"Why don't you want Sasuki-chan to get married to Kanji-kun, Sasuke-kun? Sakura asked.
"I don't want to give up my cute, little daughter to that ugly, overweigh kid." Sasuke replied, getting ready to go to bed.
"Stop saying non-sense, Sasuke-kun! Kanji-kun is not overweight; in fact he's almost underweight. He's weight is perfect. Why are we talking about Kanji-kun's weight!?" Sakura yelled.
"Anyway, what's the real reason?" Sakura asked.
"I told you." Sasuke answer as he gets on the bed.
"I know Sasuki had an attachment to you and you to her. However, you have to let her go someday and that day is near. Please, Sasuke-kun, let her experience the joy of getting marry, having kids, and the sadness of letting the kids go." Sakura ask softly.
Sasuke's face softens and said,
"I'll think about it."
The next day
"I have an announcement." Sasuke said, as the Uchiha family eats breakfast.
"I have decided to let Sasuki get marry to Kanji." Sasuke said in a grim voice. Sasuki jumped out of her seat, laughing. She went over to her father and hugged him.
"Thank you, Oto-san, thank you!" Sasuki said happily. Then, there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." Sasuki said, walking to the door.
When she opens the door, she saw Kanji with the biggest smile you could ever imagine.
"Is it true?! We could get marry?" Kanji ask Sasuki with joyful voice. Sasuki blushed and nodded. Kanji laugh with joy and pull Sasuki into a kiss.
8 years later
"Look at our sister!" A boy yells.
"She's so cute" The second boy yells.
"Sons, we have to protect our precious little girl." Kanji yell with the volcano exploding in the background. Sasuki sighed.
'Here we go again.' She thought silently.
I'm so sorry about the late update. My computer had virus and I had to change the hard drive and I lost the whole story. So, my sincerest apologies. Also, thank you for being penitent with me. I appreciate it. Well, hope you like the ending.