I don't own Harry Potter.

"And now we're coming around the corner of this second Tranfiguration Corridor!" James screamed at the top of his lungs. "Should anyone conveniently have a map of Hogwarts with them the exact coordinates that I'd safely move to would be 237, 596! 237,596!"

Head Girl Lily Evans shot him an irritated look. "Potter!" She hissed. "Are you trying to give them a heads up?" The two were patrolling in early October and the Head Boy was once again being as loud as humanly possible.

"Now Lily, why on Earth would I want to do that?" he asked, pulling a look of innocence onto his face.

Too innocent. Lily squinted her eyes and glared up at the teenager. "Potter if I find out that you're sending signals to someone I'll kill you."

"Are you trying to tell me that you really want to see two sexually active Fifth Years going at it Lily?" James asked taking a step closer to her.

"Psh, no," she scoffed at the idea. Instinctively, she took a step back.

"It's okay if you do Lily," Potter said seductively. "It's natural to have these certain…urges."

"Urges?" Lily's voice squeaked at the thought of that. James stepped forward. Lily stepped back. He stepped forward, she stepped back. Forward, back. Forward, back. Forward, back. Forward, back, wall. Lily gulped.

"You don't have to have those urges," he whispered leaning in on her. "Although they are kind of kinky, I can make your urges become realities."

Lily stared up at him with a different kind of light in her eyes. "You're right Potter. I do have these urges for you…I've wanted to do this for a long time now."

James lowered his head as Lily brought hers up. Just as he closed his eyes, SMACK.

The Head Boy reeled back, swearing and clutching his now red left cheek. "Dammit Evans, what was that for?"

"You invaded my personal bubble," Lily said. Her watch beeped to signal that it was 11. "Patrols are over. Bye Potter."

After Lily walked down the hall and around the corner, Sirius emerged from a small alcove with Mary MacDonald on his arm. "Thanks for the coordinates mate," he winked, stuffing a piece of parchment into his pocket.

"You two better have some shag!" James called down the hall. "I got slapped for covering for you two!"

"Will do!"

Yay, it's another one-shot! This one's tiny though. Oh well. Review please!!
