Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Jenna turned at the sound of someone entering the back door of the kitchen and smiled; it was her long time best friend, Lucas.

"Hey, Jenn. Sorry I'm late, I had some stuff to do at home." Lucas said, running a large hand through his long black curls. "What needs to be done?" He took the hair tie off his shoulder and pulled his hair into a small pony tail.

"The tables and counters need to be cleaned and thats about it, besides the dishes, which I can take care of. Uncle Mitch isn't coming in tonight."

"Is he coming in tommorrow?" Lucas asked.

Jenna nodded. "Yes, he'll be here then. When I'm finished with these dishes, I'm going to head home. He thinks I'm falling behind in my school work," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, alright. Don't forget to say bye." Lucas rolled up his sleeves, then walked through the doors that led to the diner.

Jenna sighed, then finished up her dishes. After that, she went out and sat at an already cleaned table. "Mitch says this place needs a new theme. He wanted us to pick," she said.

Lucas looked up from the table he was cleaning. "Well what kind of theme do you want to do?" he asked, already knowing what she was going to say.

"I was thinking something vampirish." She looked at the painted blue walls, then at Lucas' dark face. "Maybe some red velvet on the walls, and the floors a dark color, maybe black."

"What is it with you and vampires?" Lucas asked, a bit uneasy.