Ok, I'm feeling inspired this week, and decided to do a couple more stories

Ok, I'm feeling inspired this week, and decided to do a couple more stories. So here's one about everyone's favorite apprentice and his love…

Disclaimer- Do I even have to say it?

The newleaf sun streamed in through the camp entrance, warming Lionpaw's golden tabby pelt. Standing up, the young apprentice shook the extra moss off his pelt and stretched his sore muscles. It had been a half a moon since he'd seen Heatherpaw and saved the kits and his heart was beginning to ache from the pain of not seeing her.

"Lionpaw!" The apprentice turned to see his mentor padding up to him.

"Firestar put us on the dawn patrol. Grab a piece of freshkill and let's go!" Then turning around, the gray tom padded off towards where Brambleclaw was organizing the rest of the day's patrols.

Sighing, Lionpaw walked over to the freshkill pile and pulled out a mouse. In a couple vigorous bites, he had devoured the tiny morsel, but found himself still unsatisfied.

Heartbroken, he hadn't noticed how hungry he'd been lately, and decided to go hunting later on.

"Lionpaw, are you coming?" Ashfur called out to his apprentice.

Getting to his paws, the tom padded over to where Sandstorm, Honeypaw, and Ashfur were anxiously waiting to leave.

"Sorry." He mumbled as Sandstorm turned and led the patrol out of camp.

The cool forest air whisked past Lionpaw's pelt, giving him a sense of contentment. All around him, he could hear the sounds of the forest; birds chirping, mice scuttling in the undergrowth, squirrels scurrying up trees. The soft feeling of his paws touching the forest floor underfoot was one familiar to him.

I don't need Heatherpaw. The tom thought sternly. I can be the best ThunderClan warrior to ever walk the forest without her distracting me. But as much as he tried to reassure himself, he knew it just wasn't that easy.

"Why don't we go border WindClan first?" Ashfur suggested. "We'll make sure they're doing okay after they almost fought with RiverClan."

Oh no. Lionpaw silently groaned. The last thing I need is to see her sparkling blue eyes, beautiful tortoiseshell pelt…

A fur brushing his flank interrupted his thoughts.

"Lionpaw? Lionpaw are you all right?" A soft voice whispered.

Looking up into the bright green eyes of Honeypaw he managed to meow, "Yea, I'm fine. Just a little tired is all."

"Oh. Okay. Come on though, we're falling behind." And with that she darted ahead to the front of the group.

"Hey wait up!" Lionpaw called after her, quickly catching up.

"I've got you now!" he hissed as the golden tom bawled over his clan mate and tussled with her, pinning her to the ground.

Honeypaw's light brown paws batted at his stomach until a distant voice distracted them.

"Lionpaw, Heatherpaw! What are you doing? Get up and stop acting like kits." Ashfur and Sandstorm yelled at their apprentices.

Blushing, Lionpaw jumped off his den mate and groomed his ruffled pelt.

"You two will never be warriors if you keep acting like new kits." Ashfur hissed in annoyance.

Sandstorm gently laid her tail on his back. "Now go easy on them." She meowed calmly. "Though they were messing around, they are just apprentices. Let them have their fun."

When Ashfur still looked unconvinced, she meowed, "I seem to remember a certain cat who did the same thing when he was an apprentice." She meowed playfully.

"I suppose you're right." Ashfur meowed, lightening up. "Just make sure you don't cause too much trouble." He meowed, and padded onward with Sandstorm.

"Don't cause too much trouble." Honeypaw giggled in mock tone as soon as the warriors were out of earshot.

Lionpaw couldn't help but smile. "You apprentices are acting like kits. I never was like that when I was an apprentice. I always listened to my mentor, and my leader and followed the warrior code…"

"Come on." Honeypaw meowed as she cuffed him over the ear. "We're going to have to run fast if we don't want to be too far behind.

"Race ya!" Lionpaw meowed, already darting forward.

Soon, he felt fur brush against his and he turned to see Honeypaw racing beside him.

As if new energy flowed through him, he found himself happy for the first time in awhile, though this time, Heatherpaw was far from his thoughts.

DUN. DUN. DUNNN!! I bet you weren't expecting that one! I decided to switch it up a little bit by adding in that little twist. Who will Lionpaw end up with you ask? Well, I guess you'll just have to keep reading and find out! Though if you don't review, I might not update…okay, just kidding! I love this fic too much to abandon it. But still, I might get around to updating faster if I have some incentive. So please R&R!!