Disclaimer: I do not own any of these lovely characters, unfortunately!
A/N: It's my first time posting my ff's online, so review and tell me what you think!
It was a windy autumn day and not much had happened, just the normal Saturday hustle and bustleto get where you needed to. Children playing in the nearby playground at Central London's Hyde Park. And this is where the story and endless adventures begin..
Ginevra Weasley had indeed married Harry Potter, one month after he had defeated famous Lord Voldemort. The Weasley clan and close friends were overjoyed when the young couple tied the knot, but after six years of turmoil and grief, they had divorced. Two children were the result of their marriage, set of twins, boy and girl called Ricardo and Rebecca. Both with bright red hair and big bold green eyes like Harry's.
Sitting under a tree with parchments and quills scattered everywhere because of the light breeze, Ginny Weasley had decided four hours in the park was enough. "Ricardo and Rebecca get ready to leave, its nearly dinner time!" Ginny called. She heard the moans and groans of her children, then shortly followed a loud scream and crying. Ginny panicked, that cry was Ricardo's, loud and alarming, he's only ever cried like this when he saw Harry. She gathered their belongings in a rush, forgetting her poem diary and ran towards the playground at full speed. "Kids get behind me and no more crying Ricardo! You're safe now" Ginevra said, but Harry had no intention of leaving and front of the muggle public too, began to start a scene.
Harry Potter was still the famous boy-who-lived-and-defeated-dark-lord but now was also know as a bachelor, divorced and very angry. Ginevra Weasley had left golden boy because after they married he had become depressed and very violent. He took all the pain he had suffered with the loss of close family and friends out on Ginny. He seemed to act innocent to everyone else, but he was hurtful and abusive to his family, hence why Ricardo was terrified.
"I deserve to see MY kids Ginny, no matter what the court said!" spat Harry and lunged towards her. Ginny had expected this and protectively covered her kids from harm, and suffered several punches all over her body and face from Harry, his weight crushing her bones.
Suddenly Ginny felt the weight release off her and opened her scrunched up eyes to see none other the Blaise Zambini holding her frightened children's hands and Draco Malfoy pinning Harry on the floor.
Ginny wasn't sure how much time went by, it could have been hours, minutes or seconds and she wouldn't have known.
She was sitting now on a St. Mungo's cotbed getting checked over by a nurse whilst watching her kids playing around with the two Slytherin men. The giggle of Rebecca made her snap out of the daydream. Who would have thought that Draco even knew what 'tickling' was! Let alone use it on a child, my child.. thought Ginny.
And that is where the story unravels into something more..