The Clash of Fate and Destiny
Chapter One: The End/The Beginning
tiffany aka basketcase
A little boy, at a young age of two, was happily playing in a beautiful garden, humming a tune he suddenly made up. His hair, styled after his father, could never hide the shinning cobalt eyes he inherited from his father. The little boy's eyes lit up when he spotted a violet and green butterfly land on a nearby lilac. The little boy tiptoed to the butterfly, trying his best not to scare the butterfly away, but the butterfly had sensed his presence and flew away from him. The boy, intending to catch it, chased after the butterfly.
"Stay nearby, Roxas!" A beautiful woman yelled from atop of a small hill.
"Okie, momma!" The little boy said, continuing his chase after the butterfly.
Leaning back on a patio chair, her eyes did not leave her son. The woman looked younger than her real age of 21, yet her sapphire eyes were windows to an old yet somehow ageless soul. She fingered her golden blond hair, cut in a bobbed-cut style. Her hair was a reminder of her loyalty and a mark of the new life she shared with her son. She heard something being placed on a table next to her, and tore her eyes from her son to the dark-haired woman pouring lemonade into five glasses and a sippy cup. Three more women walked towards them from a beautiful mansion.
"You made the right decision, Serena," the dark haired woman said, passing a glass to her.
"I know, Puu," the blonde laughed, "You do realize that you say that same thing at least once a day. Don't you get tired that?"
"Never, Princess," Puu, aka Cassandra and formerly known as Trista, smiled but her smile didn't stay long, "You still made the right decision to come here three years ago. I know it must hurt still but it was time for you to reclaim your own destiny."
Serena glanced at her son who was now spinning around with a goofy smile on his face but her thoughts were on what happened three years ago.
Serena sat at the bench that overlooked the beautiful lake she and Darien loved in the park. Contemplating and sorting through her feelings, she sat there, pain showing in her eyes. The feelings of happiness and horror were fighting violently with each other within her soul and it was painful for her. But happiness was winning.
Her hands tightened with excitement, crumpling a piece of paper that she had almost forgotten. She tried to straighten the piece of paper that had changed her life. A small smile crept up to her lips when she reread:
Pregnant – Positive 5 weeks Due date: April 5
Excited, she folded the piece of paper as neatly as she could, then she placed it in her purse for safekeeping.
Who knew that the night of my 18th birthday would lead to this? I know Darien would love the news as much I first did. Then an idea popped in her head. His birthday is this coming Sunday, and I didn't get him anything yet so… my pregnancy will be my present for him! But… I wonder how mom, dad, the girls, and Luna would react to the news... I know Luna and the girls won't be too mad. They already love Rini. But I do hope dad wouldn't murder Darien.
Suddenly the wind lightly blew through Serena's hair and she shivered at the tingling feeling she felt, a constant reminder her destiny. Her pigtails were caressed by the wind; Serena frowned. She had accepted her destiny of being Sailor Moon when she was 14 but she had no idea why Destiny was constantly reminding her, especially in the time of peace. She had told Luna about it but Luna just brushed it off saying, "You're just over-analyzing."
Then there were the dreams, she still couldn't make anything out of them. She went as far as to buy a dream dictionary for help. In her dreams, three beautiful women would appear and stare at her, and for some odd reason, she felt safe, déjà vu kind of feeling. These dreams and reminders advising her about her life, each with different ideas, have been tearing her apart for couple months now: another war within her soul.
When she finally found her resolution, Serena brushed off her paranoia, and skipped on home, humming a happy tune. When she saw her house at the end of the street, she started to a sprint. Serena slowed down as she neared the front door, and walked into her house. She heard her mom vacuuming the living room. She walked behind her mom, giving her a quick peck on her mom's cheek, signaling that she was home.
Her mom turned the vacuum off, before looking her daughter over, and noticed a change in her eyes. "Where were you this afternoon, Serena? Your friends were calling for you."
"In the park, I just need some time to myself." Without further explanation, Serena left the living room to let her mom finish vacuuming.
But before Serena could make it to the stairs, her mom called her, "Serena, you have another college letter." Her mom skipped to Serena with a letter in hand. She held it out to her, but didn't let go of it. "I know I've told you a million times but I am so proud of you. Because of your grades in middle school, I wished that no matter what, you would at least graduate high school despite grades. I would never have thought you would change your grades around in high school and graduate with honors. I am so proud of you, Daddy and Sammy too. You grew up so much from that 14 year old to such a beautiful and responsible woman." Her mom said, finishing with a hug. "Before you go upstairs, you have to tell me what the letter says."
"Yes mom," Serena pulled away from her mom's hug, and tore the envelope open. "It's a letter from John Adams University." Then she whispered, "I've gotten accepted."
"That is wonderful Serena," pulling her into another hug, her mom jumped for joy but was a little confused about the letter. "That's an American university. I didn't know you'd applied to an American university. Didn't you decide to go to Tokyo University?"
"I did," Serena whispered. She was confused as well, knowing for a fact that she did not apply to John Adams.
Lugging herself up the stairs, Serena opened the door to her room, "Lu…" Serena cried out but stopped when she spotted an envelope neatly placed on her pillow. She picked it up, and opened it to find a letter and plane ticket. She sat on her bed, reading the letter:
It's time to reclaim what was yours.
-Crown Princess Cassandra Trista Kairos of Pluto
Trista? She glanced at the airline ticket. It said that the destination was 'Boston, MA, United States'. Serena looked up. She was confused as to why would Trista would give her an airline ticket to Boston. It couldn't be coincidence that John Adams was in Boston and that she was accepted there.
Immediately Serena pulled her locket out from her purse. In the two years since Chaos, the locket had lost its shine but the silver crystal was shining brilliantly. Serena had wondered why it was like that, and had asked Luna about it as well but Luna couldn't see that dramatic change. She stopped asking Luna when Luna, herself, couldn't see the difference.
Serena sat there for another hour with that one single line in Cassandra's letter repeated over and over in her mind.
It's time to reclaim what was yours…
Suddenly she pulled her largest suitcase out of the closet, setting it on her bed and unzipping it. Serena gathered her clothes and essentials, and placed them all in her suitcase. Although her head screamed that this was suicide, her heart reaffirmed her instinct.
As she was packing, her eyes kept glancing at her photos of the girls, her family, and Darien. But she knew she couldn't bring them with her. They'd only make her regret leaving; instead of taking pictures, she took her star locket out of her secret hiding spot, and placed it with her transformation locket and important papers in her carry-on bag. Once she finished packing, she had a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something. Glancing around her room, Serena looked for any forgotten items. Serena mentally smacked herself on the head when she realized that she had almost forgotten the most important piece of paper in her life.
Serena picked up her purse from this morning, and pulled out the folded piece of paper that had made her smile earlier today. Slipping the paper in her carry-on bag, she pulled out the plane ticket to check the departure time. It's leaving in an hour. I can't leave through the front door. Mom and dad are going to ask questions. I could tell them that I decided to go to the States for school. But deep down in her soul, she knew that no one could know where she's going.
Instead of sneaking out, Serena was going to teleport. Serena summoned her energy and teleported her and her bags to Narita International Airport.
Serena had not predicted that when she got off the plane, she would see Cassandra, Amara, Michelle, and Hotaru waiting for her and her unborn baby.
Feeling a hand on her shoulder shaking out of her reverie, Serena looked behind her to see Amara looking worried.
"I thought we lost you to your past, Princess," Amara frowned.
Serena sipped her glass of lemonade and murmured, "For a while you did."
Michelle sat across from Serena, worried for her princess's sake, "Princess…"
"Don't worry. There's someone who needs me now." Serena smiled and directed her attention to her cheerful son in the garden. "Anyway if I didn't go through the training designed by the Sisters Fate, the same training my ancestors went through, we all wouldn't have a brighter future or Crystal Tokyo. I know it was a rude awakening to learn that the destiny of Sailor Moon was forced upon me, it was never supposed to exist, and that the destiny of Sailor Cosmo was approaching scared the hell out of me, but I'm glad that I've avoided it. Basically, I have a beautiful son and amazing friends who are willing to baby-sit when I'm at school." Serena finished with teary eyes.
Serena laughed her tears away as she got up. "Excuse me; I have a son to fetch."
After Serena was out of earshot, Amara smiled, her eyes not leaving her princess who was chasing the Little Prince. "Princess grew up so much since the first time I met her."
"She had to. She needed to be strong for the Little Prince; after all she followed her instincts," Cassandra said, her glass meeting her lips.
"Princess went through so much," Hotaru commented, her violet eyes filled with ageless wisdom. "She left everything she loved for everyone's future. She went through three years of harsh training of magic and proper control of the Silver Crystal. Princess made too many sacrifices for her lowly guardians."
"At least she has the Little Prince to keep her moving forward," Cassandra ended the serious conversation.
After awhile silence fell upon the Outer Soldiers and was broken when Amara spoke, "I'm kind of surprised though."
Michelle touched her lover's arm, "What do you mean?"
"That the Little Prince wasn't Small Lady. I would've thought Small Lady would be born instead and our hands would be full with the little munchkin."
"Does it really matter?" Cassandra smiled.
Amara grinned, "No, the Little Prince is equally delightful." Hotaru couldn't help but smile at her guardians' banter.
Serena climbed up the hill to the girls with Roxas in her arms, their laughter ringing throughout the garden. Serena sat down and seated Roxas on her lap.
Hotaru smiled, her hand touched Roxas's little hand. "Little Prince, you must be thirsty from playing so much. Would you like some lemonade?"
Roxas gave Hotaru a toothy smile, "Yeah, Taru!"
The girls laughed at his answer. Hotaru passed him his sippy cup.
"What do you say?" Serena poked her son in the stomach.
Roxas giggled, "D'ank you, Taru." Roxas sipped from his cup as his mother pulled him into a tight hug and placed a kiss on his head.
"Little Prince?" Michelle asked. Roxas perked up, tilting his head to the side. "How old are you again?"
"D'is much, Michi." Roxas held up three fingers, and then waved his fingers to Amara, Hotaru, and Cassandra. "See, 'Mara, Taru, Puu?" Serena smiled as she placed one of three fingers down. The girls laughed at Roxas's adorable mistake.
"Princess," Serena looked Amara in the eye, and her smile slowly disappeared at Amara's serious tone. "All the arrangements have been made. Your flight leaves for Tokyo tomorrow."
Serena bent her head down and murmured in her son's blond hair, "thank you."
Roxas pulled his sippy cup from his lips and looked up to his mother, sensing his mother was feeling sad. He reached up and touched her cheek, assuring her that he will always be there for her.
Serena grabbed his little hand, and placed a kiss in his palm.
Cassandra turned to her Little Prince, a small smile on her lips, "Yes, Prince Roxas?"
"Where we go?"
No matter how well they all knew Roxas. He would always surprise them with the understanding and knowledge that no two years old should possess.
Cassandra smiled. She wasn't as surprised as the others. She knew by experience how smart Roxas could be. "You and your mother are going to the place your mother used to live."
"D'at good?"
Cassandra nodded, "Yes, this is a good thing."
"You go too?"
"Little Prince, we will follow you and your mother to the ends of the world." That brought a smile to Roxas's lips. "But the girls and I have some loose ends to tie up so you and your mother have to go without us for now."
"Okie, Puu." Roxas smiled before taking a sip from his sippy cup.
They first arrived at Narita International Airport, and then switched to the plane that would take them to Haneda Airport. By then Serena was exhausted and Roxas asleep.
Walking out of the terminal, Serena dragged her tired self and her sleeping son to the luggage carousel, picking up her extra-large suitcase and stroller. Instead of unfolding the stroller, Serena placed the stroller on top of her suitcase, and hauled it out to the taxi line. The sun was barely peaking over Tokyo's tall buildings.
Serena hailed a taxi over, and the taxi stopped in front of her. The taxi driver took pity on Serena, seeing her struggling with Roxas in her arms, her tote that was slipping off her shoulders, and her luggage. He got out of the taxi and put the large suitcase and stroller in the trunk. Serena thanked him before getting into the taxi. She placed Roxas on her lap, carefully trying not to wake him up.
"The Alta Lofts downtown, please."
The taxi driver nodded at her. The taxi pulled out of Haneda Airport and into the city. Serena tightened her hold on her son as she watched as her old hangouts passed by. Her breathing became irregular when she realized that her past was about to catch up to her.
Serena didn't realize how much time had passed but she was brought back to reality when the taxi driver cleared his throat. She focused her eyes to find that they had arrived at Alta Lofts. The driver got out to help Serena with her large suitcase and stroller. With a tired smile, she paid the driver and gave him a generous tip. The driver smiled at the tip before returning to his taxi and drove away.
Serena inhaled the early morning dew, observing the rising sun. After a few minutes, she pulled the large suitcase, with her sleeping son in her arms, through Alta Lofts' automatic glass doors.
The lobby was decorated in a black-and-white-checkered theme, and for some odd reason, it was working for Alta Lofts.
Serena walked up to the security desk, seeing the security guard's head down, "Excuse me, where is the main office?"
The security guard looked up, annoyed, "Down this hall, the first door on the right, ma'am." His face softened when he saw her beautiful face. His heart tugged when he saw her struggling with Roxas and keeping her suitcase from tipping over. He pointed the hall on the left. "And you can leave your things here. I'll watch it."
"Thank you, sir." Serena turned toward the hall but she stopped and faced him. "I'll bring coffee if I'm ever awake at this hour."
"Thank you, ma'am," the security guard chuckled, "and I'm Tohru Koda."
Serena smiled, "Serena Chase, and my sleeping son is Roxas Ayden. Thank you again."
"My pleasure."
Serena went down the hall and into the first door on the right. The lady behind the desk looked up, her expression is blank. Readjusting Roxas in her arms, she approached the lady.
"I'm Serena Chase. My friend, Amara Walton, called earlier." Serena said, nervousness creeping into her voice.
The lady put her glasses on, "Yes, Serena Chase." She briefly glanced at Serena before rummaging through a pile on a tray that said 'New Renters'. "Here are your keys. Your loft is room 903, on the 9th floor." She handed Serena three silver keys.
Serena quickly took the keys, "Thank you." She bolted out of the office.
When she went into the lobby, she thanked Tohru for watching her things, and pulled her suitcase with the stroller on top into the elevator behind the security desk. Readjusting Roxas again, she punched the button with the number 9 on it.
It took Serena 15 minutes to find her loft because of the sleeping child and lugging her two heavy belongings. She unlocked her door, and shoved herself, Roxas, and her things inside.
When she entered the loft, she noticed that it was quite large. From what she could see, the loft was beautifully decorated with contemporary furniture and wooden floors, not that Serena complaining. She loved the contemporary theme. The living room was at the center, the kitchen and dining area at one side and a hall on the other side that led to the bedrooms. Near the hall was the glass door that led to the balcony.
But she didn't really care how the loft was decorated; she was too tired to care. All she cared for at the moment was the white couch she had been eyeing since she entered the loft.
Serena laid Roxas down on the couch before settling herself. Pulling Roxas toward her, sleep claimed her the minute she laid her head on the cushion.
Sue me. I love the name 'Roxas'. It's a cute name.
This is after the Stars season. I also changed the girls' last names but it will reveal later in the story. The Cassandra/Trista name situation, Serena was informed of Trista's name changed to Cassandra after she arrived in the States.
Please review.
-tiffany aka basketcase