I just watched troy and i was like well i want a happy ending...
I watched troy burn with tears streaming down my face. I was not crying for troy. I was crying for him. He saved me so many times, yet I could not save him. I had to leave him to die. Suddenly a voice called me out of my thoughts. I turned towards the voice. "Briseis?" It was my brother, Paris.
"Briseis, come away from this atrocious sight. Helen and Andromache are preparing dinner. Why don't you go help them?"
I sighed and struggled to my feet. They had gone numb from sitting so long. As I walked towards the women, I could feel their harsh gaze upon me. I did not feel angry anymore. I understood their hate.
I fell in love with the man who killed my eldest brother, the crown prince of troy, and one of the greatest warriors in the world. His wife's gaze was the harshest. She blamed me for the destruction of troy even though the true reason was standing right beside her.
Paris urged me on, thinking only of his wife. Helen. The true cause of all of this madness and terror. I hated her for bringing this down upon us, but thanked her for setting in motion the meeting of my soul mate.
Finally I reached the women. No one called out to greet me. I did not care. I walked towards the food and began chopping vegetables, ignoring their stares. Paris smiled ignorantly, his task complete.
He walked over to his wife and spoke softly to her. Under the veil of my hair I could see her glance flickering back and forth between Andromache and me. Paris merely believed I was letting my emotions get the best of me, as women usually do.
He thought my place was in the kitchen, but I would rather finish watching my former home burn to the ground. I tried to tell myself that that was all I was watching, but I knew in my heart that I was watching for a sign of him.
An individual pyre. A funeral procession. Anything that would tell me his fate. So far there was nothing. Suddenly I felt stifled, as if the room had lost its air. I could still feel their gazes.
I turned away from them and ran out the door to the meadows. I remembered the way from long ago, playing here with my brothers as a child.
The Greeks did not know of the secret passageway that led to the trails and caves behind the city. They also did know of the second storehouse, built like a fort in case of sacking.
Paris knew and gathered as many people as he could. He led us to this place and since then I have been watching. It has been 3 days since the invasion and still Troy burns.
I sat in the meadows, my head on my drawn up knees, fingering the shell necklace he gave me. I still remember the warmth of his hand enclosing mine as he dropped it into my palm.
I knew his mother had made it for him and he had given it to Patroclus, his cousin. Patroclus had been killed by hector, which thought it was Achilles.
His name sent a sharp stab of pain through my heart. I doubled over and grasped my stomach, gasping for air. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned, still trying to catch my breath.
It was a young girl. I didn't know her or remember her from the group of refugees. She smiled down at me and held out her hand. I smiled back tentatively and using her hand stood up.
She said nothing but with hand gestures led me to a cave I had not seen before. Inside there was an alter to the goddess Athena.
Seeing her figure, my tears renewed themselves. Athena was his patron. People say that in the battle with hector, she had helped him by breaking Hectors spear.
The girl kneeled at the altar's base and turned to me, gesturing me forward. I stepped forward and kneeled next to her. She took my hand and placed it on the altar and then on my stomach.
I shook my head signaling that I didn't understand. She did it again, this time making a circular motion in front of my belly. I finally got it. I was pregnant!
look for more later! and please review