This is something differant from what I normally do but here's a love story


There I was, swiming near my home eating fish until I heard a call from someone, a female, her voice was beautiful I had to look for her, and so I swam until I reached cold waters and I saw her, she was an oll fours and had dark green skin, it was love at first sight. I wonder if Nick and the others notice I'm gone, it's been a week, who cares, my new love and I mated and she laid an egg, I'll be a father soon.

I came back from a hunting trip, and began to play with my mate, then they found me, why now I was in a moment, so I chased them off. Why won't those humans leave me alone, they sent their flying machines after me and my love and to make things worse a theif came to take our unborn child, my heart was full of rage, damn them all, leave me and my love alone.

NO!! thet shot my love and the theif taken our egg, damn him, I will kill him, I chased him near a canyon and we fought, he knocked me out, when I woke up I saw my love and our egg fall into the canyon. NO!! "good bye" she said to me then she fell to her death, the humans and their weapons, they must of done this, they won't take me, I ran off and swam off with Nick and my old family, I'm suprised they still took me in, but I cant stop thinking about her, my love, I let out a cry of mourning, good by my love I'll never see you again.

or so I thought