Shinobi Prodigy
A/N – Sorry it took so long to update. My USB, which held this story and others, was stolen. I had to do this from scratch sorry everyone. Anyways I've decided on the pairing for this story. Many will be shock but it only makes sense if many of you think carefully. It's not Hinata, Kurenai, or Shizune. But it's a female in ANBU. Can anyone guess who? (A cookie for anyone who gets it right. Lol! Joking! But please guess. It's logic yet not logic at the same time.)
Chapter 3: Legendary Sensei vs. Legend
"We are the protectors of Kyoto, the Shinsengumi!"
Naruto slowly turns his head and glares at the three-man formation heading towards him. He easily deflects the first man sword swing with his own sword. He cut down the second as he raised his sword before stabbing the third in the stomach returning to the second and swinging his sword.
Naruto moved so fast, the three shinsengumi faces clearly showed they didn't even realize they were dead.
Naruto ran up ahead cutting down the shinsengumi in his path.
Naruto stood over the dead bodies without so much of an expression on his face.
Naruto looked at the moon for a bit; before he shunshin out of there to the tree when he stops and looks back at all the corpse.
More shinsengumi were appearing. Now Naruto's curiosity was truly beginning to peak. This area didn't have too many shinsengumi; not according to the reports.
Two people walk through and Naruto immediately grew worried. At his current level, he could not face two captains on his own.
"Even his bones have been broken." The young captain replied.
"Was it a Jigen user?" Another asked.
"No. Look at the sword attacks carefully. There are not of a swordsman or a mercenary but a shinobi." Another captain replied. He had four short bangs hanging down his face with a wolf like face.
"A shinobi kenjutsu. But shinobi's don't dwell around here. Only idiots would dare try to attack one of our strong holds. These units were strong enough to hold off a hundred chuunin's even several jounin's. Yet who could possibly take these men out?"
"Someone with amazing skills and unbelievable talent."
"NARUTO!" Iruka yelled into the blonde's ear.
"What is it Iruka-sensei?" Naruto asked his teacher.
"I just told you, you are now apart of team 7. Go sit with you teammates." Iruka demanded.
"Ano, who are my teammates Iruka-sensei?" Naruto asked respectfully.
"Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke."
Naruto grumbled under his breath about useless partners and sat down between them.
Iruka struggle and walk back to the front to continue his lecture.
'A dream. A dream of the past. I have never dreamt of the past. So why now? Why are my dreams starting to haunt me now?'
Naruto's soon started to dream more and more of his past. Even since the Mizuki thief incident, Naruto first started to experience the pleasant of dreams. At first, it was of his training then they grew to the Fourth Great Shinobi war in Kyoto . The dreams soon started to get worse and worse.
'Why am I dreaming about the past so much?'
"That Uzumaki boy, he seems trouble."
"I've been trying to get him to open up but he keeps refusing. He also seems far more powerful then he lets out. Mizuki is still scared witless. Even Ibiki can't even get him to talk. He keeps saying 'The Devil is here. The Devil is amongst us.' What he means I can only refer to as something to with Naruto. I would have asked the ANBU to integrate Naruto, but I seriously doubt they would get any answers. Kakashi, what I worry about, is his mental capabilities. Ever since the Mizuki incident, the ANBU over watching him have reported he is constantly have nightmares. Because of that Kakashi, he will be under your care."
"So I have to be careful of him?"
"Please do. I have my suspicion, but I believe Sanshouo no Hanzo train Naruto for nearly six years. I believe he is the Aisu Tenshi."
"Aisu Tenshi? Are you serious?" The jounin's cried.
"The Aisu Tenshi is a lively prodigy. Some even say he is the Yondaime Hokage reborn."
"Which makes me think it's Naruto. Hanzo's training would have made Naruto strong enough to fight in the Fourth Great Shinobi war."
"The Third Great Shinobi War? Hokage-sama; that war ended 15 years ago. The treaty with Iwa gave us a huge advantage over them." A random jounin shouted.
"That is true, between Iwa and Konoha the war ended 15 years ago. However, the war continued on in a large city near the northern border of fire country. Although its not apart of fire country it's a city known Kyoto, the capital city. Every shinobi comes there to increase their village profits. When Iwa and Konoha ended their war with the treaty, they pulled out because the conflict didn't end in Kyoto. That era was known as Bakumatsu. Kyoto was the only city still raging the fourth great shinobi war. If Naruto was there, then he is a field master of war. I heard Kyoto was a place where only the strongest could have survived." Kakashi answered.
"That's right. The fighting in Kyoto got more chaotic after Iwa and Konoha made a treaty and pulled out. Kyoto's chaos however, did not die. If Naruto was truly there, then it would explain his hard expression all the time. He needs to learn, what it means to be a Konoha shinobi." The Sandaime Hokage said.
Naruto stared into space and waited for Iruka to finish.
Naruto attention then snap as he sense the Jounin's appearing from the door way waiting to be called in.
"You're Jounin-sensei's should be here. Wait for them to call you so you can begin you exciting life as a shinobi." Iruka replied.
Jounin's kept walking in and out calling for their teams. Soon, only team 7 remained behind. Naruto was sitting down ignoring the pink hair ranting her head off about their sensei being late. Sasuke was slouching in the corner staying away from his teammates.
Naruto was curious to know who could be so late. Wondering what kind of Jounin this person who could be so irrespirable. Sakura was still ranting, much louder than she was two hours ago. (Does this girl have an off button?) Sasuke was getting irritated by the minute despite how cool he tried to look.
Describing their thoughts was the door opening and a mask Jounin walking threw.
"Sorry I'm late, you see I got lost on the road to life."
"What kind of an excuse is that sensei?" Sakura shriek.
Sasuke narrowed his eyes looking at the man, wondering if he was really a Jounin.
'This shinobi is…Hatake Kakashi. He is our sensei? What is a legendary ninja like him doing training kids?'
"Meet me on the roof in ten minutes." Kakashi replied calmly. Before the kids eyes he disappeared.
'Kage Bunshin? No; Shunshin no jutsu. He is able to use that level of a jutsu without any hand seals. He is good.'
Naruto jump out the window before using his chakra to launch himself to the roof.
"Already here, sensei?" Naruto replied looking at Kakashi.
"You got here quick. No doubt you use your chakra to jump up here."
"Just to be expected from the famous Hatake Kakashi." Naruto replied as he sat down.
'He's heard of me? So, the Hokage's concerns aren't illusions.'
Ten minutes later Sakura and Sasuke both appeared on the roof they were surprise to see Naruto already there.
"Hey baka, how did you get here so fast?" Sakura demanded.
Naruto said nothing but continue to stare off into space.
"Ok sit down so we can begin."
Kakashi eyed the two Gennin's before they sat down.
"Ok, now that we are here, tell me your likes, dislikes your hobbies and dreams for the future." Kakashi replied.
"Sensei; why don't you go first since we don't know how to do it. After all, you are supposed to lead by example." Sakura replied after no one had spoken.
"Very well, I'm Hatake Kakashi. My likes and dislikes….I have many hobbies as for dreams for the future, I never really thought of it."
"I'm Haruno Sakura, I like…my hobbies are…my dreams are….my dislikes are Naruto no baka and Ino-Pig."
'Why is it girls are more interested in love than training?'
"Uzumaki Naruto. I have nothing I like. I dislike shinobi's who don't follow the code and betray the code. I have no hobbies and no dreams." Naruto replied in a monotone.
'Talk about a scary shinobi to be. However, I can tell he's through many life and death experience.'
"I'm Uchiha Sasuke there are few things I like and even more that I dislike. I wouldn't call it a dream but an ambition to resurrect my clan, and to kill a certain man."
'Great an avenger.'
Sakura however thought Sasuke was so cool.
"Alright now that we know each other, we are going to do something special together."
"What are we doing sensei?" Sakura asked excitedly.
"Survival training." Kakashi lazily answered.
"SURVIVAL TRAINING!" Sakura screamed.
"Do you ever shut up?" Naruto asked in annoyance.
Kakashi sweat drops at the loud voice the pink hair gennin. He was unable to see how Rin and Sakura could possible be the same.
"This isn't normal survival training." Kakashi answered in a serious voice.
"That makes sense." Naruto replied calmly.
Everyone turn to look at him.
"The academy test was only to see if we could perform jutsu's. A little to easy for a shinobi graduation. I take it this survival training is a field test. If we are successful we become genin. If we fail we die." Naruto replied calmly.
Sasuke eyes widen and Sakura look plainly as if she shit herself. Kakashi narrowed his eyes at Naruto.
"You can't be serious….I mean that's barbaric." Sakura cried.
"It's the way of the shinobi. We shinobi's enter life and death situations every day. If we cannot survive this test we cannot defeat our enemies without going through a life and death experience." Naruto answered calmly but with a voice that left for no room for argument. Sakura look terrified. Like she wanted to do anything else then enter a life and death situation.
Kakashi would have corrected Naruto about the test only he felt he need the two other genin's to fully understand what would have happen in a life and death survival battlefield. So Kakashi didn't say anything to correct the blond.
"Meet me tomorrow at training ground 14 at 7 o'clock in the morning. See ya." Kakashi replied disappearing in a puff of smoke. Naruto got up and walk away. Leaving Sakura to chase after her Sasuke-kun.
Training Grounds 14 – 7:00am
Naruto stood in full combat suit. A sword on his back and two kunai straps on his legs. Soon Sasuke arrived with a brooding expression then Sakura showed up looking like she just woke up.
Two hours later Kakashi finally arrived and gave a small wave greeting them with a small "Hello."
Sakura screamed her head off. Complaining about how late he was and how she couldn't properly get ready.
Kakashi jump down and look at them. Naruto was the only one who looked fully ready to unleash hell on Kakashi. Sasuke look bored and Sakura was staring at Sasuke.
"Ok, now is time for the test." Kakashi stated as he held up two bells. Everyone look at him. Sakura however look like she was going to be sick.
"Sensei, do we have to make this a life and death battle?" Sakura asked hopefully.
"Baka. We are shinobi's. We will be putting our lives on the line ever mission we take. This test is to see if we can survive enemy shinobi's and if we are willing to die. Those who don't and abandoned their comrades are trash." Naruto replied calmly.
Sakura paled. She knew what trash meant among shinobi. It was more than enough to execute a fellow shionobi for treason. Anyone shinobi who was trash would be killed without honor. She did not like this at all. If she ran away from the test, she would die. If she accepted she would still die. She knew there was no way she could defeat a Jounin.
Kakashi narrowed his eyes at Naruto. Again he felt he needed to correct the blond but decided against seeing how this made both Sasuke and Sakura paled; Sakura mostly. If he played his cards right, Sakura would take being a shionbi more seriously. Sasuke would be more a team player. The only question was how to break Naruto from the shinobi regulations. He decided to do it at the end of the test. Hoping to make the boy see there was more to being a shinobi then simply following orders.
"You have till noon to the get the bells from me. You must come at me with intention to kill. Anyone who doesn't get a bell will be trash." Kakashi replied lazily.
Kakashi look at all three of them. Only Naruto didn't show any expression. Sakura paled and Sasuke look a little intimidated. "Alright, go." Kakashi replied.
The three ninja's vanish. Kakashi stood spotted.
'One of the basics for a shinobi is to conceal your presence completely. Good, I can sense them but they've hidden themselves quite well. I can barely sense Naruto, but his location is difficult to locate. He is going to be the toughest out of the bunch.'
Sakura was laying on the ground, trying hard to suppress her stomach from growling.
"Sakura." A voice behind her replied.
Sakura jump up and scream. Running into the clearing; straight into Kakashi.
"I take it your ready to put your life on the line." Kakashi asked Sakura when she stop and look at her sensei. Sakura screamed before she fainted.
Kakashi sweat drop thinking he may have over done it. She was so terrified she couldn't even think straight.
Naruto, meanwhile only said one thing: "Trash"
He originally planned to use Sakura as a decoy so he could complete the objective. However he decided to check on Sasuke and see if he would be willing to 'help' him out.
Sasuke however threw shriukens towards Kakashi's seeing how Kakashi left down his guard.
Naruto however narrowed his eyes when he notices a strange blur met his eyes.
'Kawarimi no Jutsu'
Sasuke felt humiliated when he notices Kakashi disappear in a puff of smoke. Landing on the ground was a log with his weapons attach. Sasuke leap through the trees trying to find a new hiding spot. However Kakashi was leaning on a branch not to far from him.
"You really need to learn to read underneath the underneath. Never assume your enemy is simply keeping his guard down. If you do that, you'll die." Kakashi replied.
Sasuke reach for his weapon pouch slowly while keeping his on Kakashi. Kakashi watch him in amusement.
Quick as anyone could blink, Sasuke launch a hellstorm of kunai's and shirukens at Kakashi who jump out the way. The shirukens flew past them and Kakashi landed on the ground below. Kakashi brought his right hand up to catch Sasuke's punch. Sasuke brought his left foot up, trying to kick Kakashi in the temple. Kakashi brought his elbow up and successfully block it. Sasuke didn't stop there he sent his right again trying to kick Kakashi. Kakashi, seeing this coming Kakashi successfully block the attack with his left elbow. Sasuke smirk and reach for the bells. Kakashi, realizing the plan shoved Sasuke away.
'What a guy, I didn't get a chance to read Icha Icha Paradise.'
Sasuke shouted out his seals as he started to form them.
"Snake! Ram! Monkey! Boar! Horse! Tiger! Katon: Goukakyu no Jutsu!" Sasuke cried as he took a deep breath.
'Im…Impossible! A genin should not have enough chakra.'
Sasuke release a huge fireball straight towards Kakashi. When the fireball died down Sasuke look everyone for Kakashi, wondering where he disappeared to.
"Below Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu" Kakashi shouted as he pulls Sasuke underground.
"You really need to learn how to read people and not shout out your techniques so carelessly." Kakashi replied calmly as he pokes Sasuke's head calmly.
Kakashi walks away, pulling out his orange book.
"Get back here, we aren't done yet!" Sasuke yelled.
Kakashi merely waved his hand without looking back.
Kakashi only walk a short way before he stops. Standing in the trees was Naruto.
"So you've come out."
"I can't seem to understand the purpose of this test Kakashi-sensei."
"You must learn to see underneath the underneath. You may think like a shinobi from the book however, you must learn to seek trust in your teammates and friends and adjust to the situation to make sure lives are lost." Kakashi stated.
"I will become a shinobi." Naruto stated.
Naruto open his mouth to say something but stop. He was asking himself why he wanted to become a shinobi.
'He doesn't even know why he became a shinobi. Maybe he isn't going to be so hard to get through like I thought. However, if he was anything like me when I was a fool, he will have a hard head about this.'
"Because I can be nothing else." Naruto stated calmly.
Kakashi would have smiled, he saw through that lie. Naruto did not know why he became a shinobi.
"I became a shinobi to protect my friends and family. To make sure they never will be killed or hurt. Protecting people is my shinobi way." Kakashi stated. He then added "What's your shinobi way?"
Naruto paused before he unsheathes his sword.
"I will become a shinobi." Naruto declared. Kakashi pulled out a kunai to replace his orange book. Kakashi glared at Naruto knowing this would be one of his toughest fights his ever been in.
Kakashi open his eyes when he realizes Naruto disappeared. Kakashi leap to his left as Naruto appeared on his right side swinging his sword to cut through his torso. Kakashi brought his kunai only to see it cut in half.
'What a guy! He's sword of his cut through my kunai as if it was butter. His speed is also something. It's close to my top speed. I got to reinforce my speed if I want to stand a chance at all against him. Also, his attacks aren't wasted, their flawless. Something only gained not through training but first hand experience of fighting. If I use my sharingan I would only make myself more vulnerable by exhausted myself. I better be careful and not let my guard down for a second.'
Naruto raised his sword till he had it pointing diagonally up. Naruto rush forward swinging downward. Kakashi just to the side only for Naruto to bring his sword up nearly cut off Kakashi's left arm.
Naruto continue to swing his sword at Kakashi's vital spots, also careful not to give Kakashi an opening.
Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke after a few minutes of exchanges. Naruto seeing this slam his sword into the ground and jump into the air. He quickly form a few seals before he calmly said. "Futon: Kaze no Atsuryoku"
Naruto took a deep breath before launching a jet stream of air out of his mouth into the sword.
The earth shook and the started to shake uncontrollably. The land started to crack open as Kakashi was seen hiding just inches from Naruto's sword. His eyes open wide with pure shock.
'What…what a technique! The ability to create such a earthquake without using a doton jutsu but with a futon jutsu! No doubt all of Konoha felt that. Hard to believe he did all that. He is much harder then I thought. Thankfully, time is up.'
Naruto landed just as the bell rang signaling the end of the exam.
Naruto just look in the trees before grabbing his sword.
Sakura woke up and immediately starting looking around. She decided to found Sasuke-kun before Kakashi decided to fight him. She had found Sasuke's head sticking out of the ground.
Sakura screamed unable to believe his head was talking from the ground.
Sakura past out yet again.
Sakura woke up to see Sasuke standing over her.
"Sasuke-kun, you're alright." Sakura yelled with joy.
"Good you're alright. Now I got to get a bell before time runs out." Sasuke replied as he turns around, entering the trees.
"Wait Sasuke-kun. Why won't you let me help? If we get the bells then Naruto is good as gone to us."
"Because I need to become stronger. I need…."
Sasuke stop speaking and Sakura felt the earth shake very dangerously. Sasuke and Sakura both lost their balance and fell down. Just as soon as it came, it stopped. Sasuke and Sakura stood up for a bell to ring ending the exam.
When Sasuke and Sakura return to the stomps they found Naruto tied to the stumps.
"Why am I tied to the stumps Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked calmly.
"Because your trash." Kakashi stated calmly. Before Naruto could say anything in his defense, Kakashi spoke again. "You scared the hell out of Sakura which would have given away both of your positions. Then with my battle with Sasuke, there was more than one opportunity to help him and you two would have gotten the bells. Instead you stood by and watch. This not only endangers your teammate. It would have endangered the threat of a mission if it was a real one. Sasuke and Sakura will not feed you. I'll inform the Hokage of your failure." Kakashi replies as he disappears in a puff of smoke.
Naruto look down in shame.
Sasuke and Sakura where holding their lunches Kakashi left behind and sat down next to Naruto. They kept giving him glances as if he was going to say something. Sakura, a small part of her regretted that he was going to be executed. She was suddenly afraid that Ino and the other students. She wanted to know what their fates where. If she knew this was the life of a shinobi she wouldn't have join the academy.
Sasuke was confuses. Naruto was going to be executed for failure and endangering his teammates. If Sasuke had to chose, he would rather have the last moments of his life a little relaxing and something to remember by.
"Naruto, here." Sasuke replied holding his fish towards.
"You shouldn't help me in anyway. Even feed me. You'll be executed as well." Naruto replied calmly.
"Don't be so stubborn. Just take it." Sasuke demanded.
"No. I failed; the least I can do for my failure is make sure you two won't be executed." Naruto replied.
Sakura watch the conversation before she took handed over her rice.
Naruto look at her with a questionable look.
"If I was to die, I want something happy to think about before I do. Make my last moments worth remembering." Sakura replied without looking.
"Don't worry about Kakashi, he isn't around. I don't sense his presence anywhere." Sasuke replied calmly.
Naruto didn't know what to say. He bowed his head and said words he has never said before.
"Thank you."
"What the hell is this?!" Kakashi boomed as he appeared in a puff of smoke. Kakashi look very angry something that Sasuke and Sakura felt uneasy about.
"You broke the rules. You know the punishment." Kakashi replied in a deadly tone.
"But…but sensei. You said we were a team. Therefore we must help each other like a team." Sakura cried out.
"That's right." Sasuke agreed nodding his head getting into a defensive position.
"Oh really, in that case as a team you….all pass!" Kakashi replied with his famous eye smile.
"Huh?" Was the only response he received.
"The purpose of the bell test was to see who could work together. Because that's Konoha's strength. Teamwork. While many hidden villages execute their students who fail their test, Konoha doesn't. In fact, we either send them back to the academy or kick them out of the shinobi program. The two of you did something against the rules to help your teammate. That's an important flaw in Konoha. Look behind me at the memorial stone." Kakashi stated turning his head towards it. The three genin's looked at it. "This stone is here for the fallen shinobi's who died in battle. A wise and powerful shinobi once said 'Those who break the rules are trash. However, those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash.' While follow missions and shinobi's rules are important. So is protecting and helping your teammates. Well that's all for today. Everyone get some rest. Tomorrow, Team Kakashi is official." Kakashi stated with his eye smile again.
A/N – There are three things I want to say. First, yes, I have found a pairing for Naruto for this fic. However, it won't happen till much later. The person who Naruto will be pairing with will be revealed next chapter. I'll give you guy's two clues:
1 – She is in ANBU
2 – She has purple hair
Can anyone guess her name? One thing I'll say for sure, it's obvious yet not obvious at the same time. (Maybe I should stop these little mind games. Though I'm good at them. Drives my friends crazy)
Second, Naruto is strong and close to Kakashi's level. However, can anyone tell me is weakness and the one thing Naruto is relying on? The one thing that will get him killed?
Three – Many of you will notice there is a huge change in Naruto even though Naruto himself doesn't realize it. In the first two chapters he never showed any emotions or any kindness. There is a plan in the Sandaime Hokage. The plan is, to make Naruto human once more.
Shunshin – Body Flicker
Sanshouo no Hanzo – Hanzo of the Salamander
Aisu Tenshi – Ice Angel
Kage Bunshin – Shadow Clone
Kawarimi no Jutsu – Replacement Technique
Katon: Goukakyu no Jutsu – Fire Element: Fire Element: Great Fireball Technique
Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu – Earth Element: Inner Decapitation Technique
Futon: Kaze no Atsuryoku – Wind Element: Wind Pressure
Character Bio
Uzumaki Naruto
Age - 12
Rank - Genin
Sensei - Hatake Kakashi
Teammates - Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura
Ninjutsu - Low Chuunin
Taijutsu - Mid-High Chuunin
Genjutsu - Mid Chuunin
Kenjutsu - Low Jounin
Rank - A-Class
Nickname - Aisu Tenshi (Ice Angel)
Wanted by Hitokiri Ninja's
- While his abilites are high level Chuunin, Naruto is much better at swordsmenship then his other abilities. Using his speed and quick reflexes, he makes up his other abilities. His sword, Tenken (Heavenly Sword) Is made from a special type of metal that is said to have come from the heavens themselves. He has killed many people by the sword and will no doubt continue to do so.