Alrighty, another chapter done. Yes, I know this was a long time coming. I have a fascinating explanation that none of you are going to hear, because I don't want to talk about it. In any case, I typed this up a while ago, then decided I didn't like it and re-wrote part of it. Then I had stuff going on, and by the time I got back to it, I had forgotten what I was doing, so I scrapped it and started over. Thus, this chapter was created. I make absolutely no guarantees about when the next chapter will be coming out because I have a lot of school stuff to do and a lot of other things to occupy my time. But you have this chapter, so that's good, right? Hiei returns! Happiness! Or not... Anywho, enjoy!
Warnings: Graphic sex, profanity
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or anything relating to it. All credit goes to Yoshihiro Togashi and FUNimation Entertainment.
"Hiei… what are you doing here?" Kurama's voice was pure shock. "How did you find… Oh." Understanding washed over Kurama's face. "You followed me."
"Yes, and you attacked me." Kurama shrugged, unconcerned.
"If you hadn't been following so closely, I wouldn't have attacked you. Why are you here?" Hiei bristled, fury clouding his features for a moment before he calmed himself and arranged his face in a blank mask.
"I'm here to keep your ass out of trouble!"
"My ass is just fine, Hiei." The little fire demon flushed, but refused to be distracted by Kurama's comment.
"Fox, don't make me hit you!" Kuronue blinked, watching the exchange in shock. Kurama never allowed anyone to speak to him like this… Hiei must truly hold a special place in Kurama's heart for the fox to allow him such candidness with his words.
"You went running off half-cocked into a situation you knew nothing about, and you expect me to believe you know what you're doing?" Kurama opened his mouth to respond, but Hiei continued before he had the chance. "Sure, you're the older-than-dirt strategist who has a million contingency plans for everything, but that mentality makes you pig-headed enough to not admit when you need help!" Kurama sighed heavily.
"Hiei, I don't need help. I already have a plan to get Kuronue out of here."
"I'd assumed as much," snapped Hiei, "but do you have any idea what you're going to do with him after you get him out of here? Do you realize that this Sakyo, whoever he is, is going to be-" But Kurama cut him off.
"Hiei, stop!" The koorime fell silent, glaring at his partner. "I don't need any help; I already know what I'm doing. But I didn't say I wasn't glad to see you."
"Yeah, well-!" Hiei cut himself off as his mind registered what Kurama had said. "Hn. Where is the Mirror? You had damn well better still have it, or I swear-" he cut off again as Kurama silently produced the Mirror. Frowning, Hiei turned his gaze to Kuronue.
"I suppose this is Kuronue?"
"He's not much to look at, is he?" Kuronue flushed, dropping his gaze as he had become accustomed to doing. Kurama, however, glared at his partner. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, a sharp rap sounded from the other side of Kurama's door. All three youkai whipped their heads around to stare at the door; none of them moved to answer it.
"I have your lunch, Lord Kurama." There was no mistaking the childish voice that sounded from the other side of the door.
"Yori," groaned Kuronue, his face suddenly horrified.
"Who-" began Hiei, but Kurama and Kuronue both clapped hands over his mouth before he could say anything more than that.
"I'm not hungry," called Kurama, sounding perfectly at ease. "Kuronue will get me something later if I am."
"The kitchens are closed until dinner. At least let me come in and leave the food so that you can eat it later if you get hungry before dinner, my Lord."
"Leave it on the floor; I'll get it if I would like it." Kurama's voice was still casual, but his facial expression spoke volumes about his internal emotions. He was nervous.
"I would not dream of leaving the food in the hallway where any passing creature could sample it, Lord Kurama. At least allow me to set it on a table inside your room… my Lord." Though the pitch and tone of Yori's voice were still exactly the same, something had changed about it. Clearly, she was suspicious. And the title she had tagged on had been just a beat too late.
-You want me to kill her?- Kurama's eyes slid towards Hiei as the fire demon's voice sounded inside his head. Silently, he shook his head, his eyes urging caution. Hiei's eyes narrowed. -You're being ridiculous. I can feel her power; she's weak. Let me kill her.- Again, Kurama shook his head, frowning now to drive his message home. Under no circumstances could they kill Yori…
"My Lord?" Yori's voice sounded again, innocently curious… "Are you… busy?"
"Kurama." Kuronue pulled his hand away from Hiei's mouth and strode quickly to the bed, whipping off his shirt as he went. As he laid down on the silky red sheets, Kurama suddenly understood his plan. In a flash, the youko had his own shirt off and was headed for the bed as well, dragging Hiei with him as he went. Kurama tossed the little fire demon onto the bed, with a vicious glare to keep him from protesting, and quickly climbed on behind him, sandwiching Hiei between the two thieves.
"Heat the air enough to make us sweat, and no matter what happens, stay silent." Hiei shuddered as Kurama breathed the commands into his ear, but it was obvious by the way he spoke that the fox had a plan. Hiei couldn't say he approved, but he really had no choice as Kurama whipped the thick comforter over the three of them and arched his back so as to appear to be straddling Kuronue.
"I'm quite busy," he called, sounding perfectly calm again, "but if you must leave the food, come in and do so quickly." Suddenly, Hiei understood the gist of the plan. He let loose a burst of heat that slicked Kurama's and Kuronue's chests with sweat and curled into as small a space as he could between them so as not to be seen. True, both thieves still had pants on, but Hiei was uncomfortable between any man's legs; clothed or otherwise.
Kurama glanced over lazily as the door opened and nodded towards a small table. Yori smiled blankly at the two demons as she walked to the table to set down the covered tray of food, but Kurama wasn't convinced. She was still suspicious… he could sense it. Leaning down, he captured Kuronue's lips in a dominant kiss, biting the bottom lip gently between his teeth as he pulled away. Beneath the sheets, Hiei shifted irritably as a sudden, unexpected stab of jealousy shot through him, and Kuronue gasped as Hiei's knee nudged his already-hardening member. Yori glanced over at the bed as she set her tray down, and Kurama shifted beneath the comforter, appearing to be moving his hips forward. Kurama raised an eyebrow at the pink-haired demon when he saw her gaze fall on him.
"Were you planning on leaving the food or staying to watch? This isn't exactly a free show…" He shifted again and Kuronue let out a fake moan, his eyes closing. Beneath the comforter, Hiei was restraining himself from punching Kurama in the stomach to get the damn man's crotch out of his face. As soon as this Yori was gone, Kurama would pay for this…
"I was merely dropping off your lunch, my lord. Please, enjoy yourself." She turned and headed back for the door as Kurama buried his face in Kuronue's neck, earning another groan from the bat. As she reached the door and turned to leave, Kurama saw Yori glance at the bathroom door, as though checking it. She looked for only a moment, then headed out the door.
"Shut the door," growled Kurama, watching the girl leave through the wall of his thick silver hair.
"As my lord wishes. Have a pleasant afternoon." Hiei waited until he heard the door click shut before throwing Kurama off of him and leaping backward off the bed. He opened his mouth to scream at his partner, but both Kurama and Kuronue shot him warning looks, and Kurama moved silently across the room to press his ear to the door. He listened intently for a few moments, then cautiously opened the door and peered outside.
"Alright," he said finally, pulling his head back inside and shutting the door behind him.
"You're a fucking asshole," snapped Hiei, glaring murderously at the bare-chested fox. "You enjoyed that, didn't you? You fucking son of a bitch!"
"Calm down, Hiei," said Kurama, his voice amused. "It was necessary to keep you hidden. I think your presence here will cause quite a stir. It's in everyone's best interest to keep you hidden."
"Hush," said Kurama, voice still calm and amused. "You weren't hurt, and it was the simplest plan."
"Why the fuck couldn't I just hide in the bathroom?!"
"Because she checked the bathroom," replied Kurama, his voice becoming serious. "Actually, I'm relieved she didn't notice the hole in the ceiling where the grate goes. Of course, I had an explanation prepared in case she did, but still…"
"And you!" Hiei rounded on Kuronue, still glaring. "What the hell were you doing getting hard?!" Kuronue hung his head, a slight flush creeping across his cheeks.
"Sorry… I swear it wasn't because of you." He blinked, realizing that what he had just said might come off as offensive. "It's not that you're not attractive or anything. I mean… ah… dammit…"
"Hiei, why are you so angry? Calm down, everything is fine now. In a few days, I'll have Kuronue out of here and be back home. I've got it under control. If being here makes you uncomfortable, you can leave." Kurama's voice was reassuring, confident. "We'll be home soon." Hiei blinked, then scowled.
"Why are you acting like this, Kurama? This isn't like you at all. You've changed." Kurama blinked, genuinely taken aback by Hiei's words.
"What are you talking about? I haven't changed." Hiei's eyes narrowed.
"Perhaps you're right. You haven't changed, you've changed back. If my partner resurfaces… he knows how to contact me." Snatching the grate from its hiding place behind the bed, Hiei leaped up, propelled himself from the top of the bed canopy, and disappeared back into the hole he'd emerged from not long before. Kurama stared in disbelief as the grate was fitted back into place and Hiei's energy signal slowly faded into the distance.
"Kurama…" Kuronue's voice was hesitant. "He's… right, isn't he?"
"Of course not," said Kurama, turning to Kuronue. His emotions were hidden behind a calm mask, but his eyes were troubled. "What was Hiei saying about you getting hard? You aren't turned on, are you?" Kuronue blushed, aware that Kurama was trying to change the subject, and equally aware of where his response might lead them.
"A bit, yes. Even when you're faking, you're just as talented as you used to be." As he expected, Kuronue saw Kurama's eyes fill with lust, and the kitsune moved towards the bed, where Kuronue still laid, bare-chested. Kurama had developed a habit, during his thieving days, of escaping his emotions for a time by losing himself in sex. It wasn't exactly healthy, but then, Kuronue supposed, Kurama's mind was far from ordinary. He really was reverting if this was his coping mechanism… Kuronue was sure the fox hadn't done this since he had fled to the human world. And he was also quite upset if he was falling back on sex to calm down again. But if that was what he needed…
Kurama reached hungrily for Kuronue as he reached the bed, pulling him into another dominant kiss and moving to straddle him all at the same time. Unlike before, this time the kitsune shoved the covers away from them, creating an open space for them to play. Kuronue sighed into the kiss, letting out a slight groan as Kurama ground his hips into the bat's hips; both thieves' arousals were quite evident. Kuronue felt a brief thrill of fear as Kurama began to trail kisses across his jaw line to his neck, but he calmed himself by opening his eyes and taking in the reassuring sight of Kurama's silver-haired head buried in his neck rather than Sakyo's familiar ebony hair.
"Kuronue," muttered Kurama, moving towards the bat's chest, "you're alright with this, right?"
"Yes," replied Kuronue, voice trailing off in a whine as Kurama latched onto one of his sensitive nipples and began to gently roll it between his teeth. Meanwhile, the fox's hands were busy sliding beneath Kuronue's pants, seeking their prize with feverish persistence. Kuronue groaned, bucking once as one of Kurama's cool hands closed around his hardened member and began to slowly slide up and down the length of it. "Uhn, Kurama…"
The silver haired thief relinquished his hold on the bat's nipple and turned his attention to getting both pairs of pants off. In short order, both bandits were naked, their arousals creating glorious friction as they entwined their bodies. Kurama planted another passionate kiss on Kuronue's lips, but pulled away all too soon and once again moved downward. Kuronue closed his eyes, enjoying the fox's ministrations, but they flew open again as Kurama took his already-leaking head into his mouth. The bat's back arched and his legs spread automatically wider, allowing the fox a better angle to reach him. Kurama took advantage of the opportunity, reaching down and rolling Kuronue's heavy balls between his fingers as his mouth continued to work on the other thief's hardened shaft.
Kuronue was panting from the stimulation. Kurama was so good with his tongue, swirling it around like that… he'd forgotten what sex with the kitsune was like. If Kurama kept this up, he wouldn't be able to last…
"Kurama," he moaned, unwilling to push the other man away from him, though that would have stopped him.
"Mmm?" Oh God, the vibrations from his throat… Kuronue almost lost it right there…
"I… won't last… if you keep…" Kuronue's protests trailed off in a moan as Kurama's devilish tongue swirled once again around him. Laughter bubbled up from the kitsune's chest, and the vibrations were enough to send Kuronue over the edge. With a shriek of pleasure, he surrendered his seed to Kurama's hungry throat, then slumped, disappointed in himself.
Kurama pulled away, licking his lips with relish, and smirked down at his partner. Leaning down, he captured Kuronue's lips in another kiss, allowing the bat to taste himself on his tongue. When he pulled away, he was still smiling.
"Don't worry, love. You'll have plenty of time to recharge. I'll make sure of it." One of his hands began to toy with Kuronue's nipples while the other drifted down to nestle between his thighs, very pointedly not touching the bat's softening member.
"What about you?" Kuronue's hand had drifted down as well, and he was fondling the fox's hardened shaft gently.
"Mmm, Kuronue…" Kurama's sultry moan sent a tingle down the bat's spine. He was beginning to harden again in no time at all. Smirking, the bat flipped them suddenly to lay Kurama on his back. Slowly, tantalizingly, he began to work his way down to the fox's throbbing erection, leaving little bites and sweet kisses in his wake. Kurama moaned again as Kuronue enveloped his aching need with his mouth, sucking hard and swirling his tongue around as only he knew how.
"Kuro… uhn… stop…" Kuronue pulled away for a moment, smirking up at his tortured lover.
"Not a chance… I'm- HEY!" Before he knew what was going on, Kuronue was on his back again, the face he knew so well smirking down at him.
"Don't be bad," Kurama purred, nudging the bat's legs apart with his knee, "or I'll have to punish you…" That was too much for Kuronue. His eyes widened in terror and his entire body tensed against the inevitable attack. Kurama noticed the change at once and pulled back anxiously, unsure what he had done. "Kuronue…?"
The bat's lavender eyes were squeezed shut now; he was cowering away from his expected punishment.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me…" Kurama shifted and Kuronue curled away from him, shielding his head with an arm. "I'm sorry…"
"Kuronue," murmured Kurama, gently, "it's alright, I was only joking. I would never hurt you… Shh… just relax…" He leaned down to hug his lover only to have the other pull away from him, a sob issuing from his throat.
"P-please don't…" Kuronue had curled into a ball, back heaving as he sobbed into his arms. Kurama stared, unsure what to do. He and Kuronue had always spoken that way to one another during sex. It had used to be a turn on for him… But things had apparently changed…
Obviously Kuronue didn't want to be touched. Instead, Kurama rose and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Perhaps Kuronue would be calm again when he got out. Turning on the water, Kurama stepped gratefully under the spray, sighing as it plastered his hair to his body. What a strange day… He turned, letting out a soft moan as the water pounded against his still-hard penis. That was a problem… Sighing, he reached down and began to stroke himself, closing his eyes as he did. Unbidden, an image of Hiei floated to the forefront of his mind. He opened his eyes, startled, as his hips bucked into his hand. He pondered his newest thought for a moment… He had Kuronue back, and yet he was thinking about… Hiei. Closing his eyes, Kurama began to stroke himself more vigorously as images of Hiei surfaced in his mind.
Well, now, isn't that interesting? Yes, this fic has taken a slight turn from my original intention, but I like where it's going, so I'm going to keep it on this path. I believe it can now be labled as KuroxKura AND KuraxHiei... But who's gonna triumph? Hahaha I'm not telling! Anywho, I know this chapter was a long time coming, but I hope you enjoyed it and it was worth the wait (who am I kidding? NOTHING is worth that kind of wait...). I love reviews, so... REVIEW!!
Princess Seki