OK! This is FINALLY the last chapter…I was having a very hard time on deciding whether I should continue it or not. THAT'S why there was such a delay. But…now, this is complete. Thank you to all the readers that have read each and every chapter of my story leaving me a happy review afterwards. I REALLY REALLY appreciate it. Please leave me a review for this story as well!
I may begin another Twilight fanfiction sooner or later…but it won't be for a while. I'm very busy right now because of a play and school, but I'll try and get a story up!
Thank you everyone.
Chapter 53
Bella's POV:
I woke up around 6:30 AM in Edward's strong arms. He was still asleep, snoring lightly. His beautiful, bronze hair fell in front of his closed eyes. I traced his hairline carefully, making sure I wouldn't awaken him. Edward stirred and wrinkled his nose up, but he didn't wake up. I shifted above him and settled my forehead into the crook of his neck. We were still both butt naked, but I didn't care. Edward's skin was so smooth on his chest. I inhaled his scent lovingly and wrapped my arms around his neck. He looked amazing with the moonlight shining in on him.
Edward sighed loudly and snaked his arms around me even tighter. The thick blanket covered our bodies up protectively.
"Are you awake?" Edward's voice startled me. It sounded croaky and deeper than usual.
"Yes, sir," I answered smoothly. He groaned.
"What time is it?"
"Too early to be awake….especially after last night," I chuckled softly. Edward grinned at me crookedly and snorted.
"That was nice, wasn't it?" he responded with a smug smile. I nodded.
"This may be nicer though," I said, meaning our cuddling. He agreed. His eyes were still closed lazily. "So—Edward, when do you think we should leave for Walt Disney World?"
"I'd say around 9:30. We should be there in maybe an hour or so…depending on traffic. Do you want to walk around the Magic Kingdom today?"
"Hmm…I don't mind. As long as I'm with you, I'll be fabulous," I answered. He grinned and hugged me tightly.
"Oh, I love you, Isabella Marie Cullen. I don't ever want to lose you," said Edward, kissing the top of my head tenderly. "Do you think we should try and sleep a little more before heading to Cinderella's Castle?"
"I just want to stay like this…doesn't mean we necessarily have to sleep," I said plainly. His eyes opened widely in surprise.
"MORE?" he asked, shocked. It took me a minute to realize what he was talking about—oh…sex…
"They do say 9 is my lucky number," I chuckled and then shook my head. "No. I'm just as tired as you are. I just want to snuggle…"
"I can do that much," he chuckled, pulling me up closer to him. "Bella…I have a question…"
"Yes, Mr. Cullen?"
"Will you play with my hair? You have no idea how amazing it feels."
I smiled and began to run my fingers through his thick head of hair. Edward sighed softly as I massaged his scalp. His eyes began to think about closing. Soon, they were closed lazily and Edward's breathing evened out.
"I love you, Edward," I whispered quietly, thinking he was asleep.
We both finally had gotten up at a reasonable time later and then made our way towards Disney world. The traffic was awful in Orlando. However, talking with Edward made it go by a little faster.
Finally, we made our ways toward Disneyworld and got ourselves checked into the Cinderella's Castle. The room was magnificently themed and it made me feel very luxurious. The red, thick quilt on the bed had fancy designs sewn into it with a shiny, silver ribbon. There was a canopy that hung over the huge king sized bed that looked as if it came from a palace in a fairytale. The fire place cover looked as if it were pure gold. The intricate patterns had little shining dots that looked like Tinkerbelle's pixie dust placed in random spots. The lights were semi-dim and very comfortable. Our view was of the majestic Magic Kingdom. I could see Space Mountain over towards Tomorrowland and the overlook of Fantasyland was fabulous.
Edward stood close behind me as I watched the small people walking to their favorite attractions.
"Do you want to go down there today?" he asked smoothly in my ear, making the world spin a little. He had no idea of the dazzling effect he had on me. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do because my brain was still mushy from Edward talking to me. I just nodded.
"Okay…you know the Disney company left us these really cool hats, free of charge…or at least that I know of," Edward said excitedly, almost jumping across the large bedroom. And sure enough, there was a pair of Minnie Mouse ears for me that showed a large, white veil hanging off from behind it. The groom's hat was a pair of black Mickey ears with a large top hat in between them. Edward put on his new hat and giggled like a small child on Christmas morning. "Time you put YOUR hat on now!"
I rolled my eyes and picked up the cute hat.
"Who thinks these things up?" I asked curiously, amused at how original it was. Alice would surely have a heart attack if she saw this. These matching hats were completely against fashion. Edward placed the ears on my head and made sure the veil was perfect.
"Come on…we're going to go now. I'm too excited…grab your camera and ticket! I've got my wallet…Uhh… yeah… is that all?" he asked sounding rather hyper. He was basically hopping out of the door.
"Hold on, goofy," I asked him to stop. I had closed the door behind me and somehow gotten myself caught into the door. The veil was stuck. Edward saw this and giggled. He quickly moved over by my side obediently and unlocked our hotel room's door. After pulling the veil out, he straightened it perfectly. Next, his strong hand grasped mine as we walked down the hallway once more.
The threshold into Fantasyland really did have a magical feel to it. The sun sparkled on the top of the carousel and birds within the park were singing happily. It was only about 10 o clock in the morning and the temperature still had that sweet, morning feel to it; however, I could feel a hot day starting to peep into the comfortableness of the weather.
"So—my dear, what do you want to ride first?" Edward asked sweetly while strolling down past "It's a Small World". His hands still held onto mine romantically.
"I'm not sure. Let's just jump on something," I exclaimed and began to run towards the annoying boat ride. He groaned but followed anyway.
After a line of about 30 minutes, we were finally in our small boat and off for our adventure. The colorful dolls danced and sung their cheerfully redundant tune. Why did people hate this ride so much? I found it amusing… I glanced over at Edward beside me. He was slumped over with his head resting in his hands. His bored topaz eyes watched the surrounding pass around him. I rubbed his back lovingly and grinned at him.
"I don't think you're enjoying it as much as I am…" I whispered quietly to not disturb the people behind us. His eyes twinkled in the multicolored lights as he smiled at me.
"Sorry…but you're right, I'm not wild about this," he admitted.
"It'll be over soon," I assured him and resumed to listen to the chorus of singing dolls. After about the 50th verse of the "Small world" song, it began to grow old. Now, the obnoxious plastic dolls were singing in Spanish…now Italian…now Chinese… UGH!
"I'm starting to get awfully tired of this now too," I said sounding a little aggravated. I looked over at Edward and was surprised to find him sound asleep. I shook his shoulder lightly. "Wake up, hon." He startled and shot his eyes open.
"Sorry…" he apologized and yawned. I assured him that it was fine.
Finally, the excruciating 3 minutes was over. We exited to the right and through a small gift shop full of Disney stuffed animals. Edward bought a Sharpie and autograph book while we were in there.
Over the next 7 or 8 hours, we made our way all around the Magic Kingdom. Edward and I LOVED rides like Splash Mountain, then he laughed at me at the time I cried because I saw Mickey Mouse right outside once I got off. Of course, he had to get the camera from my pocket as I sobbed into that poor mouse's chest. Then as soon as my eyes weren't as puffy, Edward, Mickey Mouse, and I posed for a nice picture.
Finally, we were standing near the huge Cinderella's Castle. The night air was comfortable and the chatter of other people filled the air. The sky was clear and full of sparkling stars. A light breeze brushed the Disney guest's bodies making everyone feel a little more comfortable. It would be any minute that the firework show would begin.
A powerful voice came over the Magic Kingdom intercom. "The Magic Kingdom's evening show of Wishes will be beginning in only one minute!"
The roar of the crowd deafened Edward and I. I grabbed his hand and squeezed happily out of excitement.
"We're in DISNEYWORLD!" I squealed to Edward. He snorted and rolled his eyes.
"You are truly a child at heart," he chuckled and gave me a kiss on my forehead.
Finally, the lights on the castle changed and glorious Disney music began. Fireworks started shooting off in happy patterns making me smile. I looked up into Edward's eyes lovingly. He stared back down at me with a crooked grin on his face. Edward kissed me passionately, sending electric shocks all the way down into my toes.
As they say at the ends of all the Disney princess tales, I knew then that Edward and I would live happily ever after.