Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice… I wish I did though… Oh yeah, The story is very much from my imagination J

Summary: The Alice academy has declared vacations and all the students go home! Under circumstances Mikan is forced to stay back. Now, the only students in the academy are Mikan and Natsume! How can Mikan pass time in the academy with just Natsume! READ-ON :)

Chapter 1

Chained with Natsume!!

It was a hot summer afternoon. The Alice Academy was just 2 days away from breaking off for the vacations. There was a lot of buzz around the academy. The students were allowed to go to their homes to see their parents after a very long time! While everyone was busy packing, Mikan Sakura was gloomy. She was sitting in her favorite place, below the Sakura tree sobbing… She wasn't allowed to visit her grandpa. The academy was afraid somebody might abduct her or put her grandpa in danger because her Alice was an infamous one.

'Everyone's going to go….sob…not fair it's just me….sob', Mikan was really depressed. Just then she felt someone drop down beside her. 'Oi polka…..find a better place to cry', came a very rude familiar voice. Mikan looked up at Natsume all teary eyed, instead of yelling at him she whispered 'I Am not going home this vacation. . I can't meet grandpa.' Natsume wasn't sure how to react to something like this, 'I said get lost Polka', replied Natsume. Mikan, who was already depressed couldn't deal with this attitude now. She got up and ran towards the building without saying a word.

It was the day of departure for the students. All of them were up really early to leave. Mikan was with Hotaru helping her to pack and taking orders from her to keep her lab neat in her absence. Once they were on the grounds, it was time for Hotaru to leave. Mikan gave her friend one last hug before she got into the car. When everyone had left, Mikan suddenly realized that she was the only one in the entire ground which meant the entire academy was gone expect her! Mikan ran into the building and barged to Mr. Narumi's room.

'Narumi-sensei!! This isn't fair….what do I do all alone', asked Mikan beginning to cry again. Narumi walked over to Mikan and held her by the shoulders 'Mikan look at me….you are not alone. Your dear partner's very much here!!' said Narumi with a wide smile.

'What?? Natsume hasn't gone home??' asked Mikan surprised. Mikan was sort of happy but annoyed at the same time. 'Okay Mikan I have a meeting to attend now. Run along and have fun 'said Narumi patting Mikan on her back as he walked out of the door leaving Mikan alone in the room.

Mikan went out in a while muttering to herself 'what the hell am I going to do with Natsume?! Why couldn't it be somebody else who stayed back…somebody like Hotaru, Nonoko, Ruka or Tsubasa-senpai!! Why Natsume……' suddenly she bumped into a certain someone and fell flat on her butt.

'Still upset to even watch your step eh polka? ', said Natsume staring at Mikan. Mikan stood up dusting her skirt and screamed 'Natsume!! You pervert….', she had a faint blush on her cheeks. She just didn't understand why blushed so much whenever she was around Natsume.

'Maybe you should try watching your step next time polka', said natsume, suddenly very close to her. She could almost feel his hot peppery breath on her neck. Mikan just stared into those hypnotizing crimson eyes, 'I….ye…eah….I…wil…ll' stuttered mikan stepping back a little. Natsume was staring at her stutter with a smirk on his face. He looked so irresistible with the first two buttons out and messy hair. Mikan realized she was making a fool of herself and ran in the opposite direction towards her room. Natsume chuckled and turned around to be on his way.

It was dinner time; mikan had locked up herself in her room. She had a lot of thinking to do as to how to spend her holidays, and there was natsume who was mentally a bother to mikan. Mikan could hear her stomach grumble. She got off her bed and didn't bother to change out of her lacy nightdress which fell till halfway of her thigh. She wore a jacket and went out to the cafeteria for dinner. She had to have her food alone. Mikan chose a corner seat and began eating. She was really missing her friends. She was done really soon and was on her way back.

Mikan was hastily climbing up the stairs when she bumped into natsume again! Since she was at the landing, she bumped into the wall behind her. 'Making it a habit are we??' said natsume as he stepped closer.

'Shut up natsume!! I was in a hurry that's all. To think I have to spend the holidays alone with you…..' said mikan almost in a whisper. She stopped what she was saying to look up at him, only to find him staring at her.

Natsume moved another step closer almost trapping mikan between the wall and himself and whispered in her ears, 'alone….eh…..' he ran a finger up her thigh and stopped at the hem of her gown. Mikan, who was blushing furiously 'natsume…..wha…what…ar…are…you doing?? , said mikan which almost sounded like a moan. Natsume was moving his hand up inch by inch taking the soft material along…

Mikan could feel Natsume's hand brush along her panties. She panicked and held a handful of Natsume's hair. Natsume suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked at mikan, moving away from her.

He stared into her chocolate brown orbs; 'don't dress up like that and walk around the campus!!' said natsume gruffly and walked away leaving mikan utterly shocked. Mikan just stood there trying to realize what had happened. She could still smell natsume all over herself. She suddenly realized that her gown was still folded up. She straightened it out and ran towards her room as quickly as possible. Too much had happened in one day. To think she had many more days alone with him…..

A/N : Hey all you readers . Please Please tell me if you like my story!! Based on the rewies I get, I will update as soon as possible :)