Hey Everyone

thanks for reading thus far.

This little side story wasn't written by me..it was written by my friend. It's cute so I hope you all like it.

About Part 2...for all who are waiting in suspence to find out about the secret Rose. Writting is at a stand still...because as of right now I'm not technically allowed onto the computer...(( I'm being a sneaky little Ninja )) . I will post it ASAP...thank you and I'm sorry. .

Please enjoy the story and comments are greatly accepted.

Until later,

Night Owl -

The next item that Kaoru's fingers found was a small rectangle of paper with a ribbon threaded through the top. He turned it over in his hands to read the message that he himself had written years ago...

"Kaoru- what are you reading now?" Hikaru had asked, tilting the book that his brother was holding inches from his nose. Earlier that day, Kaoru had only been half-way through a completely different novel, and now he was already on to the next.
"It's a romance... You probably wouldn't like it, Hikaru." The younger twin had replied, shifting in his spot on the windowsill to make room for the other red-head. The two of them were tucked away in a corner of the classroom, protected from their classmates by the invisible barrier that had seemed to surround them even then- in middle school.
"I might." Hikaru defended. In all honesty, he wasn't interested in the book, but he disliked having Kaoru's attention stolen away by anything.
Kaoru was silent for a few minutes, flipped a few more pages, and then handed it to his twin.
"Here you go- I've finished it." He announced with a fulfilled look on his face.
Hikaru accepted it in surprise. He hadn't thought that his brother would be done with it so quickly... but Kaoru was watching him expectantly- it was too late to back out now. He opened the small novel and started to read.
For the entire week, Hikaru had struggled through it. He was as skilled a reader as his brother, but he didn't share the same passion for literature and- Kaoru had been right- the book wasn't his style.
"Ugh..." He groaned in complaint one day as a breeze fluttered through the window and carelessly turned the pages to its own desire.
Hikaru sighed in frustration as he tried to find his place again- he was wishing that he'd never tried to feign an interest... even if it meant that there was one more thing seperating him from his twin.
Hikaru suddenly became aware that Kaoru was watching him. They were seated in their usual spot. The younger twin had started a new book while Hikaru was still fighting through the first one; he was determined to see it through to the end no matter how much he disliked it. Kaoru had realized that, and had to hold back a laugh at his brother's stubborness.
The day after, Hikaru was re-reading the same page again and again with glazed-over eyes, without a word sinking in. Kaoru came up quietly behind him and slipped something into the crease betwwen the pages.
It was a hand-made bookmark that Kaoru had decorated with stickers and a ribbon. The message on it read:
'I'll always be here for you- so you never lose your place...'

Kaoru's face turned red with embarrassment at the fact that he'd written such a flowery little note. He couldn't help smiling at the fact that Hikaru had kept the piece of paper for so long, and that he'd read the novel all the way to its end.