This is a story I started several years ago. I plan to finish it.

The characters of Hey Arnold! Do not belong to me. They belong to Nickelodeon and Craig Barrett. I'm just borrowing them to practice on.


By Janette Chentel

While most of the residents of Hillwood were enjoying the luxuries of air conditioning or the cooling sensation provided by the public pool, a group of teenager braved the 89 degree weather using a different method.

By spending the day in the vacant lot known as Gerald Field.

The field was used for many sports, and on the hot day of today, it was being used by the old gang of P.S. 118 for a baseball game.

"Strike three, you're OUT!" the catcher yelled as the worn-out baseball met with her glove. The black catcher's mask was a sharp contrast to her pale blonde hair, which was tied back into a loose ponytail by a pink bow. She wore a tight short sleeved shirt, which was pink also. Her baggy jeans were covered in dust from where she had been leaning close to the ground.

The batter, a tall boy with a slightly big nose and spiky tan hair, sighed as he set the bat down and returned to his teammates. "Ah, Shucks. That blasted ball keeps getting by me," he said in a thick hickish accent. The teen sighed in annoyance as he took a seat down against a brick wall, which was slightly hot from the angle the sun was hitting it.

A young black man, with cornrows in his hair, wearing a baggy faded red shirt with the number 33 on the front, slapped the other on the shoulder and replied, "Don't worry, Stinky. We're only down by one run, which I'm sure Arnold can get for us." He turned to the boy in question, whose blonde untamed hair was a lost cause when it came to the efforts of a comb. This teen just nodded, standing up to dust off the dirt from his blue t-shirt and jeans. On his face was a look of determination as he made his way to home plate, grabbing the bat that the former occupant had dropped. The catcher, however, just smirked as she stood up.

"Ready to strike out, Football Head," she said, pulling the black mask over her face once more.

"Keep dreaming, Pataki. I'm going to win the game, and you are going to shake my hand, admitting defeat," replied Arnold, giving the bat a couple of practice swings. As an afterthought, he turned to the catcher to add, "But I'll try to downplay the inevitable victory dance, Helga, if you agree to by ice cream for the winning team."

The girl smiled, squatting back down to the plate. "I recommend downplaying the ego trip, Arnold, and admitting that your so-called 'victory' is a lost cause."

With that, the game resumed…

Even at the age of seventeen, the former gang of P.S. 118 still had bonds that would not be broken. Bonds that had actually strengthened over the transition from the innocence of childhood to the awkwardness of growing into teenagers. However, there were some aspects that would not change, such as the annoying nicknames that began in grade school. Those names that seemed teasing at age nine had turned into playful nicknames over the years. Thus, Arnold took no offense to his name of "Football Head," and Stinky was still known as Stinky. And with the changes from moving up to a different school came changes within the students themselves.

Helga no longer bullied Arnold around. The two had disagreements, but they did not require the efforts of Old Betsy and the Five Avengers. Gerald remained Arnold's best friend, and the two still had their "secret" handshake. He was still tall, but not much taller than Arnold himself. Sid was still short, but not by much. He still had his leather jacket, and his white boots, but they only added to his charm, for Sid adorned his own style. Harold was big, but it was more muscle than fat, and was one of the leading players for the school's football team.

Phoebe was still the smartest one in the class, but that was not all there was to this small Japanese girl. She had grown up, now almost as tall as Helga. Her black hair framed her pretty face, and her style had changed from loose sweat shirts and skirts to fitted blouses and baggy shorts. Rhonda was still the richest girl in school, and she still boasted on that wealth. Her looks were that of the latest fashions, thus her look was always changing. Currently her hair was long, layered against her face, and her tight jeans and turtle-neck shirts showed off her figure. Lila was still the naïve girl inside, yet her sexuality had blossomed, and she had no objections to the many admirers that were by custom surrounding her. Her long hair was pulled back into one long French Braid, and instead of overall dresses, she wore fitted long sleeve shirts and short skirts.

Eugene was still a jinx, but he was now a good-looking one. He freckles had faded, and his hair had toned down to a dark auburn shade. He style consisted of loose shirts and baggy jeans. He, like Arnold, had grown up, and his height stood at 5'7. Curly had changed very little, except that he was taller. His hair was still bowl-cut, and his glasses were till round and small.

The gang, though annoying each other at times, were still close friends.

"Strike three, you're out!" Helga called as the ball sailed passed Arnold and into her waiting mitt. "We win!"

Everyone shook their opponent's hands, calling a close game. Then each walked to their own home.

Arnold walked up the steps to the boarding house, which was owned by his grandparents. With his parents still missing from a mission sixteen years ago, they were Arnold's guardians. Though both were at times strange, with his grandmother living past lives and his grandfather spinning stories by the yard, they were the best that Arnold could have asked for. The boarders, which consisted of Oscar and Suzie Kokashka, Mr. Hynuh, Ernie Potts, and the mysterious Mr. Smith, made up the rest of Arnold's family. While Arnold wished his parents would return, he loved his extended family.

"Grandma, Grandpa, I'm home," he yelled as he walked through the hall.

"Ah, young Roman Senator, you have returned from the Council. Go wash yourself, while I clean the game bought at the market," his grandma answered, appearing in her famous Tarzan outfit. When he saw his grandmother acting normal, Arnold raced up to his room to clean up.

The table was busy with conversation when he reached his seat. Arnold's grandpa and Oscar where arguing over the sausage, while Ernie and Mr. Hynuh were arguing with former two over arguing over the sausages. Suzie just rolled her eyes as she tapped her fingers on the table in concealed annoyance. Arnold was used to this setting, and eagerly grabbed a plate, filling it with mashed potatoes and sausage. He began to reflect on his day, anticipating the next game for the following week.

Grandma, now dressed as a Roman General, announced, "A message was received from the Prince earlier today. He has urgent business here, and is on his way. He will be here by 1400 hours tomorrow." With that, she grabbed a broom and began to sweep around the table

Everyone at the table looked at one another in confusion. Grandpa scratched his head as he looked at her, asking, "Pookie, who in Hades are you talking about?"

"Why, the Senator's cousin, of course. He is traveling a long way, and we must be prepared." she answered, now holding the broom over her head to sweep the ceiling.

Arnold paled at the word "cousin." He knew of only one male cousin, and it was not someone he wanted returning. Closing his eyes and desperately hoping he was wrong, he asked, "Grandma, you don't mean Arnie, do you?"

"Why yes, though the use of the Prince's given name is a lack of respect, Senator. You must be cautious with him around, as he is bringing tidings of possible evil from Netherlands."

The table went into an uproar, and with good reason. It had been a couple of years since Arnold saw Arnie, but he still remembered the trouble that the visit had caused. Not to mention the abnormality of Arnie himself. While Arnold and Arnie could have been twins, with having similar physical features, the later had some strange habits which included collecting lint, counting things, and reading ingredients off of packages. Arnold had to repeat to himself that Arnie was family, and family was always welcomed in the boarding house. Yet he was still hesitant on how his friends would react once Arnie came back.

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