"Lea we can't let this happen" he ran a hand through his short hair. "There has to be something ... anything we can do to stop this".

"John you know I love Ava Marie but there is really only so much we can do" Lea rationalized. "It's up to her. She needs to be the one to open up to other people".

"Ava Marie is finally getting better and she's happy for the first time in forever and I refuse to do anything to take that happiness away from her."

"Maybe this will be good for her" Lea suggested a little timidly. The blue eyed muscle man looked at her as if she had multiple heads. "She can get all the extra attention she needs in a special class."

"But she's not special needs" John pointed out. "She's just a girl who doesn't like to talk to people. Her mother died and she was the one who found her and she closed herself off from the rest of the world. But then you come along and she starts talking and laughing again. What she needs is you Lea"

Lea nodded, taken a little aback by his words. "I will do everything I can for that little girl you have my word on that".

"Thank you"

"Your welcome Mr. Cena" she wasn't looking at him anymore. She was looking past him. He turned around to see who had made such a sweet woman like Lea look at them with such distaste. "I have to get the kids ready to start the day but I will call you if anything happens." John nodded at her.

He walked away purposely bumping into the man who Lea had been glaring at. "Sorry about that" he called without even turning around to see if he had knocked the man over or not.


"So tell me about this teacher" Randy Orton said to his friend as he took another bite of his scrambled eggs. "Is she hot … single … you sleepin with her … what?"

"Yes she is attractive" he grinned as he shook his head a little. His face reddened a little. "I don't even know if she is single and no I haven't slept with her".

"Uncle Randy!" Ava Marie burst into the kitchen from the back door. She was followed closely behind by Lea. Randy eyed her over and approved at what he saw. She was 5'6 with dark brown hair. She was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. Over her clothes she wore a short fitted leather jacket. Her skin was slightly tanned and she had amazing eyes.

"Hey there Princess" he helped the little girl sit in his lap. "How are you … I'm so happy to hear that beautiful voice again". He kissed her on the cheek.

"What are you guys doing here?" John asked sending Lea a worried glance.

"Ava honey would you mind stepping into the other room for just a minute so I can talk to Daddy?" Lea asked sweetly.

"Ok" Ava Marie hopped off of her God father's lap and ran into the other room. Lea made sure the little girl wasn't around before she let out a shaky sigh.

"I quit my job because I couldn't take working for that prick anymore" there was so much pent up anger in her eyes. "I slapped him in the face and quit and took Ava Marie and left without thinking anything of it".

"Quitting your job for me was a mistake Lea" John said shaking his head.

"It wasn't for you John … it wasn't for you at all" she walked over to him and crouched down so that she was eye to eye with him. "That man has made my life miserable for a very long time and I just couldn't take it anymore so I left".

"What about your kids?" John asked.

"They'll do fine" she assured him. "All I care about is making sure that Ava Marie is ok and I will be damned if she gets put into some special class because that prick wants to get to me … don't you see John he knew I was connecting with her so he wanted to punish me for not sleeping with him."

"I say we kick this dude's ass" Randy added his two cents. It was only then that Randy had really caught Lea's attention.

John rolled his eyes. "That's your solution to everything" the older man remarked. "We ran out of beer at my bachelor party and you were about to kick my cousin Marc's ass for not bringing more beer." Lea let out a chuckle.

"I stand by my statement" Randy leaned back in his chair and interlaced both hand before placing them behind his head.

"I can't believe I'm gonna agree with you on this Randy but I do think that Fred Williams needs to be taught a lesson … he can't go around forcing himself on women" Lea agreed with the Legend Killer.

"Thanks … I think" Randy didn't know if he should be happy she agreed with him or insulted. He decided to take it with happiness. He was still ecstatic that Ava Marie was talking again. He had seen how withdrawn she had been and now that she was back to her old self he didn't care what he had to do he would make sure she stayed that way.

"Let's figure things out first and then we will kick this guys ass" John compromised. "Rans go check on Ava while I talk to Lea"

"Sure thing bro" Randy put his chair on all four legs and left the man and the woman.

"You shouldn't have to do this" he said turning away from her so she could not see his shame. He felt incredibly responsible for putting her in the position to have to quit her job.

"John … this has nothing to do with you" she walked over to him and forced him to look at her. "This would have happened anyways. But I'm glad it happened now rather than later on. That man is a miserable human being and shouldn't be allowed near children. So the way I see it you helped me break free. So feel proud".

"Lea … I" he swallowed hard before bringing his face down close to her's. He hesitated a few seconds and when she didn't pull away he let his lips meet her's. The kiss itself was short and sweet. He pulled away first and neither adult knew what to do next. The stood there awkwardly looking at each other.

"Daddy I'm hungry" Ava Marie announced walking back into the kitchen. She eyed her father and her teacher curiously. They looked funny to her.

"Daddy will make you a sandwich baby" John turned his attention to his daughter.

"I'm gonna head out but I'll call you tomorrow ok" Lea told John.

"Do you have to go Miss Lea?" Ava Marie asked as she got slightly depressed. Lea smiled at the young girl and picked her up.

"Yea I do but I will see you soon" Ava Marie wrapped her arms around her teacher's neck. John watched the whole scene with a small smile.

"I'll miss you" the young girl said.

"Have fun with your daddy and Uncle Randy and I promise I will see you soon".

"Me and daddy are having a picnic in the park the day after tomorrow will you come?" Ava Marie asked hopefully. "Please".

Lea looked at John. He shrugged at her indicating to her that it was up to her. She thought about it for a minute before smiling and nodding. "Sure I will Sweetie".


Lea got to her car and let her head rest against the steering wheel. "What am I doing?". She didn't even know anymore.