Sighing, Senri Shiki walked down the flower-bordered path, wincing in the sunlight, towards the large manor door. He'd much rather be with Rima and the others at Aido's home, but resigned to the fact that he hadn't seen his Mother in so long, continued to drag his suitcase up the steps.

"I'm home," he announced, pushing the ancient wooden door open, stepping into the large foyer.

"...Senri?" a familiar voice said hesitantly. Turning around, he saw his mother, Shiki Misaki, sat on the bottom step of the stairs, waiting for him. She stood and came towards him.

"I'm back Mother," he said, smiling slightly, accepting her awkward hug. Shiki's didn't hug often, so when they did it was nothing but awkward.

"Lets at least comb your hair. The fans from your acting days would cry if they saw you like this," he whispered softly into her ear. She nodded her assent, taking his hand and pulling him through the large arc into the sitting room.

For the next half hour or so they caught up, Misaki filling him in on everything that was going on with her friends and other associates. In turn, he answered her questions on how his classmates were getting on.

"Oh, and how is Rima-chan?" she said after a few minutes silence.

"She's fine," he replied automatically.

"Oh good. I saw Kiminari a few days ago. She's been worried about her recently, what with everything that has been happening at the Academy. Then Rima told her she wouldn't be coming home for the holidays. As long as she's alright then," Misaki finished, falling back into an uncomfortable silence. 'Theres something she wants to say' Shiki thought as he continued dragging the brush through her thick dark hair. The silence drew out for a while more, when Misaki broke it.

"You're...beginning to look more like that demonic bastard," she murmured, looking at his reflection in the mirror. His hand stilled as he met her eyes.

"Really? Since I don't know Fathers face...But I always thought I looked a lot like you," he replied, resuming his brushing.

"Yes, you do, but..." she trailed off, her eyes glazed as she stared sightlessly into his eyes in the mirror.

"I liked that deep look that never told me what he was thinking...You have that same look..." she continued softly. With a sigh, she pulled a white envelope from her pocket, looking away from the mirror.

"Senri...There's a letter...from the council of ancients..." Shiki's eyes widened, his breath catching slightly in his throat. The council of ancients? Why would they be sending him a letter? This couldn't mean anything good.

"My Uncle from the Council of Ancients called yesterday and asked me to give this to you. Since Uncle doesn't have children, I think he wants you to succeed him. Of course we can't say no, because he's from the council, but hurry home, okay?" Misaki turned to him, placing a hand on his cheek.

"I'm hungry," she said, her voice gruff, leaning towards him, "give me some fresh blood."

"How spoiled," he replied, bending down to give her a better angle, "Well, alright."

'How bothersome,' he thought as he stepped off the train, 'To invite me then have me make my own way'. Whispers followed Shiki as he made his way through the packed Station, head down and breath held. He had never managed well in crowds, all the people brushing against him, the air carrying their scent to him. Closing his eyes, he pushed his way through the wall of people faster, cursing the council for not sending a car for him.

"Hey, look at that guy..."

"Oh! He's so handsome!"

"I think I saw him in a magazine!"

These twittering idiots were almost as bad as those ridiculous Day Class girls back at the Academy. He quickened his pace, still trying to keep it at a human pace, before they swarmed him. He had learned from experience that if he stood around for long enough, they would try and talk to him. Unlike Aido, he had no desire to converse with the humans.

He finally made it to the exit, and drew a shallow breath through his teeth. He hadn't thought to bring any blood tablets with him. In hindsight, quite a foolish thing. Not much farther now though.

"Thank you for coming, Senri," Shiki's Great-uncle, Kazuhito Shiki, welcomed him as he stepped into the hallway.

"It's been awhile, Great Uncle," Shiki replied shortly.

"Everyone doing well over there?" he asked pleasantly. Most probably a false pleasure.

"Yeah, quite okay, but to be honest, all employees have been fired..."

"Hmm, So I've heard. Don't worry about that now though. Today I want to show you something, Senri," he said abruptly. Straight to the point as always it seemed.

"I...don't really like it here," Shiki hinted hesitantly.

"What? It's not about taking over my place," he said sharply, descending the stairs to the basement of the mansion. He stopped, turning to look at Shiki, his lips curled in what he could only guess was a smile.

"You're not a child anymore. That's why, as part of the Shiki family, I will reveal to you...," he continued descending the steps, Shiki in tow, "...My deepest secret, that I've hidden up to now."

"Well now..." The large steel door at the base of the steps swung open as Shiki followed his Great-uncle into a spacious chamber. Although a vampire, Shiki was sensitive to temperatures. So he felt it greatly when the temperature dropped greatly inside the chamber, his breath escaping his mouth in clouds. His throat dried instinctively as the smell of blood reached his nostrils, his chest constricting painfully. Looking for the source, he saw a large triangular container suspended from the ceiling by rope. Small droplets fell form the base of the triangle to the open coffin that lay beneath it. His eyes widened as he looked at the coffin, unable to tear them away.

"...The reason was to protect him, your Father," Kazuhito finished his earlier statement. Shiki was frozen to the spot, registering what his Great-uncle was saying. 'My Father?'

Swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat, he managed to answer.

"...So he hasn't died...How disgusting..." he breathed, trailing his hand across the coffins side.

"To say something like that about your Father, how cruel," another voice spoke out. Looking up, Shiki met the eyes of the newcomer. The eyes...of two different colours...

"He may not look like it but he's quite alive! But it seems like it's reached it's limit now...That's why...I was looking forward to meeting you when you were all grown up," the small boy stated, a small smile gracing his features. Without warning, the boys eyes slipped closed, his body dropping to the ground, as though he'd fallen asleep. Shiki instinctively went to catch him, when there was movement from within the coffin. A hand shot out, clutching at the side of the coffin, quickly followed by the rest of the body. The head rose, blood-stained and scowling, eyes of different colours glaring out. As soon as Shiki met those eyes, he was rooted to the spot, unable to even blink. Whips of blood, much like those he used as a weapon, shot out and ensnared him, as the creature rose upwards.

"My cute son..." a voice that could curdle blood sneered, rising up more to grip Shiki.

"Well then Senri..." It's hands grabbed his arms in a vice-like grip.

"Lend me your power!" With that statement, everything went black, the last thing Shiki feeling was an insufferable chill run through his body.

'Great', Takuma thought, stepping out of the car, 'I wonder what Grandfather wants now'.

"Welcome home, Takuma-sama!" one of the maids said as he stepped through the door.

"Thank you," he replied, forcing a smile. He didn't normally have to force smiles, but being back in this house, about to meet his Grandfather, was dampening his usually cheerful spirit.

"The master is waiting for you. Right this way," another maid said, strolling off down the hallway. Refraining from sighing, Takuma followed towards his Grandfathers study.

"Master, Takuma-sama has returned home," the maid announced, bowing, and taking her leave.

"You obediently came home." Asato 'Ichio' Ichijo's voice came from the high-back chair behind the desk, not turning to face him.

"It would be troublesome if you came to the academy like before, Grandfather," Takuma replied. Asato did turn now, an eyebrow quirked.

"To pay a visit to only natural for a guardian," Asato stated.

"Grandfather, Kaname did deem that having a guardian was 'useless'. Did you forget that he also declared the Senior Council's interference with the school unnecessary?"

"I am just concerned about Kaname-sama. However, forget about this matter for the time being. I have someone whom I wish for you to meet. For that reason, I have summoned you here. Come with me," Asato said before leaving the room.

'Oh god', Takuma thought, 'This can't be good', before following.

"Erm...Is it someone you mentioned before...a Pureblood...from the Shirabuki family?" Takuma asked tentatively, jogging to keep up.

"You will understand when you meet him."

Could he be more vague? The two descended some more stairs, before entering one of the unused guest rooms. Takuma was intrigued now. This room had always been locked to him as a child and he had been forbidden from trying to open it.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting. How did you like it?" The question was directed to a figure sprawled out across the couch on the far side of the room.

"Not bad," a familiar voice murmured, followed by a thud. Takuma blinked, as he saw the lifeless body of a young woman drop to the floor.

"That is good to hear, Master," Asato replied, before swooping to his knee in an elegant bow. Takuma looked at the figure on the sofa, who had since sat upright, and blanched.

'Oh... Grandfather, what have you done?'