(A/N:- Well, aren't I a bad little fan-writer. As explained on the author's note on 'Wedding Bells-A Ringing' I've had a lot of stuff on my mind recently, and writing has been the last thing I wanted to do.

Did I mention that I love you guys like, millions? 'Cause I do. Ahuh, your reviews have kept me sane the last week or so. So thanks for that, and hopefully you'll do the same for this chapter!

Disclaimer: Don't own Bones, yadda yadda. :(

Spoilers: Well... The Pain in the Heart kind of... didn't happen. That okay with you? I know it's great with me - I wish it hadn't happened. :( Does Zach even know how to drive? Well, he does now...

Dedication: To Allison. :) 'Cause She loves Zach.

Chapter Seven

The Traffic Jam when you're already late

I knew there was a reason I set off at illogical times in the morning.

See, when you're at work early, way before anyone else (well, except Dr Brennan. But that's only expected; she's just as eager as I am, perhaps even more so than I am, to work.) nobody can moan to you, tell you that there's a time your supposed to be in work, and arriving outside of that time is not allowed. Angela does that all the time, despite having both myself and Hodgins wake her up and tell her to get ready.

When I awoke this morning, I knew that I was late. Light was already rushing through my window, and the curtains had been drawn by who I expect was the maid. I glanced at the digital alarm clock flashing on my bed side table, and groaned to myself. 10:03. I wasn't just proportionally late, like Angela was, a mere five minutes here or there. I was just over an hour and a half late. And I still wasn't up.

I dove into the shower, scrubbed at myself furiously and jumped into my work clothes in record time. My car - one which I could barely drive in a straight line - was parked outside my apartment, and I hesitantly grabbed the keys and opened the door, throwing the case folders into the neighbouring seat.

I drove up the road and out of the estate, pulling myself onto the highway. Typical. The only day I'm late in my life, and there was a traffic jam the size of a... well, I don't actually know. It was just very long. I was going to be here all day, I knew that much.

When I arrived at work, an hour (!) later, I rushed in to find the place deserted. I heard my hefty footprints echo as I panted for breath, whilst Dr Brennan looked at me curiously, from her office, where, I'm horrified to repeat, her and Agent Booth had been, as Angela says 'doing the dirty deed'.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, Dr Brennan. My alarm didn't go off for some reason - I'm fairly positive that it was set, because it has woken me up every other day of the week." I frowned at Dr Brennan's puzzled look, and at Agent Booth's murderous glare. "Am I unaware of something, here? Where are Hodgins and Angela? And Cam?"

"Late?" Booth demanded. "You're not late for anything. It's Christmas day, for Pete's sake. Just go home, Zach. Before. I. Kill. You.

I'm a logical person - I realise that Agent Booth's anger was a result of myself interrupting him and Dr Brennan when they were fulfilling their biological needs. What was illogical about the situation was the fact that they were fulfilling their biological urges with each other.

"What are you doing?" I asked, meekly. Maybe that wasn't the best question to ask...

"What are we doing? You mean, what are we not doing, now that little Zach Addy burst in on us?!" Booth yelled, throwing Dr Brennan's shirt at her, whilst pulling on his own.

"I know I'm slightly slow, but I am aware of the fact that you were about to have sex with each other." I shook my head, in confusion. Did they think I was unaware of the facts of life... I had myself been with a small amount of women. (A/N:- Sorry Al! (hides) )

"About to! See how you phrased that, Zach. About to!" Booth raised his eyebrows at me, and I took that as a sign to continue.

"Yes. What I meant was, why are you..." I gestured at them, pulling their clothes on, and inspecting their appearances. "You know..." I paused again, shrugging, certain my face had turned the brightest shade of maroon imaginable. "with each other? That just doesn't seem rational to me... you're work partners. Doing... that... with each other; that can't be good for your working relationship, right?"

"You know what Zach," Doctor Brennan supplied, nodding at Agent Booth before walking out of her office. Me and Booth are going to leave now, okay? You're going to forget this ever happened, and come back to work on the 27th like everybody else. Is that okay?" She smiled at me, and I smiled back, an agreement between us. Then he eyes squinted together in confusion. "Late? What do you mean, late?"

"Yes, late. I was supposed to be in work for 8.30, had it not been Christmas Day..." I looked at the watch I had buckled on quickly earlier that morning. "That can't be right... Can it? What time does your watch make it, Dr Brennan. Mine appears to be wrong."

She glanced down at her wrist.


I never did ask them what they were doing in the office at 8.15 on Christmas Day.


(A/N:- Anyone ready to murder me? :( I hate this chapter. It's just so... wrong. I tried to make it sound all sophisticated, and logical, like Zach would sound, but guess I failed miserably. Right, it was early in the morning. Let's just pretend Zach isn't as clever early on. Pretend his vocabulary is slightly less extendable. :) See, it's not so bad now, eh? :(

Anyways, please review. The next one will be a little more realistic, I promise, and hopefully up quicker than this one was.