"Brock, it's not going to work between us."

"What are you talking about? A few hours ago you were all for this relationship."

"I know but that was before this." Reba held up her left hand to show off her new engagement ring. "Terry proposed. He's really serious this time."

"Yeah I'm sure he is."

"He wants you to be the best man. The wedding is going to be in June."

"I don't think I can do that."

"Why not?"

"I just can't. Good-bye Reba."

Reba shook her head and looked at Terry. It seemed like such a long time since they have seen Brock. Once Reba told Brock of the engagement he left. He never even said god-bye to Terry. Now it was too late. Terry had tubes coming out of his body and wires hooked up to numerous monitors. How could this happen? Her husband was lying in bed dying of cancer while there two small children were at home scared. Reba had to be strong for them and for Terry. The worst part was she just found out she was pregnant again.

"Reba?" Terry said barely above a whisper.

"Yes honey I'm right here. What is it?"

"Reba, I don't want anymore chemo. I'm tired of fighting. I'm ready to go."

Reba could feel the tears in her eyes. She quickly blinked them back. She had to be strong for Terry. "But I'm not. We're not ready Terry. Just a little bit longer."

"You are strong Reba. You can get through this."

"But what about our children? What am I supposed to tell Dayna and Megan?"

"Tell them about me. Tell them how much I loved them. And tell them that I will always be watching over them. I love you Reba."

"I love you too Terry."

Terry smiled weakly. "You look wonderful. Did you get your haircut?"

Reba chuckled. Whenever Terry thought something was different his first guess was always a haircut. A slight smile spread across her face. "No I didn't get a haircut. I found out something."

"Really what did you find out?" Terry asked trying his hardest not to concentrate on the pain. Reba could see his emotions etch across his face every time the pain became too much.

"I-uh I-I found out I'm pregnant…again," Reba said while she held back her tears. It wasn't fair. Terry didn't want anymore chemo and she was pregnant. If Terry didn't take the chemo then only God knew how long he had left. She wanted this baby to know his or her Daddy. But on the other hand Reba couldn't stand to see Terry suffer any longer than he already has.

"Oh honey that wonderful! Ah," Terry gasped in pain. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, Terry. I understand."

"I know but I can't help but think that I'm ruining your life."

"Terry, don't ever say that. You are my husband and I love you. You have been a wonderful friend and husband and perfect father to our children."

"I know but I feel horrible that I'm not going to be around for you or our children. And I'm not going to be able to meet the new baby."

"We'll be ok Terry." Reba walked over to the bed. She sat down and took Terry's hand in hers. "Do you want me to try and find Brock honey?"

"No he left us. He doesn't care anymore."

"But Terry he was your best friend for ten ye-"

"No I don't want to see him. I'll write him a letter and you can give it to him eventually but I don't want to see him." Reba nodded her head and gave Terry a kiss. The doctor walked in and asked to have a moment with Terry. Reba got up and left the room.