Disclaimer: I do not own That 70s Show: if I did, Season 8 would be a hellll of a lot different ;)

Author's Note: Ok, so this is just the Prologue so far. I just want some feedback and reviews to see if people like the direction the story is going in and then I'll have another chapter up soon :) This is my first fanfic, so let me know how you like it. xoxo Natalie

Prologue: The Set-Up


"Come on, Jackie! Pleeeaseee?"

"No," Jackie answered, crossing her arms over her chest. "I hate kids! Remember mini-Jackie? And I hate him," she said, flicking her hands outward in disgust.

"No, but you love Betsey! And Brooke has a librarian conference and I can't pass up the opportunity to sleep with hot librarians!" Kelso insisted.

"Michael, you're such a pig!" Jackie said, slapping him on his shoulder.

"What?!" he asked innocently, shrugging. "I can't help it."

"But why do I have to babysit her? Why can't Steven just do it by himself?"

"Because you guys are both Betsey's godparents and Brooke doesn't want you to babysit Betsey by yourself and she doesn't want Hyde alone with our baby."

"I'll pay for a babysitter!" Jackie said desperately. She did not want to waste a perfectly good weekend with Steven and Kelso's adorable-but-messy daughter.

"Fine, we'll just ask Eric and Donna since you and Hyde obviously can't work things out long enough to take care of Betsey!"

"Ugh, fine!" Jackie relented: "I'll do it, you're just lucky I love my goddaughter and that there's a sale at the Children's Place!" she yelled, slamming the door.


"So, Hyde, I hear got stuck babysitting with Jackie," Eric said, looking at his friend.

Hyde let out an irritated "Mhm" while keeping his eyes glues on the television in Forman's new apartment.

"So, that should be..." Eric started thoughtfully, "fun," he finished sarcastically, looking over at Hyde who had his arms crossed, sunglasses on. "Spending the night with your ex-girlfriend and Kelso's illegitimate child."

"You know, ever since you came back and Donna went off to college, you've just been irritating the crap out of me, Forman. What did Africa do to you?"

"Hey, don't make this about Donna and me. We're..fine, ok? You and Jackie on the other hand...Well, she's sleeping with Fez."

"She's NOT sleeping with Fez," Hyde said defensively, shuddering at the thought. "That's sick."

"Uh-oh," Eric said in a singsong voice, "Looks like somebody's jeal-ooo-us."

"I am not," Hyde denied, getting off his chair and angrily putting away the potato chips he had been eating. "Later Forman," Hyde said, exiting.

"Going to confess your love to Jackie?" Forman teased.

"Man, shut up," Hyde said, slamming the door.