Wow, I really can't believe I just thought of this.

That was a way freaky dream and it somehow turned into this.

Well, I hope you like it.

Please review!

My Beloved…

You are not my beloved

Because we are the same

No wonder you wanted to kill me

When we were just genin

You are not my beloved

Because you are not tolerant

You kick and punch and strangle,

Not caring that I'm black and blue, only wanting me absent

You are not my beloved

Because my beloved is sweet and loving

She has not shoved,

Never would she go a bashing…

My head in the in her gloved…


You are not my beloved

Because you've already found the one you love

No, not that Uchiha

I meant the one in green,

When you first laid eyes on him,

You actually screamed

You are not my beloved

Because I thought that encounter was pretty funny

The way you danced around his hearts,

I would pay money

To see those performing arts


You are not my beloved

Because she is the definition of "rock"

When you see us together,

You really start to gawk

When our union was discovered,

That Uchiha said it was surprising

When I became flustered

Kakashi-sensei just said "I knew you had been crushing!"

You are not my beloved

Because you were just a fan (I mean friend!)

You are not my beloved

Because you just can't compare

To my super, special, awesome, sweet, beautiful Hinata-chan


Uzumaki Naruto stopped writing. He turned to his friend/rival, a slightly afraid look on his face. "What?" the Uchiha asked.

"Let me read you something," Naruto said, and then recited what he had just written. After that was finished, Sasuke stared at Naruto like he was an idiot.

"Don't put me in that!" he said.

"That's not really the point! I want to ask a question!"

"Whatever…" Sasuke said, uncaring.

"You don't think… Sakura-chan would kill me for this if I give it to her, right?" Naruto asked.

"Mmm… Let's run down the list, shall we?" Sasuke responded; Naruto nodded his head. Sasuke counted off on his fingers. "She's impulsive to begin with. She can cause an earthquake with just one of her punches. She loves you as a friend... But hates your guts. Let's not forget her training either. She just like that woman now."

Naruto stared at his friend; sweat was now forming and sliding down his cheeks. Sasuke had to smirk at his expression. Naruto began laughing nervously. "I suppose you don't have reason for why she won't kill me?"

"Nope… You're so gonna die," Sasuke responded. The blond stared at Sasuke for a few moments, and then turned his attention to the paper. He frowned.

Uzumaki Naruto ripped the poem to shreds, deciding not to show it to Haruno Sakura; Uchiha Sasuke only laughed at his decision.