Tight Spot

By hye kyo

Disclaimer: Nope, RK isn't mine…

Author's Notes: This is the third and final part of Tight Spot, formerly titled as The Consequences of Being Penniless. Anyway, hope you all like it.

Part III: Busted


The pageant came in a blur. Before he knew it he was being introduced and before he knew it the bidding has started. He knew the bidding price has been forced up by Sano, what with him joining suddenly as if he has money an all. He was certain he saw Kaoru urging Sano to bid higher, stopping when they were certain it wouldn't go any higher. But as far as he could tell, judging from Kaoru's happy face, Kenshin got the highest bid.

The man who bid for him was good-looking, not that he could tell anyway. It was Kaoru who told him so. He was tall, much taller than Sano, has broad shoulders and jet-black hair. He seemed to be the kind of man who earned much from doing nothing. His name was Takeshi Masaharu.

They rode on a carriage, Kenshin feeling uncomfortable all throughout.

Takeshi offered a hand as Kenshin stepped down from the carriage. He almost 'eeped' as he was startled by the sudden contact.

"You're nervous," Masa-kun, that's what he told him to call him, said.

Kenshin swallowed hard, adjusted his voice and murmured, "Go-gomen…" he wanted to collapse.

Attendants ushered them inside a grand room, about several tatamis large, where low tables were set-up. There were already a couple of men in grays and blacks and women in elaborate kimonos and dos. Kenshin was relieved they weren't going to be alone, that would save him from too much squeaking.

Takeshi beckoned him to sit down beside him, amid the group of men already drinking sake. He grinned at Kenshin, told him to scoot closer and even brushed a finger to the hem of his kimono sleeve. Kenshin felt faint coming.

"You were late," a balding man sitting at the far right of the table snorted. He laughed rowdily, beckoned to the woman beside him to pour him another glass of sake.

Kenshin winced. He was having a wave of nausea. Takeshi glanced at him and Kenshin quickly shook his head, remembering Kaoru's advices. He let out a little smile and asked him if he wanted sake.

"You've got a pretty girl," another one said.

Takeshi suddenly threw an arm around Kenshin which almost made him puke. "Worth the wait eh?"

Kenshin fought the urge to smack the living daylights out of him.

"Ne Kyoko-chan?"

Kenshin swallowed hard, felt his free hand slowly starting to touch his way to the open flap of his kimono. "H-hai…Masa-kun," he said throatily.

That earned him a chuckle from Takeshi.

Kenshin quickly scooted a little, avoiding Takeshi's arched brow. The latter only smiled and pulled the redhead even closer.

"So how are we to go about it?" someone asked.

"They have been tighter than usual," another said.

Kenshin turned and discreetly listened as he poured another cup. What were they talking about?

"We needed a diversion," Takeshi said, leaning back, placing a hand on Kenshin's lap.

Kenshin fought the urge to vomit.

"What kind?"

"They are hot on our trail. In fact from my sources I heard that they're coming now," he glanced at his watch, "In an hour."

Kenshin narrowed his gaze. Just who is this man?

People started to panic. Takeshi hushed them down, "But of course…not here." He laughed, "You know me."

"What's going to happen?" the bald man asked.

"I set up another meeting at an unlikely place."

"You reminded me," a rather young man asked and stood up, "Why did you set this meeting here of all places, when you know it's near the district?"

Takeshi snorted, "That's the diversion. We needed to get out of their sight while still doing business."

The other details suddenly became a blur to Kenshin as the other men began to laugh and Takeshi suddenly pulling him to his feet and leading him to a private room. Oh no…what now?


Kaoru leaned against the wall. Kenshin's been there for an hour already. What's happening? The man who was with him seemed nice and rich. But what if he tries something else? That would totally ruin the plan.

She sneaked in, avoiding the inn mistress quickly by ducking behind the huge water containers. When the coast was clear she crept up the narrow flight of stairs and started checking the rooms.

The first floor was almost empty, save for a couple of men and women who passed out on the tatami. The floor was mostly composed of big rooms for drinking parties. Kenshin was nowhere in sight. That led her to believe he was taken in to one of the private rooms upstairs. And that was dangerous.

The second floor had a couple of rooms. She slight opened the door of the first room she stumbled upon and heard noises. She tried her hardest not to peek but well, being inexperienced at such things, her curiosity took over her.

She reddened as she made out a tangle of limbs and hair and stretches of flesh in the dark. Quickly, she ducked out, telling herself not to mind other people's business. She doesn't want to ruin her own idea of lovemaking, does she? Kenshin would just have to show her.

She shook her head. Now she's getting dirty thoughts.

Speaking of Kenshin, she hurried to the other rooms, checked them and was half-relieved half-annoyed at not finding him there. She marched up to the third floor and found only two big rooms. She hurried to the one on the left and found it empty.

So the Kenshin's most probably in the room on the right. But what if he wasn't there? She stopped. She should've checked outside first. But well, it's too late to hesitate now. She just have to see for herself.


She sneaked in successfully and managed to hide behind a cabinet. Kenshin was there with the Takeshi guy. They were talking and Takeshi was laughing.

She wanted to puke.

She moved closer to strain her ear to listen.

"You're very pretty Kyoko-chan," the man said, inching closer to Kenshin.

Kenshin only laughed nervously and said, "D-domo Masa-kun…"

Kaoru tried hard not to laugh out loud. Masa-kun? She would tease him tomorrow about it.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Her redhead shook his head hesitantly and murmured, "Iie…I am just…"

"Nervous?" another loud and deep laugh.


"There's no need to be." And he took a step closer, trapping Kenshin against the wall.

"M-Masa-kun…" Kenshin covered his mouth with his hand.

Kaoru panicked. No way a guy is going to kiss Kenshin. And in front of her! And even before she does! But she strained herself, the plan will fail, the townspeople would know they were trying to cheat, Kenshin would be humiliated, he would never talk to her again, he would leave because of humiliation, and as an added bonus no one would ever give her a job anymore because she's a liar, scheming cheater. She shook her head, Kenshin will eventually work it out. She kept trying to hear.

"Is this your first time?" he was too close.

There was a tentative pause and then, "H-hai…" and Kenshin tried to push him gently away.

He only laughed.

"Why…why don't we take things slowly…?"

Good thinking Kenshin, Kaoru told herself. She glanced behind her. She has to get Sano and if things get worse they'd have to knock that stupid pervert down and take Kenshin back home. They'd say it was for self-defense, hoping they'd get away with it.

She quickly darted out, praying that Kenshin would manage until reinforcements came.


Kaoru was running when she slammed right into Saito. "Saito! You're here!" she almost shrieked.

Saito arched a brow and made his men halt. "It's late, what are you doing out here?"

Kaoru tried to catch her breath. She wanted to tell him she was out to get Sano because Kenshin was in danger…of well, getting raped…and that all of those was because of her. But realizing that the dojo was a bit too way off she exclaimed, "I need your help!"

Saito clucked a tongue, "You and Battousai, you're a bunch of danger-magnets. I'm in a foul mood so spill."

Kaoru breathed out a thank you and told him everything. She watched as Saito's face turned into a scowl, until his face almost turned green.

"I didn't know Battousai could stoop so low," and he started walking away.

"Please Saito I need your help. This was all my fault," and she grabbed Saito's arm.

The envelope he was holding slipped down his grip as well as the contents. He let out a curse as he started putting things back in.

"Gomen," and Kaoru stooped down to help and started picking up papers when she chanced upon a white bio data sheet with a picture.

"Give me that," Saito grabbed the paper.

"He looks familiar," Kaoru thoughtfully said. Saito stopped and frowned at her.

"What did you say?"

"I think I've seen that guy before," she said, thinking aloud.

"Where?" suddenly Saito was serious.

"Aha!" Kaoru exclaimed. Now she remembers. The hair was just a bit different but the face was exactly the same, well except for the goatee.

"Who is it?"

"It's Takeshi-san," she turned to Saito, "He was at the bidding earlier."


"The one I'm telling you about," she frowned. Saito wasn't listening.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. He is with Kenshin now."

Saito became suspicious, "Are you just trying to get me to help that stupid Battousai?"

Kaoru shook her head, "No…why do you have Takeshi-san's picture anyway?"

Saito cleared his throat, beckoned to his men and asked her, "Where is Battousai?"


Kenshin barely managed to get away when the drunk Takeshi pounced on him. The drinking game ended just as Kenshin thought the pervert was starting to fall asleep. But maybe his hormones had already taken over and was now acting through his body. Kenshin shivered.

"Don't be afraid Kyoko-chan," he coaxed in a sing-song voice, running drunkenly after Kenshin.

"De-demo…" Kenshin squeaked and was about to reach the first shoji when he stepped on the hem of his kimono and landed on his face. That hurt. He frowned. Kaoru-dono, where are you? Anyone!

Takeshi chuckled and quickly caught him just as he was standing up. Takeshi hovered above him and pressed closer.

Kenshin could feel that something poking against his thigh and felt bile rising to his throat. This pervert, he told himself, and tried to squirm away.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," he slurred, starting to hiccup, grabbing him just as he started moving.

He shut his eyes close, prayed hard and screamed inwardly, Kaoru-dono!


"I thought you were out of the town?" Kaoru swallowed hard, taking large intakes of breath, and then she continued, "So you're saying that man with Kenshin is a drug dealer?" Kaoru jogged, keeping up with Saito's long, quick strides.

"I arrived a couple of hours ago. We received a tip that his group would be having a meeting somewhere in the suburbs. When we got there earlier the place was deserted. And we were back to square one. If what you are saying is true then…" he stopped talking.

"Then?" she asked, feeling a churning in her stomach.

"Then it's dangerous. He's a dangerous man."

Kaoru furrowed her brows.

"His real name is Iwazu Hitotsu. He has a number of aliases. Five years ago he was involved in a massacre. He disappeared during his trial, and started a drug dealing syndicate. Some of the members of the police force who had handled his case disappeared, and some were found murdered."

"But Kenshin is…he is not in danger, is he?" Kaoru quickened.

"Of course Battousai is more superior in fighting terms. But Iwazu has the arms, the men and the resources. Besides, Battousai doesn't have his sakabatou with him, does he?"

Kaoru clenched her fists. They have to hurry.


Kenshin kicked, and heard a groan from the pervert. He was turned and was trying to get up when Takeshi pulled him down, smiling perversely as he hovered above him.

"Kyoko-channnnnnn…" and he leaned closer, trying to kiss him.

Kenshin shivered and ducked.

"Don't movesomuch…Kyoko-channnnnn…"

Kenshin 'bleched' and tried to squirm away again. He would just have to say it was al for self-defense.


Saito ordered his men to surround the inn and barged in just as the inn mistress came. He ignored her and went straight to the drinking rooms on the first floor. "Identify them," he said, pointing to the passed out men.

He went around, Kaoru pulling at his sleeve telling him to check Kenshin upstairs.

"Officer Fujita, these men are in the list," one of the juniors said.

"Right. Good, take them," and he marched upstairs. He turned to the inn mistress, "Who are currently in your inn?"

"Just a group of business men. They had the inn reserved for tonight. Why? What's happening?" the inn mistress looked stressed out.

Saito disregarded her and beckoned another officer to take charge of her.

"Kenshin's in the second floor," Kaoru said, heaving.

"Take everyone out," Saito ordered. They reached the third floor landing and to the other officers with him he said, "We'll barge in."

"Wait," Kaoru quickly took a step in front of him, "You say it is dangerous. What about Kenshin?"

"Battousai could take care of himself," and he pushed Kaoru aside and with a quick flurry of his gatotsu he slashed the shoji.

Kaoru almost cried out but stopped when Saito's face turned green.


Kenshin was blocking the pervert's face when the shoji blew open. Lying on his back with Takeshi on top of him, he upturned his face and found a green-faced Saito and a shocked Kaoru in the entryway. He was almost glad had it not for Takeshi groping his behind trying to remove his kimono off him.

Saito cleared his throat and told his men, "Get the man and make sure he wouldn't get away."

The drunk Takeshi cursed and tried to fight back was too groggy to even move. As the officers started pulling him away from the almost-undressed Kenshin, he fell asleep.

"K-Kaoru-dono…Saito…" he murmured.

It took Kaoru a while to finally say, "Kenshin." And she hurried to him and helped him get up.

Saito flicked his eyes and examined him from head to feet, "You're pretty Kyoko-chan."

And Kenshin reddened with embarrassment. He suddenly blurted out, "Don't make fun of me!"

Kaoru tried hard not to laugh but still told Saito, "It's rude to stare you know."

That earned her a pout from Kenshin.

Kaoru cleared her throat, "Would Kenshin's involvement be reported too?" That would mean discovery of their cheating.

Saito chuckled. "Of course. I didn't know you could stoop so low Battousai."

Just as Kaoru was starting to protest two officers came and reported, "Everyone's taken out Officer Fujita." The taller one glanced at Kenshin and smiled. He leaned closer to Saito and asked, "Who's the pretty girl?"

Saito's face contorted as he tried hard not to laugh, "Battousai has gone undercover."

"Oh," the taller one took a step back and looked away. He eventually excused himself followed by the smaller one.

Kenshin looked at Saito, "Domo."

"You actually look good as a girl Battousai. You could make a living out of it." And he turned on his heel just as Kenshin started fuming angrily while Kaoru tried to calm him down.


"I wish I was there too," Yahiko snorted.

"It's rated PG Yahiko," Sano said, poking a finger at his nose.

Yahiko grunted.

"So what happened?" Sano gave Kenshin a perverted grin, which earned him a smack from Kaoru.

"Good thing I chanced by Saito," Kaoru heaved out a sigh, patting the space beside her to beckon Kenshin to sit down.

Kenshin followed eagerly like a dog and said, "I have to properly thank Saito."

"They didn't report it?" Sano asked.

"They did alright but they left out Kenshin's involvement, but not Kyoko-chan's. I told Najima-san Kyoko-chan quickly left for Sapporo because what happened was very traumatic," Kaoru brushed Kenshin stray bang.

Kenshin blushed. Since they started preparing for the pageant Kaoru has become more physical. Not that he minded anyway.

"Good," Sano laughed, "Maybe next time we could register Saya-chan in the next pageant."

Kaoru arched a brow, "Who's Saya-chan?"

Sano stood up and putting a hand on his hip he said in a small voice, "Me!" and he laughed, "You know, I idolize Kenshin." And he laughed like a school bully.

"I'll be Yoko-chan!" Yahiko imitated Sano's pose and joined his laughing.

"Stop it!" Kaoru couldn't help but laugh which made her feel guilty seeing Kenshin really feeling embarrassed. She would make it up to him. "Go away!" she stood up and pushed them back inside.

They were still laughing as they disappeared inside. She went back to sit beside Kenshin, watching with guilt the sad expression he was now sporting. "Daijoubu yo Kenshin. At least we now have money. And we don't have to worry about rice."

He nodded. He worried that Kaoru was starting to see him differently now, in a negative way. Perhaps he needed to do something about it, he needed to tell her what he really feels. She was starting to act very protectively of him, like she was his sister. Maybe because of what happened in the past week, he looked so vulnerable while trying to act like a girl and last time if not for her…No, he needed to do something about it.

"Ne?" she flicked her eyes in worry when he didn't respond.

"Kaoru-dono," he suddenly said, standing and facing her.

She looked up and furrowed her brows, "Hai?"

He took a deep breath and bit his lower lip. Upon releasing his breath he murmured, "I may not look like it…but I am a man."

Her brow arched. Of course, of course she knew. What does he mean anyway?

"So…" he took her hand, "So if you wouldn't mind I would be glad to show you."

Her eyes widened slowly at what he implied and her mouth gaped to say something. She waited for him to take back what he said but when he didn't she realized he was serious. She knew that he wasn't just talking about something perverted and that meanings run deep in his words and those meanings impinge their weight on her so that somehow she found it hard to respond.

He swallowed hard, waited and hoped, hoped that she would realized that the past week had been the most intimate they had ever been. And hoped that she had liked it and would be very willing to be just like that with him forever.

She almost laughed as she recalled the events of the past week and suddenly it all made sense to her: his laughter, his blushes, the slight press of his leg against hers, him leaning against her, his arm intertwined with hers, his scent on her kimonos that he had fitted. A small smile crept up her face as she finally murmured, "Hai, I would really like that."

Kenshin sighed, relieved. Well, having no money may have its perks after all.




A/n: So this is the end. I am thinking of making an epilogue, or anotehr story as a continuation but Kaoru would be in the tight spot...I still don't know. Anyway, I hope I satisfied you with the lame ending...I wanted to put in a lemon or a lime but maybe I'd just put it in the epilogue or somwhere else...