iAngelKing and MajinTravelion!
Disclaimer: Magiranger not mine, Toei's.
In a flash, the rangers were in the center of a plaza, with Nai and Mea waiting for them.
"Well, it seems the boy is a Magiranger now, Mea." Said Nai.
"We should call him by his name." said Mea.
"What do you two want?" asked Kiyoshi.
"Just to test you with a new monster Meemy-sama summoned for us." Said Nai. "Introdicing…." She stepped aside, allowing for a monster that resembled a beautiful female human through. She was human from the waist up, but from below was monstrous. Twelve tentacles took the place of her legs, and six more tentacles sprouted from her waist. These, however, were each topped with a dog-like head, which opened their mouths to reveal three rows of teeth in each. Each head was the color of a Magiranger; red, yellow, blue, pink, green, and gold.
"Hades Beastman Scylla!" it shouted.
"We should introduce ourselves toc!" said Makito. He was the first to do so. "Unaru Daichi no eramento! Midori ni mahoutsukai, MagiGreen!"
"Fukinue Kaze no eramento! Momoiro no mahoutsukai, MagiPink!"
"Tayutau Mizu no eramento! Ao no mahoutsukai, MagiBlue!"
"Hashiru Ikazutsu no eramento! Kiiro no mahoutsukai, MagiYellow!"
"Moeru Hoono no eramento! Aka no mahoutsukai, MagiRed!"
"Kagayaku Tayu no eramento! Tenkuu Yuusha, MagiShine!"
"Uhh… Sono Mada Jitende Michi Sebensu no eramento! Kuro no mahoutsukai, MagiBlack!" The seven all gave their final cry.
"Afueru yuki wa maho ni kawaru! Maho Sentai Magiranger!" they announced.
"How nice. You all look so cute in those uniforms that I may just eat you up!" said Scylla. The six dog tentacles lashed out, trapping the Magirangers in their mouths.
"Guys!" shouted Kiyoshi. The creature opened its mouths fully and swallowed all six, Houka's MagiStick clattering to the ground in front of them. Kiyoshi pulled out his MagiStick and pointed it at Scylla.
"Ugaro Zazado!" he shouted, and blasted her. Scylla curved out of the way, causing a blast to hit a building. She opened her yellow mouth, and aimed at Kiyoshi.
"Yellow Thunder!" she shouted, and electricity spewed from the open mouth. Kiyoshi dodged, rolling on the ground.
"I wish I knew better magic!" he said to himself. Scylla opened the mouth on the blue head.
"Blue Splash!" she shouted, and the torrent of water drenched Kiyoshi.
"Thanks, I think my suit needed some cleaning." He said as he raised his Magistick.
"Ugaro Zazado!" he shouted again. She dodged, and raised the yellow head again.
"Yellow Thunder!" she shouted again. Due to Kiyoshi being wet, the electricity coursed up his frame, making him drop to the ground. He staggered to his feet, noticing Houka's MagiStick lying a short distance away. Scylla opened the pink head's mouth and aimed.
"Pink Storm!" she shouted. Instead of anything coming out, though, the head just burped. "What the?" she asked, but Kiyoshi ducked and rolled, grabbing Houka's MagiStick.
"I really hope this works." He said under his breath. "Pink Storm!" A dusky pink tornado emerged from the MagiStick, and Scylla was swept up. A purple glow came from behind Kiyoshi's visor; his eyes were glowing brilliantly. He raised his MagiPhone and dialed a code. "Douza Ugaro Zazado!" he shouted, and he was surrounded by a black aura. He stomped, and the area went black. He held up his MagiStick. "MagiStick Saber!" he shouted. In a flash, it became a sword identical to Kai's, except for the symbol at the bottom. "Black Rising!" he shouted, and he rushed at Scylla, slashing her stomach open. The other rangers fell out, covered in green goo.
"Kiyoshi-kun! You saved us!" said Houka, hugging him. He produced her MagiStick and handed it to her.
"I believe this is yours, mi'lady." He said, and Houka took it. "All right, I'll finish her!" said Kiyoshi, and he held up his sword. "I know what to say now! Ore wa…" he began as he raised his sword. Black lightning crackled around him, and he raised his hand up high. "Maboroshi Yami no eramento! Kurojin no mahoutsukai, MagiBlack!" Hikaru looked at him, astonished.
'Maboroshi Yami no eramento? The Mysterious Dark element? But no on has used that element in centuries!' he thought.
"Take this! BLACK SHADOW!!" shouted Kiyoshi, and his own elemental attack blasted Scylla. He turned around and snapped his fingers. "Checkmate!" Scylla exploded, but, as usual, she was revived as a giant by a spell from underground. "Let's do this!" said Kiyoshi, and took out his MagiPhone. He dialed 1-0-7 and held it up high. "Yami Dai Henshin! Uuza Meru Ugaro!" he shouted. As the circle descended over him, he transformed into what at first glance could be mistaken for a black MagiPhoenix. However, the head crest was black and spiked, his kneepads had points to them, his chest, shoulder, knee and ankle armor was silver, and he held a large sword that resembeled his saber and a round black shield with the Saint circle inscribed on it in gold.
"I am MagiFallangel!" he announced. He then looked down at the others. "Well, are you guys coming or what?" he asked. The five core rangers nodded and dialed 1-0-7.
"Mahou Dai Henshin! Maagi Magi Magika!" The five changed to their familiar Majin forms; MagiPhoenix, MagiGaruda, MagiMermaid, MagiFairy, and MagiTaurus. In a whistle, Travelion came rolling on magical tracks into the city. In the cockpit, Hikaru punched the Joint Magiticket and recited the combination spell.
"Goo Goo Goludiiro!" Travelon quickly changed into it's mecha form. "Maho Tetsujin Travelion, ready to go!" MagiFallangel was the first to speak up.
"MagiGaruda, MagiTaurus, MagiMermaid, you three fuse with me. MagiPhoenix, MagiFairy, fuse with Travelion!"
"Is that possible?" asked MagiFairy.
"How do you know we can do that?" asked MagiGaruda.
"Just trust me, I'm following my instincts!" said MagiFallangel.
"Or maybe your memory's returning!" said MagiMermaid. Magifallangel raised his sword.
"Let's go!" he said, and he and MagiMermaid, MagiTaurus, and MagiGaruda spoke as one.
"Yami Majin Gattai! Uuza Douza Meru Zanga!" they shouted. MagiFallangel held his shield to his chest and became a new chest section for the fused form while MagiKing built around him. When it raised it's helment, though, MagiKing had gold eyes and a faceplate. White and black coloring spread to all of the other Majin, giving MagiKing white wings and leg armor. Black bracers came over its arms, and it's belt buckle changed to the Maho circle.
"MagiAngelKing!" it shouted. Inside the cockpit, Kiyoshi appeared in a gold and yellow chess piece. The Head Train broke off of Travelion and was replaced by MagiPhoenix and MagiFairy. As the head lowered again, it had green eyes and no faceplate.
"MajinTravelion!" it shouted. The two new forms walked in front of Scylla, who raised her red head.
"Fire!" she shouted, and a stream of flames poured from the mouth. MagiAngelKing spread his wings and took off.
"Uu Meru Zazare!" it shouted. The Taurus Ax, Mermaid Shield, Mermaid Lance, and Fallangel Sword fused to become a black-and-gold KingCalibur. MagiAngelKing grabbed it and rasied it over it's head.
"Maagi Giruma Magi Magika! Tenkuu Mahou Slash!" it shouted, and it slashed through a large Mahou circle. Scylla opened her mouths and absorbed the attack.
"She absorbed it!" said Houka.
"No way!" exclaimed Tsubasa.
"Let me try! Said Hikaru. "Golu Golu Gogika! Engine Steam!" MajinTravelion lowered his head, a blast of white-hot steam erupting forth. Scylla opened the red head and absorbed this attack as well. She opened the gold head and shouted,
"Engine Steam!" and the hot attack blasted the two giant robots. Inside the cockpit of Travelion, Houka pulled out her MagiPhone.
"Please, Magiel, if you can hear me, we need a new spell!" As if responding, Houka's MagiPhone keys shined at 0-0-7. "She heard me!"
"Well, let's try this out!" said Kai, pulling out his MagiPhone as well. The two pressed 0-1-7 and pressed enter.
"Magi Maagi Magika!" they shouted. The chest of MajinTravelion swung open, revealing MagiFairy. She repositioned herself and transformed into MagiDragon's head, which opened its mouth wide.
"Mahou Destruction Blast!!" the three shouted. Scylla opened her Gold head, but it burned away, as did the other five.
"My heads! You destroyed my heads!" she shouted.
"Kiyoshi-kun! Check your phone, you might have gotten a new spell too!" said Houka into Her MagiPhone. Kiyoshi pulled out his phone, and sure enough, the keys 1-2-0-7 gilttered to alert him.
"All right, let's try this out!" he said. He and the other three raised their MagiSticks and spun them counterclockwise.
"Uuza Douza Uru Ugaro!" they shouted. MagiAngelKing spread his wings and held up the KingCalibur. It drew a circle with the sword that looked like a fusion of the Maho and Infershia circles. It then slashed hrough it, proclaiming its attack. "Yami Mahou Slash!!" The combined strength of good and evil magic riped Scylla to small bits. MagiAngelKing and MajinTravelion turned as she fell in a shower of sparks.
"Checkmate!" they shouted, and reverted to their Ranger forms.
They gave the detransformation commands, and Kiyoshi punched the air.
"Yeah! That was so awesome! I've never felt that kind of power!" he said. Houka ran up and nearly tackled him to the ground with a hug.
"Kiyoshi-kun, that was awesome! You saved us!" she said.
"Well, you all helped." Said Kiyoshi, blushing.
"Yes, but it was your quick thinking that helped us, Kiyoshi-chan." Said Tsubasa. Everyone looked at the second-youngest Ozu in surprise.
"Tsu-chan!" exclaimed Houka, surprised.
"What? Can't a guy be thankful?" he asked. Kiyoshi turned to Houka, whom had since released him.
"Houka-chan, I was wondering- would you like to go on a date sometime?" he asked. The question hung in the air over the seven magician's heads as the other four Ozu siblings and Hikaru stared in shock. Houka herself looked surprised before striking her trademark version-up pose.
"Sure! How about dinner this Friday?" she asked. Kiyoshi smiled before picking her up bridal-style.
"I think the man chooses where to go, little lady." He said teasingly.
"Hey, put me down!" said Houka as all the others, including Kiyoshi, started laughing.
Ok, so you know, when he first introduced himself, he said he was the "As of yet Unknown Seventh element! Black Mage MagiBlack!" the second time, he said he was the "Mysterious Dark element! Black Mage MagiBlack!"