"Docket ending 8177, People v. Lowell Harris."

"How does the defendant plead?"

Harris' brown-nosing lawyer opened his mouth, and spoke sternly, "Not guilty."


"The people request remand."

"Your Honor, my client is a decorated officer with no priors—", Harris' lawyer pleaded.

"Save it for the trial, Mr. Mason," the judge warned. "Bail is set at 100,000. Cash or bond."

Harris grinned that wicked little grin, and new that he would be out for certain. His prison guard buddies all had his back, and they would serve Olivia Benson with everything that was coming to her. Harris muttered something under his breath, and looked over at Casey Novak, hoping his glare would torment her impending prosecution against him.

Casey returned Lowell Harris' stare, smiled at the judge and walked out. Mason, Harris' lawyer, stopped her before she left the courtroom.

"Hello again, Miss Novak. Fancy meeting you here. Still running around for these useless detectives? I figured after law school you would be out doing real work, maybe partner somewhere. If you ever want to defend those who can successfully do their job without pissing it all away, then call me. I'm sure we can find some paperwork or something for you to do," Mason said sarcastically.

"Mason, you were a creep then and you are still a creep. And moreover, you are defending the epitome of the Devil. Lowell Harris is guilty and you know it. And the detectives I work for outshine his malicious ass anyday. I have more than enough to put him away into his silver years, without parole. See you in court," she said sternly, turning on her heel and walking out the door.

(sorry it's so short! I don't know anything about trials so I'm trying to finish writing the actual "trial" part of the story!)