AN: Alright, so I know I haven't updated in a long time on this, or any of my other stories, and for that I am very sorry. Unforeseen circumstances have stopped me from writing almost entirely, save for a few short pieces. After the absence I have almost completely forgotten my original intentions for this story, so I hope that I will be able to continue it to everyone's satisfaction. Please be patient with me, and enjoy!
Complications Are My Life
Despite what she had thought the night before, Elizabeth had in fact been able to get quite a good sleep that night. She had slept soundly, dreaming of when she was a child in England with her parents. But now that she was awake her dreams did not seem so happy. They had brought up a happy past, yes, but for her it was just that. The past. Now things were so different. Her mother was dead, as was her father. Tears came to burn the woman's eyes. Her poor father... he hadn't deserved the fate that had come to him. He had only tried to protect her. He had only been doing his duty as a father.
And she had done nothing to act a good daughter for him. For years she had acted out against his wishes, done things that had made him sigh. When her father had been so sure things would finally change, with her engaged to Commodore Norrington, free from pirates, she had ruined it. She had gone back on her word and stood with Jack and Will. She could so easily picture the crushed looks on the faces of her father, and James as well.
Another man she had cursed. She had been his downfall, both literally and emotionally. Deep in her heart she knew she had ruined him the day she had refused his hand. He had looked so hurt, so... unsure. Elizabeth was sure she had never seen him that way before. And yet she had paid it no mind at the time, being far too focused on the lives hanging in the balance. She had been too centered on Will and Jack to pay attention to the people who had loved her for years.
Then, even after everything she had done to him, James had still sacrificed himself to save her. Just as her father had done. Her heart ached and she wished that she could have taken it all back. She could have had such a good life if she had only stayed put when Will saved Jack. It may have been a boring life, but it would have been a good one. Or at the very least it would be one where two people she cared deeply for would still be alive. More than two, now that she thought more. If she had married James than she never would have killed Jack.
Speaking of which... she never had apologized for her heinous crime, she realized now. Yes, there was a spoken forgiveness, but not an altogether one. She had never outright said the words, nor had he outright forgiven her. And that just wouldn't do. Elizabeth had lost enough already; she was not ready to lose another friend because of her own stupidity.
Climbing up to the deck of the Pearl was always a challenge when the ship was in motion. Even though she had been out to sea for months she had never fully developed sea legs. Staggering slightly the pirate queen composed herself, trying to make herself look dignified. It was a failed attempt, but at least she kept herself from falling over as the ship was pelted by a rather large wave.
Elizabeth's golden brown eyes surveyed the deck, but much to her dismay she didn't spot Jack. In fact, hardly anyone was even on the deck. She spotted Mr Gibbs untangling a net near the foremast. He'll do. She made her way over to him, picking her way around the debris that littered the planks below her feet. It looked like someone had broken several bottles over the deck, what with all the pieces of glass lying 'round.
"Mr Gibbs," she greeted as she drew near the man. "Good morning."
The balding man looked up from his task and smiling warmly. "Ah, Miss Elizabeth, good mornin' t' you too."
Elizabeth returned his smile with one of her own. She just couldn't help herself, his happiness was infectious. Besides, she had always liked Gibbs. He was a good, kind man, who always meant well. He had never done anything to her, save perhaps saying she was bad luck when she first rode on a ship with him when she was a child. And that she knew had been just silly superstition. Also he didn't use formalities around her, like so many others did after she became King.
"How are you faring today?" she questioned brightly.
"As well as t' be expected," Mr Gibbs responded, nodding his head slightly. "What with the excitement."
"Aye, excitement. Captain--" Gibbs cut himself off, frowning, and rubbed the back of his head. "Jack," he continued, "was up t' his usual antics."
Elizabeth hesitated for a beat. "Um....Jack...?"
"Aye, Jack. My word, lass, you haven't forgotten him that soon, have ye?" Gibbs whistled. "He wasn't dead that long."
Ah, that Jack. For a moment she had thought that he had meant the monkey. They both seemed likely to do something mischievous. But what with the broken glass, she had thought that perhaps the monkey was the Jack he had meant. After all, it didn't seem natural for human Jack to break bottles. As if seeing into her mind Gibbs let out a laugh.
"We ran out of rum," he explained. "Jack got a bit er---upset."
"Upset... yes... I can see that."
"Just needed t' cool off."
"And he cooled off by breaking bottles?"
"So um... where..." Elizabeth took a deep breath. "Do you know where I may find him now? I had a bit of a question for him." Big fat lie.
Mr Gibbs frowned. She wanted to know where Jack was? Strange, she had seemed to be avoiding their former captain ever since they rescued him. Strange, since she had been one of the ones to originally want to risk everything to go get him from the locker. Not that it was his place to question her actions. She was the King now. And even before she was elected it still hadn't been his place, what with her being a lady and all.
"Should be in his quarters, I would imagine."
"Thank you," she said, giving him another smile.
He shrugged. "Least I could do, miss."
"All the same."
"Well, yer welcome." Elizabeth turned to leave when Gibbs remembered something. "Ah, miss, before I forget, Captain Barbossa was looking for ye earlier."
The lady grimaced, something that didn't go unnoticed by the man. "Oh... well... could you um... tell him that you didn't see me?" She really hated asking him to do this, but she didn't want to have to deal with Barbossa right now. To be truthful she didn't want to deal with him at all. There was definitely the possibility of something developing between them, and just the thought terrified her.
Mr Gibbs nodded. "O' course."
"Thank you, Mr Gibbs."
With that Elizabeth turned and fled toward the small stairway that led below deck. All the way she wondered where Barbossa was, and prayed that she didn't run into him on the way to Jack's cabin. Luckily for her the gods seemed to hear her, for she safely managed to reach the captain's quarters without seeing hide nor hair of the pirate. Taking a deep breath she tapped her knuckles against the wood door in front of her.
"Jack?" she called, feeling slightly anxious. Was he not in there?
There was a grunt, then a loud thud. Elizabeth jumped slightly when the door suddenly swung open to reveal a very disheveled man-beast. If it was not for the ever present dreadlocks, she would never have been able to recognize him.
"H-hello, Jack."
He blinked at her for a beat, his coal rimmed eyes unfocused. He blinked a few more times before staggering back into his cabin and tripping over a box. Elizabeth watched in horror as his body fell backward over the box and onto the small bed in the corner of the room.
"Oh my god--are you all right?" she inquired as he slowly sat up.
"Why are ye standin' on the door?"
Elizabeth frowned. She wasn't standing on anything but the floor. That could only mean that he wasn't all right. Taking a hesitant step into the cabin she bit her lower lip. "Jack, do you know who I am?"
"O' course. Yer me beauty."
"Um not quite, but close enough." She took another step toward him, than another. "Can you remember my name?"
Jack stared at her blankly for a few more seconds before clapping his hands together. "Yer Lizzie!" he cried gleefully.
"That's right," Elizabeth told him gently. "Lizzie."
All of a sudden Jack's eyes darkened and he scowled. "Murderess," he said quietly.
She flinched. That was one thing she had hoped that he wouldn't be able to remember. But since she came here to apologize it was probably best that he was actually aware of what she was apologizing for.
"You left me," Jack said, voice accusing.
Once again all she could do was nod. "Yes..."
Standing up Jack swayed dangerously before managing to walk normally. He kept coming at her, backing her up against a wall. Elizabeth was so sure he was going to hit her that she actually began to brace herself for the blow. Only it never came. Instead she felt a calloused hand gently caress her cheek. Opening her eyes she stared up into his almost black eyes.
"...why'd ye do it, luv?"
"I had no choice," Elizabeth whispered. "If you had gotten in the rowboat we all would have been killed..."
"So ye're nothin' but a pirate, eh?"
She let out a strangled laugh. "I suppose I am," she agreed."
"At least ye be havin' morals."
The next thing Elizabeth knew Jack's lips were on hers, and he was pressing her against the wall roughly. Her brain told her to push him away, that this was wrong on so many levels. She had killed him and now he was kissing her? This wasn't right. Besides, she had only just broken things off with Will. It was too soon to move on. And did she even like Jack that way? Yes there had been some attraction in the past, but hadn't that all been simple attraction to the different? To danger? But oh... his lips on hers felt so right. They were so warm, so perfect, so...
She was kissing Jack. On the lips. She was kissing Jack?! What was she thinking? Using all her strength Elizabeth shoved the man away from her. He stumbled back a few feet, staring at her in confusion.
"What's wrong, luv?"
"What's wrong?! Everything is wrong! What the hell were you doing? I came here to apologize and then you--" Breathing heavily she glared at him. "No, I don't even want to know. Just stay away from me." Before he could react she was at the door to the cabin, her back turned. She paused just long enough to add, "And don't you dare try anything like that again."
She stomped through the doorway and into the hall, running smack into something. With a huff she looked up and almost fainted on the spot. Not him... not him, not him... Anyone but him!
EN: Bad chapter, I know. First I decided to start trying to do 'Pirate Speak' which is much more difficult than I had originally thought. Then I ended up getting confused about what I should have Jack do when Lizzie came to see him. And then I ended it with a cliffhanger, deciding it would work better than saying who she ran into. Don't hate me for my scattered brain!