Authoress' Note: A challenge I took up. 'nuff said.
Nope, in fact, that's not enough said. I kind of omitted the introduction chapter because I have no ideas. That's why I took on the challenge. Because I have no ideas. Yeah. No enough said.
Disclaimer: This challenge does not belong to me—it belongs to Nokas-Kokas. Sadly, I took it without permission. I hope I won't be sued. In addition, Naruto does not belong to me. Just cause… I don't own it. Kishimoto-sama… XOXO! Hugs and kisses to you!
One Hundred Moments
Chapter 001: Love
"This is wrong, Sasuke! This is kidnapping! You bastard! You can't do this to me! Are you even listening at all?! Ne, Sasuke!" The girl yelled his name once again angrily. If only she could move her arms freely…
…she would have certainly beaten him to a bloody pulp.
"What do you want, Sakura?" the male asked, vexation lingering in his voice due to her tediousness. She never seemed to shut up…
"Untie me you sick bastard!" she finally screamed at the top of her lungs. "Now! I'll do anything if you just let me go!"
"No you won't," he determined.
"Yes I will!"
"Then say it."
"See?" he rolled his eyes.
Uchiha Sasuke was a twisted soul.
What type of freak kidnaps a woman in broad daylight?!
When Sakura had caught sight of Sasuke in the hospital during her break, she was surprised. Before she could even mutter a word of ignorance at his unexpected arrival, he snatched her. Literally. He swung the petite woman over his shoulder and ran with her. When they were not even a few feet away from the hospital, he grew agitated with her loud objections. Without a second thought, he pressed into her neck, and she was out cold.
And when she woke up, she was in a dim, gloomy room.
Tied up by her (ex-) love.
Her emerald eyes studied the room resentfully, while her lips pursed in discontent. With any luck, Sasuke would catch the drift that she did not intend to become his sex doll.
She glared at the male who had caused her misfortune. The way he sat in the corner of the room upset her—he was just staring…just staring. Jackass, she thought, My face won't be changing anytime soon!
Sakura wriggled her wrists again; apparently, an hour or so of struggling hadn't loosened the binds much. Which was terrible for her, because with hands tied to the bedposts, and ankles tied to the other end, escape was impossible.
The brooding man sat forward in the wooden chair. Narrowing his cool black eyes, he began to speak. "Sakura…"
She rolled her eyes, irritated that he still had the audacity to speak to her.
"Sakura…" he said again, waiting for her response. She graced him with none. "If you just say it, I'd let you go."
"No!" she hissed. "Why are you so hung up on it?! Say it to yourself!"
"I can't," he said in response, slipping into a slight pondering. "I already know what I perceive of myself, so I won't feel anything." He paused. "Lie to me."
"I won't lie," she spat disdainfully. "What good would it do to have me say 'I love you'?"
Sasuke shut his eyes, seeming to freeze for a slight second. He opened them once more, though they held a severe grimness. "I want to know how it feels."
Love? She thought, frowning slightly. Why does love mean so much to him? She sighed. "What for?"
"I don't know. Fifteen years is a long time…"
Fifteen years. His clan was massacred fifteen years ago. That was probably the last time he thinks he had love… but I've always… Sakura gritted her teeth. Did her love for him for him mean nothing in his eyes?
"Oh, I get it: your brother's dead so now you want my love? Well screw you! I tried to give it to you years ago and what did you do?! You shitted on it and me! You don't deserve it!"
"I know." he sighed afterwards. It was impossible. Did he actually expect Sakura to love him after all this time? "Never mind," he finally said, before standing from his seat.
What he hell is this? Her eyes trailed down to his pocket, where he was fishing for something. "N-ne, Sasuke-kun… what are you doing?" He extracted what she recognized as a pocketknife. "Sasuke!"
In a panic, she pulled he bound wrists in an attempt to free them. "Sasuke! Stay away from me with that knife! I swear to god—!"
His eyes were stone-cold as he approached her. "This is useless…" Finally reaching the side of the bad, he leaned over her body, and extended his arm.
Sakura was scared out of her mind at the thought of piercing flesh. As a result, she yelled hysterically, "Sasuke!" Then closed her eyes tightly.
"Shut up," she heard him say casually. Surprisingly, she was not sliced into pieces, and she revealed her eyes, which were welling with tears. He did not intend to harm her—he had just severed the ropes. "Go."
She blinked the tears back. "What?"
Sasuke flipped the pocketknife to a close before tossing it to the side carelessly. He then sat on the bed, sullenly. "I said get out. You want to go? Then leave. Get out of my sight."
The woman almost shuddered at his tone. Aware of his current attitude, she made certain to proceed with caution, because an upset Sasuke was an unpredictable Sasuke. With that thought in mind, she carefully went from lying in the bed to sitting beside him.
She stole a glance at him, and actually did shudder at the look in his eyes. It was murderously cryptic. He was staring at nothing again, and it meant that he was deep in his broodings. Sakura hated when he thought to himself for an extended period, because she never had a clue what it was about.
She never had a clue what he was feeling.
"Stop it," his voice broke her from her broodings. "Don't look at me like that."
"Like what?" She asked, disappointed that he refused to look her in the eye.
"Like you understand what I'm going through, or like you can console me. You can't, Sakura. You haven't a clue what it's been like for me. So worry about yourself, and only yourself," he scoffed.
"What was the point of all this, Sasuke-kun? What was the point of kidnapping me?" She questioned, her expression pained. "What did you need that you thought I could give you?" She paused, "Why do you want to know how it feels to be loved again?"
His jaw tightened. He did not know why. It was an incessant annoyance in the back of his mind, one that would not let him rest. He did not know why he wanted to be loved, he just wanted to be.
Needed to be.
It was hopeless for Sakura to imagine how it would have been to see the bodies of her entire family and to stare into the cold eyes of the man who killed them like lambs to the slaughter. She had no idea what it would have been like…
A bittersweet smile tugged at her lips. Slowly, as to not startle the male, the roseate woman wrapped her arms around his midsection, and rested her head on his shoulder when he tensed.
"When your mother was still alive—" she squeezed him when he tensed further. "—it was that feeling you got when she smiled, when your father complimented you, or when you found yourself ecstatic for no reason at all. You were happy just being around your family. Even when they passed—" Sakura held him tighter. "They still loved you. I still did. You've always been loved, Sasuke. There hasn't been a moment when you weren't."
She nuzzled his neck affectionately, smiling when his hair tickled her face. "So, Sasuke-kun, how does it feel to be loved?"
He relaxed. "…good."
Authoress' Note: Leave me alone. I know there are some mistakes. I'm a stupid person so no matter how many times I look it over, I'll end up bypassing the mistakes… Oh, well. Review.