Revised: 2013/10/3

Sorry if Marui is OOC. I have no idea what his personality is. I was kinda guessing as I go... R&R! And no Flames!

Summery: Marui is bored, hungry, and grumpy. So what happens when he stumble upon a bake shop with a cute little twin braided baker working in it? But how did they ended up being friends? MaruiSaku Friendship

Baker's Dozen

Marui Bunta was bored, hungry, and grumpy. He has not gotten any sweets in his system for hours and now he's lost in the large city of Tokyo. The red head grumbled as he looked at the ground, in a bad mood. He's craving for something sugary and he wanted it now! Marui didn't even have any gum with him. Why oh why did he run out of gum?

The sweet lover looked up with grumpy eyes but it immediately turned into a bright one soon after. There was a Bakery right in front of him! How lucky was he? Has Sengoku given him a touch of his luck? He hurried to open the door and it made a ding dong sound.

"Welcome!" A sweet angelic voice greeted him. He looked at the counter to see a cute little girl, his junior, in a pink frilly dress.

"What would you like, sir?" She chimed, giving a shy smile.

Marui blinked. She didn't seem like a professional at waitressing. "Aren't you a little young to work?"

The girl nodded, "H-Hai…but this is my c-cousin's bake shop so I-I'm helping her out."

Marui smiled in return. "I'll get whatever you made then."

The twin braided girl nodded eagerly, blushing a little. "Hai! Arigotou!" She quickly ran into the kitchen as Marui seated himself next to a window.

A few minutes later she came out with a mouth watering slice of chocolate fudge cake. She placed it on his table, smiling cutely at her customer. "Here's your cake, sir!"

The sweet tooth smiled at her. "Call me Bunta. I don't really want you to address me as sir."

She nodded in understanding, "Okay the call me Sakuno, Bunta-san."

He nodded as he ate a piece of the chocolate cake. His eyes widen. "This must be the best cake I have ever eaten!" He grinned as he ate the whole cake in one bite. "More please, Sakuno-chan!"

"B-Bunta-san?" Her eyes widen. No one had ever said her cake was that good before. Her eyes became warmer. "S-Sure B-Bunta-san. T-The next one's on m-me."

His grin widen. "Thanks Sakuno-chan. And your cake is really good! I love them!"


After the 12th cake the red head had eaten, Sakuno and Marui had been talking a lot with each other. They told each other personal affairs as time pass by without much customers entering the bakery. They didn't even notice hours have sped by so quickly.

"And Ryoma-kun don't even notice me at all. Whenever I cook for him, he always say its not good enough…" She frowned, her features saddening as she looked at the floor.

Marui also frowned, "If Echizen do this to you, why do you like him so much?"

"He inspired me to play Tennis…h-he also saved me."

Marui blinked and raised his eyebrows.

"He did?" Marui asked. He couldn't believe that, that brat actually did and act of selflessness.

"Eto…B-But he forgot." Sakuno sighed.

The red head should've known the brat would show no sign of recognition. He stared at her with pity. That Echizen might break her one day and he didn't like that. Without much thought the redhead blurted out, "How about moving on, Sakuno-chan. You will find someone better."

Her chocolate eyes stayed glue to the floor. "M-Maybe…"

There was silence between the two, forcing Marui coughed nervously in attempt to break the ice. "So uh…Sakuno-chan, how about seconds?"

She giggled, cheering up slightly. "Sure, Bunta-san!" Marui watched as the twin braided girl retreated towards to the kitchen.

"Sakuno-chan…" For some reason he couldn't get her off his mind. There is something about her, that made him drawn to her.

"Ah! Bunta-san, its really late!" The girl got out of the kitchen, holding a box of to go boxes.

Marui's eyes widen, bolting up from his seat. "Eh! what time!"

Sakuno handed him the box. "H-Hai, it's a school night and you live in Kanagawa, Bunta-san!" Sakuno had worried eyes.

Marui grinned, "Don't worry Sakuno-chan. I'm just going to be a little late that's all!" He walked toward the door.

"Ja!" With that, he went out of the small back shop.

Sakuno smiled staring at the door that the red head just left at.

"Someone better? I already think I have."


Marui ran to his bus stop while thinking of a certain twin braided girl. I'm coming back tomorrow to see Sakuno-chan again! He grinned as he looked at the box in his hands. Sakuno-chan…

"Gah! I'm gonna be late for the bus!"



Sakuno sighed as she laid her head on the counter. Just one day ago, she got over her little crush and developed a new one with a boy she might never see him again.

Ding Dong

Her ears perked up. "Welco-" She looked up to see the red headed boy grinning at her. "Hi Sakuno-chan!"

Sakuno smiled warmly, "Bunta-san."

"This time I want a Bakers Dozen!"