Do not own the characters or any rights to the series that many of us are probably obsessed with, which would be the works of Stephanie Meyer and her Twilight series.

A/N: This is my first fan fiction, I appreciate any kind of review, negative or positive, I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong and right, so anyways, on with the story! Read and Review.

1.'You are not alone'

Bella POV

"It will be as if I never existed"

Those were the last words I heard from his angelic mouth, the last velvet words that graced my ears, and the last moment I truly lived. I died in that forest that day, falling beneath the dark and cold waves that enveloped me, to never surface. He was wrong though, he would always exist, in my memories, in my heart, he would be that hole that always made my chest cave in. He killed me... And I never returned.

3 Months Later

"Bells, we need to talk," I grimaced, this was the first time Charlie had confronted me.

"Yeah dad?"

"I've been talking with your mother..." That was never a good sign... "... and we have both decided, staying here in Forks has not been helping you at all, so we're sending you to Jacksonville, to live with her-" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What?! You can't do that! This is my choice!" I screamed.

"We've given you 6 months Bells, and you've been the same! You haven't changed! Now we've discussed this, and we think that this will do you some good. Besides we've found you one of the best grievance counselors in Florida, he's agreed to-"

"A what?!"

"A grievance counselor, Dr. Shannon, has agreed to take on your case"

"My case?! What the hell do you mean my case?!"

"Bells, you're leaving tomorrow and that's final!" Charlie roared, I was so furious, I didn't even want to fight anymore, I just got up and stormed up to my room, I tossed my clothes out of the closet and onto the bed. As I paced around the room I tripped over something and fell face first onto the floor. Just my luck I thought, I gripped my throbbing head as the room spun I saw what looked like a broken floorboard just before I passed out.

"Hello Bella," the mysterious voices beckoned me.

"W-Who are you?" I stammered as I tried to fight the waves crashing down on me once more, barely able to breath, as I could feel myself slowly drowning once more.

"We're you silly," one voice chuckled "Actually we're all apart of you, we live in your memories, your dreams, your head." A hand reached out, extended towards my panicking arms as I flailed desperately trying to stay above the waves.

"Come with us, we'll show you a world without the cold feeling HE gave you, a world of comfort, where you're never alone!" I shivered as it seemed the voice spat the word 'he' out, but I took a hold of it's hand as I felt myself being pulled above the waves, then under. I gasped for air as I panicked. The next thing I knew, I was under, but I was no longer cold, there were no more waves, I was shivering because I was drenched, but I was in an empty room dimly lit, with little girls all around me, I couldn't see their faces, they were almost like silhouette's, they had a body, but their face was shrouded, I could not see it, but I felt no need to, I felt a gentle uneasiness take over, but I pushed that down once more, for the most part I felt comfortable, I felt at peace.

"It's a cold world out there Bella, he left you, but we'll never leave you, we'll always be there, after all, we are you, and soon enough, we shall meet again," the figures surrounding me, came in and held me close as I drifted off once more.

Charlie POV

I heard Bella stomp around upstairs, I knew she was furious, but I only prayed that soon enough she would see things our way. After all, Renee and I were only trying to help her. I heard a loud thud and then a soft groan, I made my way upstairs as I investigated the sound, to find my daughter passed out on the floor, her unusual knack for injuries had struck once again as she had hit her head tripping over that loose floorboard. I tossed all the clothes scattered on her bed, to the floor as I picked her up and set her down on the bed, brushing the hair out of her face as he looked peaceful for once in her sleep. I left to go get some nails and wood to fix that would be deathtrap when a gleam caught my eye, I looked inside the broken floorboard. What the hell?! There was a CD, a photo album and some plane tickets... These were the gifts from Bella's birthday, and the last memories of that Cullen kid.

I had never had any problems with that boy, in fact his family had never given me any trouble, but I had to ask why fate had given me this, the one time he does give me trouble, it's where I would least expect it. I guess Bells had probably tried to bury his stuff where she would never see it, I knew that made no sense considering how she refused to move on, but it was the only likely scenario. I mean what kid would be stupid enough to break into the Chief of Police's home and bury these items in his daughter's room. Oh well, I better cover this up now before, she finds it….

I am also looking for a beta, so if anyone is interested let me know!