Disclaimer: I still don't own anything

Okay Okay I know it's been ages since I've written, but I've been a bit busy with college summer work and everything, I can't promise when the next one will come out, but I really hope you guys enjoy this.

6. Checking up

Carlisle POV:

I pulled up to Bella's house, or rather the last place she lived when we were around, Chief Swan's house, I parked the car outside, Bella's rusty old red truck was nowhere to be found. Thinking back I missed that truck that seemed like it was always ready to explode or just break to pieces as soon as you touched. As I walked up to the door, I could smell something putrid, something repulsive… Wolf. I knocked on the door, as I heard the stumbles of Charlie behind the door, his eyes widened.

"You! You have a lot of nerve showing your face here after what your damned son did to my daughter!" Charlie roared at me. I stood my ground with a calm patience.

"Chief Swan, I don't know what you're talking about, what happened?"

"Oh like you don't know, your damned son left my daughter in the woods, she was comatose when we found her, all she chanted was 'he left, he doesn't love me'" Charlie was fuming, and I was taken back, Edward hadn't, he couldn't have, could he?

"Chief… I had no idea, I need to ask you something, was Bella acting different at all before she left?"

"How did you know she left?"

"Alice and Jasper ran into her over in Kansas City, and they were worried, they called me, they said she wasn't herself, now was she acting any differently?"

"You mean besides that zombie state you left her in for over 3 months?! She rarely spoke, barely ate, barely lived!"

"Chief, I-"

"Don't even start… She was so gone, I had to send her to Florida with Renee, she threw a fit like you wouldn't believe when I told her this, but… that night, I found her passed out on the floor, the next day she wouldn't even talk to me, all she would do is glare, spiteful, like she wanted me to burn, oh wait here, I have something for you." I was in disbelief, could this have been the same Bella? The same one that laughed and made our family a shining star? The footsteps approached once more, Charlie thrust a shoebox into my arms. "Here! Take this damned box with you, it's got all the stuff that reminded Bella of her time with your son, I think she hid it to try and forget it, just got and leave now Dr. Cullen, please go before I do something I regret." Charlie turned away and shut the door as I stood their carrying a box, it smelled of Edward rather than Bella, I turned and walked towards the car.

Unknown POV

Stupid leech, couldn't he see what his family has done to this town, he better leave now before I do something I really regret, I know I was ordered to watch him, but I wish I could just lunge at him right now, it would be so easy, that's when he turned and looked at me. Oh shit. He can't know I'm here.

"I'm not stupid, I know you're there, you can hide in the woods, but you can't hide your stench." The leech just walked onto his car and drove away. Me stink, look who's talking, I scoffed at that, better get back to Sam, nothing big to report.

I know this is the shortest chapter yet, I apologize, but the next chapter we return to Bella and her life in Florida, so I promise to write more, I'll get to it as soon as I can, I apologize for taking so long to write this newest chapter, I know things are dull now, but it'll get better as soon as we return to Bella, I'm still looking for a beta.