A Little Treat 4

A Little Treat 4

My Turn

It was late afternoon on the streets of Station Square. The sky was filled with a soothing amber yellow glow.

Among the hundreds of human beings and Mobians walking the streets and carrying out whatever business they needed to attend to, were two immediately identifiable figures. Rouge the Bat, world renowned treasure hunter and master thief. And Shadow the Hedgehog, the immortal Ultimate Life-Form created 50 years ago by Dr. Gerald Robotnik.

They both walked together, side by side with Rouge's arm linked with Shadow's and her head resting on his shoulder.

The normally stoic hedgehog appeared indifferent to the bat's closeness and the stares they both attracted from many who were shocked at the aspect of them being an item.

But Rouge knew better. Knew that if people were shocked she was this comfy with him and he with her right now, their heads might explode if they fully knew what they did when they were all to themselves.

She smiled at the thought and Shadow noticed.

"What's funny?" he asked.

Rouge opened enough distance between them enough to shake her head. "Nothing." She said, "Just admiring the reaction us being together has on people."

"Hmph, they'll get over it."

Rouge smirked at his dismissive nature on the subject. "I don't know Shadow. I'm sure I'm the last person people would expect for you to be with."

Shadow's mouth twitched upwards to form a small grin. "Somehow I think that's based more on my character then yours."

Rouge smiled at him. "Well you've gotta admit you're not exactly the most open of people sometimes."

He suddenly smiled at her and Rouge couldn't hide the surprise on her face since Shadow smiling did not happen very often.

Well at least in public…

Behind closed doors, in the privacy of their home, Rouge had found she could make Shadow smile in a variety of ways.

"I believe I'm open enough. For you at least." He said.

Rouge looked away, grinning. She was trying to hide the blush that had suddenly stained her cheeks. "Now that I believe."

Shadow leaned in closer to her so he could whisper in her ear, "Besides, if they knew of what we do in the bedroom, I'm pretty sure us walking together would be the last thing on their minds."

"You know, I was just thinking that a minute ago." Rouge giggled.

Shadow chuckled and nodded before his face relapsed back into the coldness that he'd quickly become trademarked with.

"So, where do you want to go? It's been a rough day on the job. Want to get a bite to eat?"

"Considering today on G.U.N's ever delightful list of missions for us, we had to take out a base chockfull of hostile grizzles, I think a 'rough day' is a pretty mild way of putting it." Rouge commented cheekily.

"Hmph, well the question still stands."

Rouge thought it over for a minute and realized she was actually quite hungry but also didn't quite have the taste for any of the excellent dishes provided by the places she and Shadow usual went.

Rouge then noticed, however, a nice little diner that sat between to larger buildings directly across the street.

It had one of the older, more classical designs with its long, rail car shape, and neon sign that read "Joe's Diner"

"Let's go in there Shady." Rouge said, pointing across the street at the diner, "I'm in the mood for something a little simple today."

"That's a first…" Shadow lowly muttered, but Rouge still detected it.

"Hey, I heard that!" Rouge said, lightly slapping Shadow's back while fighting back a smile, "You got a problem with my good taste?"

Shadow looked at her slyly for a moment and then smirked. "No. I think you're taste is excellent."

He said that in such a way so purely masculine, Rouge knew without a doubt Shadow definitely was not talking about food and her cheeks went red, and things tightened low in her body.

"Let's get something to eat first. Then later, when we get home…"

Shadow nodded without her needing to go any further.

"Most definitely."

The two entered the diner and were greeted by the red furred wombat that was behind the counter.

"G'day there mates." He said with a nod and highly Australian accent, "Take a seat and Mandy'll be wight with ya in a hot jiffy."

"Alrighty then, thank you." Rouge said, while Shadow only nodded his head.

They both sat down across from each other at the table nearest to the door and after a few moments a wide-eyed perky, pink duck came to their table with a menu in each hand and a notepad for taking orders tucked in the chest pocket of the light blue apron she wore.

"Hiya!" she greeted, "My name is Mandy and I will be your waitress for today!"

"Hello Mandy." Rouge greeted politely.

"Hi." Shadow said, sounding not the least bit interested in a greeting.

Seeming not to notice Shadow's indifferent tone, Mandy handed both of them their menus. "I'll be back in a moment to take your orders."

With that the duck excitedly scampered off.

Rouge and Shadow watched her go, Rouge with wide eyes and Shadow with a snort.

Rouge turned back to Shadow with a smile. "Well she seems happy."

"Yeah, a little too happy for my tastes." Shadow solemnly replied.

Nodding, Rouge picked up one of the menus they'd both been given and she looked down the long list of things.

Hamburgers, fried chicken wings and breast, steaks and…

"Fried worms…? Grub soup? Beetle pie? What the hell?"

Shadow lightly chuckled, "Not all of us are meat-eaters."

Rouge looked at him wide-eyed. "Please don't tell me that—"

Shadow put his hand up to stop her. "No way in hell."

Rouge sighed with relief. "Good. 'Cause you were gonna find that making love is a tad bit awkward when you can't kiss the other person."

Shadow only 'Hmphed' before looking at his own menu finally.

For about two seconds.

"Riiiight… I'll just be having a fruit salad. You should probably only just get the chicken breast."

Rouge frowned. "Aww come on Shadow. Don't tell me you're not big on meat. I kinda wanted a burger or something."

Shadow only nodded, "Yeah but that much food won't due well for your stomach if you're planning on having sex that's a little….intense."

Rouge hid her face with her menu so Shadow wouldn't see her giddy smile.

"And I'm guessing the sex is going to be... intense?"

Shadow grinned. "Very much so."

"And why are you getting fruit? I really didn't see you as the dieting type."

"I'm going to be doing most of the work." Shadow answered simply.

Rouge's look became slightly indignant. "Hey! That's not true."

Shadow leaned across the table, suddenly gazing deep into Rouge's eyes so intently, so intimately, she found it hard to meet them.

"Um… S-Shadow?"

"Who does all the work depends on who is doing what Rouge. I don't know why, but today, I'm a little eager to do all that I want to do to you and with you."

He leaned in closer, their noses touching now, but their lips weren't.

Rouge suddenly found herself very much yearning for the latter to happen.

"And Rouge… that means I'll be doing most of the work…"

His mouth was close… so very close… she wanted him to lean just an inch more. She wanted his mouth over hers so badly her own mouth was already slightly open to receive his kiss.

But then Shadow drew back from her all of a sudden, right when their lips would have met, and Rouge couldn't fight back a small disappointed squeal.

"That was cruel…" she said, breathless, and glad she was sitting down. Her knees had become quite wobbly all of a sudden.

"Sorry, but we have a spectator." As he said that he pointed right next to their table and Rouge looked to find their waitress Mandy staring down at them with absolute stars in her eyes and a blush staining her bill.

"P-Please, don't mind me." She said dreamily.

Rouge chuckled nervously while Shadow only shook his head.

"Are you ready to take our orders?"

The duck shook her head rapidly to clear it before looking at both of them quizzically. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Shadow sighed. "Fucking virgins…" he muttered lowly under his breath.

"Oww!" he hissed after receiving a light kick from under the table.


After making the orders they'd decided on, and eating their food, Shadow paid the bill and quickly transported the both of them by quick use of Chaos Control to Rouge's mansion.

It started the very moment they were through the front door.

Shadow suddenly grabbed Rouge and turned her around and kissed her.

Rouge squealed in joyful surprise before moaning when Shadow shoved his tongue into her mouth and used his body to push her backwards against the wall.

When her mind was clear enough, Rouge retaliated, wrapping both her legs around Shadow's waist and her arms around his shoulders as she snaked her own tongue in Shadow's mouth and they moaned from each other's tastes.

It didn't take too long for Rouge to realize Shadow was starting to get excited by this turn of events and she could feel just how happy he was to have her this close.

When they both stopped their fervent kiss, Rouge took much needed breaths as she chuckled, "Oh, a little eager are we?"

"I'm holding a beautiful woman who wants me, what's not to be eager about?" Shadow replied, sending gentle butterfly kisses up and down Rouge's neck and she moaned from even those gentle touches.

"That's a good question…" Rouge breathed, basking in the heat Shadow was building through her body as he continued to kiss her neck and even sent his wet tongue sliding up her throat as though her taste was just too great for soft little pecks of his mouth.

Rouge gasped and clenched him tighter with her legs, and Shadow pressed into her harder, making her feel his throbbing length against her thigh and her breath caught.

"Scratch that… you're a big eager."

Shadow chuckled and the next thing she knew, her back was no longer against the wall and it took a moment for her to realize they were now in their bedroom, and Shadow was holding her directly over the bed.

Shadow threw Rouge on the bed and she giggled when she bounced on it.

He got into the bed with her on all fours and crawled over her.

They locked eyes.

Ruby red orbs met turquoise gems and there was nothing but a sweet tenderness in both their gazes.

And behind the tenderness was great anticipation for what was about to be done.

Rouge smiled gingerly at Shadow. "You know, you have beautiful eyes… have I ever told you that?"

Shadow smirked. "Yeah. I usually tell you yours are even more beautiful."

Rouge smiled and then they kissed again, but this time, a sense of urgency quickly spread between them and they were heatedly invading each others mouth so their tongues could enter a wet, writhing dance.

"You know… I still have to get my clothes off…" Rouge moaned softly in-between their ardent kissing.

Before she knew it, with low growl Shadow had her on her stomach and he was reaching for the zipper on the back of her skin-tight body-suit.

Rouge slowly got up on her knees as he undid more and more of her outfit until he finally reached her ass and with a few beats of her wings she hovered in mid air just enough for Shadow to simply tug the suit and her boots off.

Abruptly Shadow pulled Rouge back down on the bed and turned her over to face him, a smile that was all male was on his face and Rouge found herself blushing yet again.

"Trying to get away huh?" Shadow teased, his hand just above her breast and tickling her collarbone.

Rouge giggled, "From you? As if…"

Shadow chuckled. "Good. I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss this."

Shadow brought his mouth down on one of Rouge's large, perfectly round breasts and sucked on the nipple.

Rouge moaned, the feeling of his tongue throbbing wildly on the very tip of her taut nipple shooting intense sparks throughout her body.

He took his mouth off her breast, only then to do the exact same for the other's nipple, eliciting more coos and moans from Rouge and her pulse slightly sped up when he stopped to look her directly in her eyes so she would know what was coming next.

"Go ahead… I'm damn sure not gonna stop you."

Shadow nodded and started to move lower, all the while trailing his wet tongue down from Rouge's chest, eliciting pleasured shivers from her, before suddenly stopping at her belly button and dabbing his tongue inside, knowing this would make her writhe and gasp even more.

Rouge looked up at the ceiling as Shadow continued to travel lower.

"God he's so good…" she thought, "He could just do this and he'd make me—"

Shadow licked between her legs and her thoughts were torn asunder when a loud moan burst from her mouth. Immediately she put her legs around Shadow's back

His face slowly slid between her thighs unleashed his tongue on her warm depths, kissing and shoving his tongue so deeply into her it was as though he thought she could actually kiss back and Rouge moved her hips to the rhythm he created trying her best not to scream as the pleasure grew and grew and she continued to roll her hips to his mouth.

Shadow eyes remained on her face all the while and that made the heat between her legs seem even greater, the raging fire in his eyes already adding to the intense flames building within her own body.

Then she felt it, the flames he were building were to great for her rapidly moistening furnace, and Shadow could sense that in her rapidly increasing amount of gasps and squeals of pleasure.

He tilted his head up by just a few inches and licked along her clitoris.

Rouge screamed. She screamed loud, long and hard, her hips left bucking with the white hot pleasure that shot through her quickly like a wild fire.

Then she quieted, though her body continued to spasm even as Shadow got on all fours and crawled forward to look her in the eyes.

He rested his lower body on her, and Rouge whimpered when she felt his raw length rub along her stomach and she lifted her body up, betraying her utter need for him.

"Shadow… please… do it… fuck me…"

Shadow grinned and slipped a finger inside her.

Rouge cried out as her body lurched, desperate for the need to be entered.

"You're so wet…" Shadow finally replied, moving his finger in and out of Rouge's warmth and absolutely adoring her spasms as he did.

"It's because of you…" she moaned, "See what you do to me?"

Shadow nodded. "Yes… I also know I can make you feel even more wonderful…"

He took that moment to enter her then, and Rouge let out a blissful scream as his hardness fought against her wet tightness and she cried out again when she felt him fill her up.

Rouge dug her hands into Shadow's back, and her legs swiftly took hold of his backside again as the hedgehog slowly moved in and out her in an ever increasing rhythm.

It felt so good, so right, so absolutely perfect, and Rouge lightly called out Shadow's name, encouraging him, no, begging him to go even faster. To go harder. To go deeper.

Shadow was a good listener.

He increased his pace, pounding into her so fast and hard there was nothing but the sound of their flesh slapping together and Rouge's cries of pleasure as she was worked harder and harder into the bed and pleasure made her claw her fingers down his back.

Then suddenly he stopped and Rouge almost screamed at him, but before she could even open her mouth Shadow put his finger over her lips and whispered huskily, his voice laced with the intensity of this moment, "Don't worry, this isn't even close to being over. Turn over now, on your knees and hands."

Rouge did as she was told, quickly turning over and getting on all fours and Shadow breathed shakily from seeing her luscious warmth dripping with her honey from behind.

With a growl he entered her again, not at all hesitant or gentle as he dug his hands into Rouge's hips and that's exactly what Rouge wanted as her back arched and she screamed as Shadow pounded his flesh into hers.

Her mouth was then suddenly dry, her pulse hammering in her throat as the pleasure filled her so utterly and completely she felt as though she would burst as it tore screams of pleasure from her body.

She could feel Shadow tense, his hands suddenly going even tighter into her hips and knew he was just as close to going over the edge as she was before he suddenly drew back and gave her one long, hard delicious thrust.

Rouge came and she came screaming.

Her hands tightened into the bed-sheets as Shadow grunted loudly before he released himself into her warm bliss as her wet walls constricted around his throbbing manhood.

Rouge collapsed, Shadow did to, directly on top of her and he slowly withdrew himself from her and Rouge gasped from the sensation as her hips twitched and trembled from the pleasure still coursing through her.

Then, all was quiet except for the two lovers' almost desperate gasps for breathe for their tired lungs and Shadow collapsed on his side, with Rouge barely finding the strength of will to turn to be able to face him.

Shadow found his voice first.

"Goddamn…" he breathed.

Rouge nodded numbly, her eyes were closed and she was barely even aware he'd spoke, her mind in a blissful haze and her body utterly satisfied.

"You are amazing…"

Rouge found the strength to smile and she opened her eyes to look at the exhausted Ultimate Lifeform. "I think you're the amazing one here...looks like you were right about that fruit salad…"

Shadow chuckled tiredly and pulled her close, and Rouge sighed deeply from the warmness of his sweat damped fur against her equally sweat ridden naked tan flesh as he hugged her to him.

"Told you…" he whispered, kissing her glistening forehead.

Rouge smiled. "You're so good to me Shadow, I really wish I could do more for you…"

Shadow snorted. "You think actually think this is not enough?"

Rouge shook her head. "No, take my word for it when I say this is definitely enough… Like you said at the diner, you do most of the work…I was just thinking maybe for once I should show just how amazing I can be for you…"

Rouge smirked. "Maybe for once I can actually make you say please…"

Shadow laughed. He actually laughed, though it was weak and tired. "Me? Saying please?"

Rouge playfully raised an eyebrow. "You don't think I can do it?"

Shadow shook his head. "I just severely doubt it."

Rouge smiled and licked her lips. "That sounds like a challenge…"

Shadow smiled. "Maybe…"

Rouge kissed Shadow and the hedgehog returned it immediately, but they were both too tired to hold it for long.

When they finished Rouge cuddled even closer to him and whispered, "Well I accept your challenge Shadow the Hedgehog." She said sleepily and she closed her eyes, "I love you." She whispered before sleep claimed her.

Shadow smirked. "I love you to, and I can't wait to see what you come up with…."

Shadow the hedgehog closed his eyes, sleep claiming him, and not noticing the mischievous smile that had spread on Rouge's face as she'd fallen asleep.