Jackie said, "She's had to survive, had to sacrifice a lot to save her own sanity, and I don't believe she's even managed to do that completely. Her relationship with her daughter is almost nonexistent though she does love her intensely. She's not living really, just existing. She seems to only have one reason to continue, and that is to make sure nothing happens to any of us," she smiled, "But I know that she is happy that you're here,"

"She hates me," the Doctor said dispassionately,

"Don't be silly," Jackie informed him, "In nearly five years today has been the first time I have actually seen some true emotion in her. You're changing her, Doctor, she's becoming more human. I think she needs that, and although there's going to be a long way to go, everything's going to be fine,"

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