Halibel, the only female Espada, was getting bored in Hueco Mundo. You know, I bet every Espada in this... place, has some very dirty little secrets. Halibel smiled to herself. She'd have to go see Aizen right away. "Apache!" Halibel said, calling for her tom-boyish Fraccion.

"Yes, Halibel-sama?" Apache said.

"Go tell Aizen-sama that I'll be talking to him soon." she said.

"Hai, Halibel-sama." Apache said, and she was off. Halibel leaned back a little in her recliner in her domain, and put her hands behind her head. "This is gonna be fun."


"What is it that you need, Halibel?" Aizen asked as Halibel walked into Aizen's "throne room".

"I am bored, Aizen-sama." Halibel said casually.

"What do you propose we do about that?" Aizen asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well," Halibel moved her hands behind her back and averted her eyes a little to the right, trying to look as innocent as possible, "maybe we can do a lie detector test-type thing, to make sure all the Arrancar are telling the truth."

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt." he said, "Alert the other Espada, Gin." Aizen called to Gin, who was casually standing next to him.

"Hai, Aizen-sama." Gin said, and he went to each and every one of the Espada's domains, telling them about the new idea.

"Hai" Stark

"Hai" Barragan

"..." Ulquiorra (A/N: Gotta love Ulqui)

"Ooo...kay..." Nnoitra

"What the hell?" Grimmjow

"Hai" Zommari

"Hmm... Interesting..." Apollo

"(deep voice) I'll be...(squeaky voice)there." Aaroniero

"I can't remember all that crap... uuuhhh." Yammy. "That ain't good, Yammy." Gin sighed.

Everyone prepare for: The Moment of Truth: Espada Edition!! Woo! Hey, peeps, put your "moment of truth question suggestions" when you review my first chapter, please!!