Author: Well, you guys have been waiting for this a long time. The final chapter. I've had at least ten different beginnings to this. In the end, while sitting here, this just came to me tonight. So tada, here it is. The song lyrics in the middle, that are in bold, are Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin. I think it can fit House and Wilson. Anyways, some of the italics are quotes directly from the series. Others are from earlier chapters. I hope you guys enjoy this... and thank you for all of the reviews. They mean the world to me.

"I'm finding my way back to sanity again

Though I don't really know what I'm gonna do

When I get there...

Take a breath and hold on tight

And spin around one more time

And gracefully fall back to the arms of grace

Cause I'm hanging on every word you say

And even if you don't wanna speak tonight

That's alright, alright with me

Cause I want nothing more

Than to sit outside heavens door

And listen to you breathing" - Breathing: Lifehouse


"Idiot- your heart stopped."

House stared out the window, watching as the rain fell from the dark sky. He didn't know what to feel. He could see Cuddy in his mind's eye, the look of pure relief on her face as he came back from his heart attack. In his mind though, it wasn't Cuddy he was focusing on. Instead, he was watching Wilson.

The man was concerned. He could see it on his face. He could also feel the two hands upon his chest. Wilson had been helping Cuddy resuscitate him. His own hand came up, pressing against the beat of his heart. He closed his eyes. Without Wilson, would his heart continue to beat?

"You're my friend."

"Oh, jeez. Have some backbone. If you think I'm wrong, do something."

"Wait, you're getting mad at me for sticking up for you?"

"You value our friendship more than you ethnical responsibilities."

"Our friendship is an ethnical responsibility."

Wilson sat in his car, just outside of his home. His fingers tapped away at the steering wheel. Everlasting Friend by Blue October was playing on the radio, the music almost drowned out by the rain that pounded against the vehicle. His mind was a million miles away from anything.

He wondered if the aches in his chest would ever disappear. One, of course, was created by the loss of Amber. He had loved her. He would always love her, but sometimes love just wasn't enough. Apparently God thought so as well. The other ache, the one that was getting more prominent by the day, was the absence of his best friend.

House. Greg House. He had been Wilson's friend long before his leg became an issue and definitely longer than he had loved Amber. So what was he supposed to do in a situation like this? Suddenly, the song on the radio changed.

I'll wait, I'll wait for the
Ambulance to come, ambulance to come
Pick us up off the floor
What did you possibly expect under this condition
So slow down,
This night's a perfect shade of

Dark blue, dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning and burning down

"Don't answer."

Cameron nodded, hesitating when she noticed the name on the caller id. James Wilson.


Chase strained to hear the other voice, but it wasn't loud enough to carry. She nodded once. Twice.

"I'll be there in just a moment." Cameron hung up the phone.

Cameron sat at her small desk, staring absently at the empty doorway. The day had been busy. Patients had flooded the E.R. in waves. Now, when no one was left besides her, she felt a buzz left over from the day.

It was the first day in a long while in which she had not seen Wilson. Actually, today was the first time he had been the last thing to cross her mind. It felt good in a way that she couldn't describe. In her mind, the less she worried about Wilson meant that he was getting better.

Maybe now Chase would stop breathing down her neck in agitation.

Their relationship changed. A one night stand on a night when nothing should've happened. Wilson picked up on the insecurity of the two after that day. It soon eased to something bearable, but she would always be under the impression House didn't care. Sometimes, even when he did.

Cuddy picked up her purse, getting ready to end her day at the office. Almost everyone else was gone for the day. Almost. She knew that House would still be in his office. Waiting. Cameron might still be somewhere, winding down after a busy day in the E.R.

She grabbed her keys on the way to the door. They jingled quietly in her hand as the door shut.

Wilson was in a patient's room, idly watching the TV. It was boring, but he didn't want to go home to the silence. No just yet. So he was content to watch some lame soap opera. He flipped channels, and settled on Scrubs. Interesting enough, he supposed.

He was into the show, and hardly noticed when the door open. His attention was pulled away, however, when he heard the tapping of a certain cane. Wilson was tense as the noise stopped. House took a seat on the other patient bed and turned to the TV.

Neither said anything at all.

The rain was still pouring down when he walked outside. His jacket was zipped up against the cold droplets that pounded the earth. The scarf around his neck moved wildly in the wind. However, when he looked up, even the cold that seeped into his bones couldn't keep him moving.

From across the walkway, dark eyes met with his. Wilson was standing there, his hair soaked as well as his jacket. In the background, House could hear his car running over the sound of the rain.


"She's dead."

House paused, feeling the pain in his leg being surpassed by the sudden pain in his chest. His heart ached with the words. Amber. Of course she was dead. He hadn't been able to save her.


"But you're not."

Cameron and Cuddy were at the door, stopped. They had heard the last words, and wondered where this confrontation would go.

House swallowed, but remained silent. He didn't want to interrupt again. He didn't know if he had the real words to. Even his sarcasm was failing him now… but that was probably a good thing.

Wilson took a deep breath and started forward. He calculated the look upon House's face. The pain. The surprise. The caution. He knew what he wanted to say, but suddenly the words escaped him as he stared into the blue eyes of his ex-friend. The ache in his chest increased.

Without words, all Wilson had left were his actions. So he reached out and hugged House. The tension in the air broke. House's cane clattered to the ground. Cameron and Cuddy both took steps forward, but neither was willing to get to close. They didn't want to break the moment.

"Forgive me."

Wilson pulled away a little, speaking the words softly. The cold rain soaked both men now. House smirked. It was easier than it had been in months.

"About time you realized you needed me."

The words were full of confidence. Wilson chuckled, shaking his head. Of course House would assume such a thing.

"Of course, oh great House. I was nothing without you."

The smirk on his face broke for a moment, but it was replaced by a relaxed look.

"Of course, Wilson. Best friends need each other, you realize."

They both laughed a little.

Cameron and Cuddy joined them, smiling.

Their breathing mingled together.

The moment was complete.

So where the people in it.