Hello! Okay, so this is my first Kisshu/Ichigo fic (Well, actually, this is my first TMM fic as well). My main stories revolve around the Kouga/Kagome pairing from InuYasha. But I am a diehard Kisshu/Ichigo fan, as some of you may already know. Just as a fair warning, I'm a bit concerned about the characters being OOC. I have not watched all of the anime (I'm only up to episode 17- pathetic, I know…), but I have read the manga (about 10 times), so hopefully that was enough.
A big thank you to Take-me-away-to-paradise for reviewing that section for me! You are awesome!
So without any further ado…
Disclaimer: I do not own Tokyo Mew Mew. The characters and story are the property of Mia Ikumi and Reiko Yoshida. I do own this storyline.
Snowed In
The young girl shivered. She hated the cold. "Well what can I expect? I AM part cat after all." Ichigo muttered to herself, desperately trying to keep her teeth from chattering. "I knew I should've told Ryou that I wasn't coming in today. Of course he probably would've had me come to work anyway, so I guess it really doesn't matter. He doesn't pay me enough for this!"
A small, white snowflake landed on her nose, causing her to sneeze as another shiver escaped her. Ichigo rubbed her palms together vigorously before rubbing up and down her arms through her dark pink turtleneck sweater. Damn Ryou for taking her coat!
"Ichigo!" Retasu called to her friend.
The leader of the mews had just walked through the café door. "Yeah?"
"Ryou's looking for you." she replied, helping her remove her feather down pink coat.
"Why do you think? You're late, as usual." Minto retorted as she finished tying her apron on.
"But it was only five minutes!"
She felt a presence behind her as someone yanked her coat out of her hands. A male voice boomed in her ear, sending a chill up her spine.
"Five minutes of my time wasted! Five minutes of the customers' time wasted! Five minutes that's coming out of your paycheck!"
Ichigo whirled around to stare into the wrathful blue eyes of her blonde slave driver of a boss. "B-but-"
"Fifteen minutes!"
"Do you want to make it thirty?" The red haired girl shook her head violently. "Then stop arguing and get to work!" he said as he turned on his heal and headed upstairs.
"Hey! Can I at least get my coat back?" she asked in an irritated voice.
"Nah, I think I'll hold onto it." he called from the top of the stairwell, not even bothering to look at her as he spoke.
So with that, Ichigo stormed off. Retasu giggled quietly when she heard her teammate mutter under her breath, "Stupid Ryou" and "five stupid minutes".
An hour after her shift was supposed to be over, Ichigo had just finished changing into her normal street clothes. When she opened the large, pink doors, a cold wind hit her causing the cat girl to shiver. "Hey, Ryou?"
"What do you want now Ichigo?"
"Where's my coat?"
"How am I supposed to know where you put it?" he asked smugly as he walked down the stairs.
"Uh…Ryou, you took my coat from me this morning." she replied, tapping her foot impatiently.
The blonde tapped a finger against his chin in thought. His voice held a mocking tone. "I did?"
The mew's voice rose slightly in aggravation. "Yes, you grabbed it from me this morning 'cause I was late to work!"
"Oh yeah, I remember now. You can pick it up after your shift tomorrow."
"WHAT? No Way! It's freezing outside and it's supposed to snow soon!"
"Yeah. I heard it's going to be a blizzard. I guess you'd better hurry home. Maybe now you'll learn to get to work on time, right?" he smirked wickedly.
"You…YOU JERK!" she shrieked in his face before she turned tail and ran out of the café.
She was pulled out of her thoughts by an icy blast of wind that nearly knocked her off her feet. There was a sudden ripple in the air behind her and she surely would have fallen on her backside had there not been a pair of warm arms there to catch her. They wrapped themselves around her slim waist and pulled her back against a strong, well-toned chest.
A sensual, seductive male voice breathed in her ear. "Aw, is my pretty kitty cat cold?"
"K-Kisshu! Let go of me!"
"Hmm, I don't think so." he whispered, tightening his hold on her.
Ichigo's cat genes suddenly kicked in and she subconsciously snuggled closer to the alien's warm body.
"Are you comfy, Koneko-chan?"
"Nya!" Her eyes snapped open and she struggled, wrenching herself from his grasp. As soon as she did however, another gust of wind whipped at her, passing through her clothes and lashing at her skin. The snow began falling harder and harder, causing her to shiver more violently with each passing second. Wrapping her arms around herself, she started running home.
Kisshu's smirk faded and was replaced by a look of worry and concern. He quickly followed, catching up to her in seconds. "Come on Koneko-chan. I'll take you home."
"No! Go away!"
"Aww, Konekochan!" He yelled soothingly, trying to make sure his voice was heard over the howling wind yet still sound somewhat passionate, "Don't be so stubborn... I'm trying to help you. At least let me teleport you home. You'll freeze out here, Kitty."
The redhead ignored him and kept running. The wind cut at her like a knife, but she didn't slow down.
"No! Leave me alone Kisshu!" she screamed, running blindly through the snow.
The alien growled and grabbed her wrist tightly. Before Ichigo knew what had happened, the air rippled around her and the snow vanished. For a moment everything was pitch black, but soon it all came into focus. She blinked owlishly a few times before taking in her surroundings. Ichigo found herself hovering over her bed in her pink clad room. Looking to her left, she saw Kisshu grinning at her before she promptly lost consciousness.
When Ichigo woke up, the first thing that she noticed was that she was surprisingly warm. The last thing she remembered was running through the snow trying to reach her house before she froze to death. Deciding that she was too comfortable to get out of bed, she figured that she would piece everything together later. Snuggling deeper into the pink bed sheets and comforter, Ichigo settled down for a well-deserved nap. That is, until she found that her main source of heat was behind her…breathing. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt something grab her waist and pull her back against this "breathing warmth".
"You okay Kitten? You had me scared for a bit there." it whispered.
"K-Kisshu!" she screamed, trying to jump out of the bed, only to be pulled back down and hugged tighter by the green haired alien. "Nya!"
"Now, now. None of that kitty. You need your rest."
Trying, and failing, to rise from the bed a second time, the redhead sighed in frustration and turned to face her stalker. She let out a small gasp when she looked into those molten gold eyes. The young girl was shocked to see so much love and concern reflecting in those hypnotic orbs. When Ichigo finally regained control of her body, she quickly broke eye contact with him, blushing lightly. Her blush deepened furiously when she realized she was staring at his chest. His bare chest. His well-toned, muscular bare chest.
"And what are you staring at, my pretty kitty?" Kisshu asked seductively.
Ichigo could tell that he was smirking; she could hear the cockiness and smugness in his voice. "N-nothing. Nothing at all." she stammered.
He hooked a finger under her chin, forcing her chocolate colored eyes to meet his burning gaze. "Really? Well it didn't look like nothing to me, kitten. It looked to me like you were staring at...me. Not that I mind of course. In fact, you can look all you want, honey. I'm all yours." he said, grinning evilly. Putting one hand behind his head, he rested the other on the small of her back and pulled her closer.
It was then that she noticed that she could actually feel his warm, soft caress against her bare skin. Lifting the covers slowly, she nearly screamed at what she saw; she was clad in nothing but her pink undergarments while Kisshu was only wearing a pair of green boxers. Ichigo's head shot up and she glared at the alien boy. "Kisshu, what exactly happened?"
Kisshu feigned a hurt expression. "Do you really think so little of me Koneko-chan?" When she didn't reply, the fair skinned boy sighed. "Ichigo, nothing happened. Really!" he added when her glare intensified.
The cat-girl's scowl faltered a moment before she snapped, "Then please explain to me why our clothes are in a pile on the floor and not on our bodies? Because I distinctly remember wearing my clothes last time I checked."
For the first time since she had met him, Ichigo saw the boy blush. "Well kitten, um…you see, you were freezing from the cold, so I put you in bed to warm you up. But that didn't seem to be working because you were still shivering. So I thought it would be best to, um, share body heat."
Now it was Ichigo's turn to blush. "B-but why Kisshu? I mean, we're enemies. You could have just let me die out there-"
"NO! I would NEVER do that to you Ichigo! NEVER! I care about you too much to ever…I…I love you Ichigo!"
"Kisshu, I-"
At that opportune moment, the girl's cell phone went off.
"Hi honey."
"Oh hey mom. What's up?"
"Well sweetie, your father and I were on a date, but the storm seems to be getting worse by the minute."
"So you're on you're way home? How long will you be?" she asked hopefully, praying that the alien would get the hint and leave. Being around Kisshu after that little declaration of love was becoming rather uncomfortable. Her mind was reeling, replaying his words over and over again. It had finally sunk in. Kisshu loved her. He thought he loved her at least. But how did she feel about him? They were enemies after all.
Ichigo was pulled from her thoughts by her mother's voice. "Actually, your father and I will be staying at a hotel until the storm passes. The roads are too bad to drive on right now. We'll be back home when the storm settles."
"B-but that could be days!"
Kisshu's devilish, perverted smirk appeared as he wrapped his arms around her slender waist, pulling her back against his rock-hard chest. "Well, I guess this means we'll have the house to ourselves for a while, eh, Koneko-chan?" he asked as he began kissing and nipping at her neck.
"K-k-Kisshu-u!" she stuttered, trying to suppress a moan. What were these feelings he was awakening from instinctual slumber? Even Aoyama had never made her feel this way.
"Ichigo, is there someone there with you? A boy perhaps?"
The redhead had to quickly pull the phone away from her ear so as not to go deaf from her father's yelling.
"Oh, stop it Shintaro! Ichigo is a big girl and can take care of herself! Okay sweetheart, have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
"DON'T TURN OFF THAT PHONE SAKURA! DON'T-" The line went dead.
"Jeez!" Ichigo groaned.
Kisshu chuckled and continued his previous activity of kissing her. Moving her hair out of the way, he began at the nape of her neck, traveling around the side to her collarbone and up her throat. He smirked when he felt her throat vibrating under the gentle touch of his lips. She was purring.
"K-Kisshu…" she moaned breathily.
"Please s-stop."
He stopped his ministrations and turned her around to face him. Stretching his legs out in front of him, he straddled her on his lap, placing his hands on her hips. "Why, kitty cat?"
Catching her breath, she looked up and glared at him. "Because I…" Her words died on her lips as she looked into his eyes. Molten gold orbs filled with disappointment and love. "Kisshu, I'm…I'm with Masaya. I can't-"
The alien cut her off growling. "Ichigo! I love you! I want to be with you! He doesn't deserve you! That human boy could never love you as much as I do!"
"If you haven't noticed, I'm human too!"
Kisshu closed his eyes and shook his head. "No, Ichigo. You're no mere human. You're stronger, smarter, kinder, and more beautiful than any human could ever possibly hope to be. You're special Koneko-chan, especially to me. Ichigo, you are mine and I refuse to let anyone take you away from me!"
Again the cat-girl turned away blushing. Kisshu cupped her face in his hands and turned her to stare into her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "Ichigo…" He leaned forward, his eyes never leaving hers. Their lips were mere centimeters apart when the red-haired girl's stomach growled. The fair skinned boy dropped his head and chuckled. Removing the girl from his lap, he got up and shook his head. "Always getting interrupted, huh kitten?" he smirked. Ichigo smiled sheepishly. Kisshu laughed. "You just relax kitten. I'll be right back." he said before vanishing.
Ichigo let out the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding and closed her eyes. She collapsed onto her bed and let out an aggravated sigh. "What's going on with me? I don't love Kisshu…do I? But then why…why was I so happy when he said that he loved me. I mean it's not like it's the first time he's said it. So why is this time different?" She flipped onto her stomach and screamed into he pillow.
Lifting her head, she rested her chin on the pillow. "He's only joking anyway. He doesn't love me. Come on, I bet he could have any girl back on his planet! He is pretty sexy…wait WHAT! Where did that come from? Kisshu? Sexy? UGH!" Ichigo rolled onto her back once more, closed her eyes, and groaned. "I cannot believe that I just said that! Oh well. I really can't deny that I am attracted to him…snap out of it Ichigo! Even if I do have feelings for him, he would only be using me! He'd wait until my guard was down and then finish me off! Why is my life so…so confusing?"
Little did she know that while she sat there arguing with herself, the "sexy" alien had returned. He levitated above her bed and smirked, listening intently to her conversation. But his heart nearly broke when he heard her say that she didn't believe that his love for her was true. Well, he'd just have to show her. "I don't have an answer for you Koneko, but maybe I can help you figure some things out…" he whispered seductively.
Ichigo's eyes snapped open, and she found Kisshu's face hovering inches above hers. "NYA! KISSHU! How long have you been there?"
He shrugged, giving her a toothy grin. "Long enough to know that you're glad that I told you I love you…" He moved to sit next to her, placing a china plate on the bed. Ichigo's eyes sparkled and she squealed with delight. On the plate was a rather large slice of cheesecake, drizzled with strawberry sauce and garnished with strawberries. She looked up at the alien and smile softly. "Thank you Kisshu, but why did you…?"
He looked at her, sadness reflecting through those golden orbs. "You were hungry." he said simply.
"What's wrong?"
"We can talk about it later. Eat now, okay?"
"But Kisshu-" She was cut off by her stomach grumbling again.
Kisshu smiled. "Go on."
She agreed and began eating, the whole time wondering what was troubling her "sexy" alien.
Kisshu glided over to the window and looked out into the distance. It was pitch black outside, save the soft glow of the crescent moon. The snow was still falling gently. "Hey kitten. It looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while. The snow is about three feet high and still coming. We're snowed in."
Swallowing the last bite of cheesecake, the red-haired girl looked at him curiously. "What do you man 'we'? You can teleport out of here anytime you want."
"And leave you here by yourself? I don't think so kitten. Don't even joke like that."
"I don't know why you care anyway. We're enemies."
"I told you Ichigo. I love you."
The cat girl shot him a disgusted look. "And don't you joke about that! I will not be taken advantage of!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come off it, Kisshu. I know you well enough. You'll act like a gentleman until I let my guard down. All men are the same. They use you then throw you away when they're done with you. I refuse to let my heart get broken again." she said, as her eyes began to glisten with unshed tears.
Kisshu teleported to her side. He sat down next to her on the bed, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her close. "Koneko-chan, what did that Aoyama boy do to you?" he asked, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly.
Ichigo drew out a long sigh. "If you must know, he broke up with me a month ago. When I told him that I wanted to wait until we were married to go all the way, he dropped me right then and there. In public. He said, 'I'm not going to date a girl who cares more about herself than anyone else. You're a selfish, spoiled brat, Ichigo. Now get out of my sight!' So I ran." Tears were now silently streaming down her soft cheeks.
Kisshu sighed, pulling her closer as her body wracked with sobs. "Oh Ichigo…" The mew wrenched her body out of his grasp and leapt off of the bed.
"NO! I won't fall for this again!"
"Kitten…" the alien whispered as he slowly rose from the bed.
"NO! First Masaya dumps me! Then Ryou tries to make me freeze to death! And you! YOU tried to seduce me!"
Kisshu quickly grabbed her upper arms and shook her. Not hard, but just enough to get her attention. "Ichigo! Look at me!" The redhead stopped struggling and stared up into his catlike amber eyes. She saw hurt, anger, and another emotion she couldn't quite place. "Ichigo, please listen to me. I would never force myself on you. I'm not like those humans. My kind doesn't joke about things like this. Ever. Love is one thing we don't take lightly." Before Ichigo had a chance to say anything, the green haired alien pulled her into the most passionate kiss of her life. He was going to show her how much he truly loved her and wanted her. As he gently guided her back towards the wall, he ran his tongue across her lower lip and thrust it into her mouth quickly as she gasped from this newfound pleasure. Sandwiching her body between the wall and his own, he lifted one hand to gently caress her warm cheek, the other resting on her hip. Kisshu had to fight off a grin when he heard her begin to purr contentedly into the kiss. He pulled back and smiled as her big brown eyes fluttered open. He just stared into those chocolate orbs for a few moments before continuing. "Ichigo, how long have I been after you? Do you honestly think I would be chasing you this long if I didn't actually want to be with you? No, Ichigo. I do love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
The cat-girl couldn't meet his gaze any longer. With her cheeks tinted a rosy pink, she lowered her head to shade her eyes from view. "You don't mean that Kisshu. Get serious."
"I AM serious!"
"No you're not. Be realistic. You and I both know that you could have the pick of ANY girl on your planet. There is no reason for you to be coming after an average human girl like me."
Kisshu was on the verge of slapping the girl. Perhaps that would knock some sense into her. "Ichigo stop it. Just…just stop it. I've meant every single word I've said. There is nothing in this world or the next that I want more than to be with you for eternity and even longer." He smiled. "I love you Ichigo."
Ichigo gulped. Still pinned to the wall, in just her undergarments, she was in a very compromising position. She had to choose her words carefully. "I-I think I love you too, Kisshu. I just don't want to get hurt again."
"I would never do such a thing Kitten. Never."
"Yeah, this from a guy who has tried to kill me on a regular basis."
"Hey! I never wanted to hurt you! I was on strict orders."
The mew looked into his eyes and saw nothing but pure honesty and that emotion she couldn't quite figure out. "Alright Kisshu, we can give it a try. But I swear, if you do anything to hurt me, I will kill you."
The alien chuckled. "I don't doubt it. It's a deal, Koneko-chan." Just as he leaned in to steal another kiss, the window burst open. Kisshu quickly carried Ichigo to her bed and slipped her under the covers. Gliding over, he shut the window and locked it. He saw his kitten shivering and teleported under the sheets, pulling her close, he spooned his body around hers from behind. The redhead snuggled into him and fell asleep.
"Goodnight, my sweet Koneko-chan. Starting tomorrow, I will prove to you that you made the right choice." Gently kissing her cheek, he soon succumbed to the land of slumber, his dreams only about his love, and her strawberry flavored lips.
YES! My first TMM fic. I think it turned out rather well, I hope you feel the same way. But please let me know if there are any changes I should make to make my writing better. Oh, and I AM writing a sequel- just so you know...Arigato!