Chapter 8:
After their dinner in the Nogi house, or I may say mansion, Maya decided to show the albums of her son together with her nephew to the two visitors while the two boys decided to hang out at the entertainment room. The two girls enjoyed looking at their pictures especially their childhood years.
"Aww, you two looked cute here." Mikan commented
"Oh, that picture was taken when Natsume's family visited us in Paris. They were both 5 years old in there." Maya said
"I see"
While the two are busy chatting, Hotaru was quietly looking at a photo album full of Ruka's pictures. She was fascinated by his deep blue eyes. It's making her want to know more about him. Since the first time they met in the rooftop of their school, she was interested in him. Not only because he made her his friend, but also because of how he looked at her in the eye. It made her want to tell him all her secrets.
Unknown to her, someone already noticed her. It seems that someone is interested in my son. She then smiled.
In the entertainment room, the two are playing play station when Natsume asked Ruka out of the blue.
"Ruka, the acquaintance party is coming soon and my band will be playing. Unfortunately, one of my band members who will be playing the lead guitarist is injured. So, will you play for us in substitute for him?"
"I haven't played for a long time now. I may not be that good." Ruka replied
"Don't worry. We still have a month to prepare. It's just right time for you to practice."
"All right"
When they finished playing, the two decided to check on their visitors. Mikan and Hotaru are currently at the garden breathing some fresh air. Ruka made her way to Hotaru who is currently looking at the collection of flowers while Natsume made his way to his girlfriend then hugged her from behind.
"Oh, Natsume" Mikan said tiredly then leaned on her boyfriend for support
"Are you sick?"
"No, I'm just tired"
"Do you want to rest? There are plenty of rooms here"
"No need. I don't want to bother Mrs. Nogi. I'll just rest at home."
"Are you sure?"
"Are you going already?" Ruka asked
"Yes. Mikan's sleepy already." Natsume replied
"I'm going too" Hotaru said
"Then I'll just tell mom that you're going already"
At the entrance of the Nogi mansion, all of them are standing saying their goodbyes to Mrs. Nogi.
"Thank you for inviting us. We really appreciate it." Mikan said
"It's my pleasure to have you as my guests" She said to the two girls "feel free to visit us anytime you like, okay?"
The two girls just nodded.
"I'll drive Mikan home" Natsume said
"Then, I'll drive Hotaru-" Ruka said but cut short by Hotaru.
"I'll walk home."
"No darling, I insist. It's dangerous for a girl to be walking alone at night. Let my son drive you, okay?" Maya said. Hotaru, having no words to reply, just nodded. What she said was true that's why Hotaru was forced to accept.
Maya was happy to see her son with Hotaru. She doesn't know why she is happy but she felt that the two of them will make such a great couple. Hotaru is very different from Ruka's previous girlfriends. They make their own way to introduce their selves to her. Now is different. This is the first time Ruka introduced a girl to her and it made her quite happy.
The ride home was peaceful. Silence enveloped them. Ruka decided to break the silence.
"Did you enjoy the dinner?"
"Is the food alright?"
"I'm glad you enjoyed it" Ruka said then smiled.
Silence again enveloped them until they reach Hotaru's apartment. Ruka opened the door for Hotaru.
"Thanks for tonight. See you tomorrow." Hotaru said then made her way but was stopped when someone hold her wrist.
"I just want to say Good night and, sweet dreams" Ruka said then gave her a peck on the cheeks. After that he began to drive home.
Hotaru was shocked. Did he just do that? She can't believe that he just kissed her on the cheeks. For the first time in her life, the cold hearted genius that many were scared of, blushed.
The next day, Hotaru woke up feeling happy. She didn't understand it. She usually woke up lonely, with no one to wake up to, with nothing to look up to. But now, she feels that there is something that she will look up to for today, or rather someone.
After doing her morning chores, Hotaru is ready to go to school. When she reached the gate of her apartment, she saw a familiar car parked near the sidewalk. She went near its driver's window and saw Ruka sleeping in the driver's seat. Hotaru was surprised. She didn't understand why he was here parked in front of her apartment building. She decided to wake him up.
Ruka was woken up by a sound of tapping. When he opened his eyes, he saw Hotaru just outside his car then he opened his window.
"Hotaru, good morning"
"Good morning to you" Ruka smiled from her reply.
"What are you doing here? I didn't know that your car is your new bed"
"um, actually I came here for you. I want you to have a ride with me to school but came a little earlier, that's why I fell asleep"
Hotaru stared at him. After thinking for a while, she decided to give him a reply, "You go ahead, I'll walk. Mikan may be waiting for me by now."
"Don't worry, she's with Natsume. I'm doing this as a favour from her"
She fell silent. Her mind was debating on whether she will take the ride or not. If I walk to school, it will take me 20 minutes to go there and more effort will be exerted. But, if I take the ride, it will only take 5 minutes or less to go there and no effort will be exerted. Better take the chance.
While Hotaru was thinking, Ruka just stared at her face, waiting for her to decide. He didn't know why he became so attracted to this girl. He just felt that there's something inside of him that wants to know more about her.
"Alright, let's go" Hotaru said with her usual stoic face.
Author's notes:
SORRY! I apologize for the very very late update. I was so busy with school and stuff. I will try to finish this story this summer so hang in there. RxR