Disclaimer: I am not Stephenie Meyer, therefore I do not own Twilight or it's wonderful characters.

Author's Note: I know it's been like a week and a half, but I've been super busy lately. And it didn't help that this chapter was extremely hard to write, since I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to do this. I know this chapter is short, but I promise I'll try to put up the next chapter faster, and it'll be longer. However, I have regionals this weekend so I'm not sure when it'll be up. I'll try for Friday? Sorry guys.

Miss Invisible

Chapter 4: Shopping with Alice

I knew, when I opened my eyes, that it was too eary to be awake. I'd hardly slept at all. Of course, the first thing on my mind as I woke up was Edward Cullen. I knew that I liked him. In fact I was pretty close to obsessed with him. I mean I had known him for less than a week, and already he was all I thought about. I guess that's kinda what happens with your first crush. However, it seemed a bit unrealistic to rush into a relationship already, so I was determined to try to become friends with him before I thought of him romantically.

I kind of lost track of time lying there, because next thing I knew, my alarm clock was ringing. I groaned, I wasn't ready to get up yet. It was Friday and I was so ready for the weekend, but I was also dreading it a little. School had become somewhat bearable, and I wasn't ready to have to spend an entire weekend at home.

This morning, I found a note on the counter from Charlie saying that he would be working until about 10:00 tonight to cover someone else's shift. Other than that, this morning went by pretty much the same way as every other day this week. I went through my usual morning routine, got to school early and did homework, and spent the day waiting for lunch. At lunch I looked over at my new table and saw that Edward was sitting there again. I smiled to myself, and once again, I made my way to the table Edward was sitting at, with my tray balancing on my good arm. This time, before my tray had a chance to tip, someone grabbed it for me.

"Here, let me get that for you." a short girl with pixielike hair said. "My name is Alice by the way. I'm Edward's sister," she added nodding towards Edward. By now we had arrived at our table. "Do you mind if I join you two today?"I looked at Edward, raising my eyebrows in question. He rolled his eyes but nodded. "Of course." I said.

Alice was extremely nice. She had a bubbly personality and was easy to talk to surprisingly. The three of us chatted throughout the lunch period easily. It was really nice to have friends to talk to during lunch. I found myself smiling more today, than I had in the past few years combined.

At the end of the period, Alice asked, "Bella, would you wanna go shopping with me tonight?"

"Alice," I started, not wanting to offend her. "I'm really not huge on shopping." She pouted, still looking at me expectantly and I sighed. I should probably take advantage of Charlie not being home while I could. "But if you wanna go shopping, then of course I'll go."

She started to get up to walk away, but turned back as if she suddenly remembered something. "Can I have your cell number?" I nodded and scribbled it down on a sheet of paper, and giving it to her.

She looked down at it and then stuffed it into her pocket."Thanks! I'll call you when we're on our way to pick you up tonight! See you later, Bella!" Alice squeeled excitedly and hugged me before dancing off to grab the hand of a boy with honey blond hair.

I looked at Edward who just laughed. "Alice will be Alice," he said, shaking his head, and I laughed too.


"Bella," she said. "That looks fabulous on you. We definitely have to get it for you!"

"But, Alice, I..." She'd said this about over half of the outfits that I'd tried on so far. I couldn't make myself look at the price tags again after the first time. It was all ridiculously expensive, and I knew I couldn't afford any of it; yet Alice insisted on buying anything that looked on me.

"Relax, Bella. I'll pay for it!" she said, ignoring my protests, turning me around and pushing me gently into the dressing room. "Now hurry and try on the rest. We still have a bunch of stores to get to before the mall closes."

"But Alice," I said.

"Yes, Bella?" she sighed.

I just stared at her shocked for a minute, stunned that she actually stopped for a second to listen. "Why don't you try on some things for you?"

She just laughed and started pushing me back into the dressing again, "Bella, I take these kinds of shopping trips all the time! Today we're just shopping for you."

"Oh lucky me," I thought, picking up the next outfit to try on.

This went on throughout every store we went to. Alice picked out a bunch of outfits (against my wishes), decided which ones looked good on me (against my wishes), and insisted on buying every outfit that looked good on me (do you see a pattern here?).

"Alice," I groaned walking out of the dressing room, for what seemed to be the millionth time in this one store, in the last of the beautiful, but obviously expensive outfits that Alice had chosen for me. I looked around self-conciously for Alice, making sure, once again, that the majority of my bruises were hidden. Thankfully, the only comments Alice had made about my injuries were complaints about how long it was taking me to get dressed because of them. She didn't ask how I got them, accepting my excuse about just being overly clumsy. I was sure the only reason that excuse was believable was because I had tripped so many times over the course of our shopping trip.

I glanced around once again. I didn't want anyone else to see me in these too tight jeans and low cut top. "Alice, this really isn't me. Maybe something less..." I started saying, looking in the mirror, but I saw the reflection of a familar god-like figure and I jumped.

"Edward," I gasped. "You almost gave me a heart-attack...Wait a minute, what are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you, of course! You didn't think I'd leave you along to suffer with Alice for the whole evening, did you?" He said. "Now come on! Let's go before Alice..."

"Nice try, Edward," Alice said, appearing suddenly from around the corner. "You can meet us for dinner later, ok? For now, Bella and I are going to enjoy some girl time." Alice winked at me, and I smiled, tentatively. I didn't want to shop anymore, but I didn't want to hurt Alice's feelings by leaving already.

After I tried on the last outfit, Alice told me to change back into my clothes while she paid for my clothes, because we still had one more store to go to before dinner. I handed her my clothes and walked, reluctantly, back into the dressing room. When I was changed back into my clothes, I set all of the clothes Alice didn't like on the rack outside the dressing room.

Suddenly, I felt someone's hands covering my eyes, and heard a familiar voice in my ear. "Guess who?"

"Edward!" I whispered, whipping around to look at him. I couldn't help but smiling seeing him, which probably took away from the severity of my tone. "Alice probably won't be happy if she sees you here."

Edward chuckled softly, before grabbing my hand and sneaking me out of the store. Thankfully, the cashiers were located in the back of the store, which made sneaking out that much easier. I was humming the James Bond theme as we sneaked towards the door, hiding behind clothes racks and such as we went. When we got out of the store, we both started laughing.

"Nice work, Agent Swan. Mission accomplished," he said in a deep voice, giving me a high five, and we both started laughing again.

Author's Note: Review please? Suggestions? Comments? Critism? All are welcome. : )