I Told You So
Chapter 1: Sweet or Spicy?
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar
It was just another typical day at the air temple. The Duke and Teo were finding new ways to blow up the same things. Sokka was carrying on about the need for more meat and worrying over his latest set of maps. Toph was attempting to show Haru more advanced earth-bending techniques, the end result which consisted of Haru accumulating a rather interesting pattern of bruises. Aang was practicing all forms of bending now, learning how to use all four at once.
Katara spent her time staring ice daggers at Zuko.
Zuko spent his time doing his best to dodge the occasional "accidental" water whip that Katara swore up and down meant for Aang.
Yes, just another typical day. To everyone's relief, except possibly Toph's who was having fun with Haru's evident lack of expertise, the day was drawing to a close.
"Wow Haru," whistled Aang upon seeing the young benders bruises, "I thought that I was the only one who picked up bruises from earth-bending." He had had his own training with Toph earlier that day, though he was in far better shape than Haru after his session. "This one kinda looks like Appa, and that one looks like a baby platypus bear".
"Yeah, making up for lost time is proving more painful than I anticipated," came the stoic reply as he settled down, sneaking a glance around for Toph in case she wasn't quite done with her bag of tricks. Having stones rising out of the ground at random times had been a favorite one, and caused him no end of grief on the more tender parts of his anatomy.
"Aaahhh….nothing like relaxing by the fire after a good days bending", sighed Toph and she threw herself down by the fire, a small puff of earth billowing up in response.
"What!?" yelled Sokka, rubbing his ears, "I can't hear you"
"I said," replied Toph in a louder voice, "NOTHING LIKE RELAXING—"
"Don't bother yelling Toph, he won't be able to hear for another few hours at least," chuckled Teo as he wheeled his way into the group with the Duke ridding with him.
"What did you do this time?"
"The usual, testing out new explosive materials. We did warn Sokka to keep his ear muffs on."
"Did he?"
"Well yeah, until he took them off to hear what we were saying, and then the grenade decided to go off. While Sokka was still close by. So his ear drums might have taken it pretty bad," the Duke replied with an apologetic grin.
"So now Snoozles is deaf?"
"Just for a little while," grinned Teo.
"You know I see mouths moving but no sound is coming out and its starting to get really annoying," Sokka continued talking at the top of his lungs, "why can't I hear myself….hello? Heeellloooo!!"
Everyone couldn't help but groan as they contemplated the next few hours enduring Sokka attempting to hear himself. Thankfully Katara chose that precise moment to come up. "Oh for the love of La." She swiftly swirled some water over her hands and bent them towards her brother's ears. She healed him quickly, admonishing him just as soon as she was sure he could hear her.
"You're lucky the resonance of that blast didn't bust your eardrums Sokka. Do you realize how much grief you'd save everyone if you just used a little common sense."
"I have lots of common sense. I am a genius I'll have you know…your words not mine," he replied, attempting an aura of superiority.
"Well you were the only one in the group that tried to eat that swamp gator," commented Aang, who couldn't help but agreeing with Katara on this particular point. Before Sokka could even defend himself, everyone seemed to jump in with a comment.
"And the only one who thought drinking cactus juice was a good idea," piped Toph, "though I have to admit that was funny".
"And then you got yourself stuck in the ground back when Toph was first teaching Aang earth-bending," Katara put in.
"And how about when-."
"Ok, ok, ok, I think you made your point."
"Don't forget when you tried facing me head on when we first met in the South pole," prompted a voice from the shadows. Zuko stepped into the light of the fire, taking a seat opposite Katara, and earning a glare for his comment. It didn't matter that everyone else was making fun of Sokka. "Not your best moment."
"FINE. Make it Pick on Sokka day. But please can we eat now? I'm starving."
"Geesh, you and your stomach Snoozles".
"A warrior needs his strength, Toph."
"Then go swing your sword around some more and get stronger."
"That's so not what I meant"
As Katara started dinner everyone relaxed around the fire. Even Zuko seemed more at ease these days. Though no one had forgotten the war, in the relative peace of the temple they had at least managed to relax and joke, to just be kids enjoying life, an opportunity that few of them had.
During the continuing conversation Zuko's eyes had wandered to the figure of Katara as she bent over the cooking pot adding in different ingredients and giving the stew an occasional stir with her water bending. It was one of the few times he could do so without needing to worry about his personal safety. Her attitude towards him hadn't changed and he wondered now if it ever would. So drawn into his thoughts he was that it took him a moment to realize that someone was calling his name.
"Hey Prince Charming. Care to take your head out of the clouds for a moment," it was Toph, who as usual had wasted no time in gracing Zuko with a nickname. And hey it could have been worse, like Snoozles. "Sugar Queen has a question for you".
"Yeah, would you stop the staring," came Katara's comment, dripping with acid.
"I wasn't staring at you".
"Then do me favor and pick a new direction to face when contemplating your schemes."
"Why should I be doing you any favors? Its not like you'll ever return it," came the equally exasperated reply.
"So do yourself a favor then: pick a new direction or else".
"The threats are getting really old. What part of, 'I'm here to help', isn't getting through to you?!"
"What part of, 'I don't want your help', isn't getting through to you?" she finally spun around, the air around her practically snapping as her rising anger caused her to freeze the surrounding air. Everyone simply stared, wondering who would come out the victor of this particular argument.
"I'm still hungry here, so do you think you could finish this argument later so we can eat already?" ventured Sokka, who was fearful Katara would bend the stew at Zuko in her rage, seeing as how that was the closest liquid to her.
"Shut up Sokka!" was the quick reply, but she did turn around. She went to toss in some herbs for flavor when Zuko spoke up again.
"I wouldn't add those in if I were you."
"Oh, so you want to be the cook too?"
"No. But that's dragonleaf and it's very spicy."
"For your information these are moon-peach leaves and they're a sweetener."
"I don't think so."
"Well I know so. I picked them myself."
"You picked wrong."
"I did not."
"Did too."
"Did not."
"Well fine! Toss them in and burn yourself for all I care!"
"Fine! Because I know they're a sweetener!"
Before anyone else could formulate an opinion on the matter Katara tossed in the leaves, gave the soup a few angry swirls and bent portions into everyone's bowl. "Enjoy!"
The gaang was starring tentatively into their bowls, unsure of who to believe. On the one hand Katara was pinning them with her worst glare, daring anyone to contradict her. On the other hand was Zuko, looking almost amused as he picked up his bowl, giving it a quick sniff before beginning to eat. Seeing as no one intended to make the first move, not even Sokka, Katara sat down with an exasperated sigh, spooning in her first mouthful with a defiant look. Almost immiediatly her eyes began to water and her turned an alarming shade of red. The effort of holding it all in was making sweat pour down her face. Seconds passed and she struggled to hide it. But it was no use.
"Oh no. I think she's gonna spew," whispered the Duke.
Heaving into the bowl she jumped up and ran to the nearest fountain promptly dunked her entire head in.
As one the gaangs head's turned from the image of Katara floundering about in the fountain to Zuko. He sat calmly, eating his stew seemingly unaware of his teammate's condition. A small smile at the corner of his lips betrayed his thoughts.
When a dripping Katara came back to stand before Zuko, arms crossed, foot tapping, everyone held their breath. Even Toph stayed quiet, preferring lay back and enjoy the drama. She knew that despite their calm facades both hearts were racing. Yep, this was getting good.
With deliberate slowness Zuko placed his bowl down beside him and looked up at Katara, golden eyes staring calmly into her blue ones.
"I told you so."
The look of fury in her crystal blue eyes would have struck fear into the Fire Lord himself but Zuko just stared right back. Without another word Katara spun away and stomped off to her room slamming the door hard enough to cause vibrations throughout the temple.
Dumfounded everyone turned to stare once again at Zuko.
"I gotta hand it to you Prince Charming," grinned Toph, "that took guts."
Well I hope everyone enjoyed that. I'd really like to try extending this story into multiple chapters but that depends on your reviews. So please don't skimp and let me know your thoughts whatever they may be. :)