Disclaimer: Do not own Naruto people

Sasuke and Sakura will be together in this

Chapter one:

The Beginning of the Dream takes running

Naruto running towards the Pokemon Academy (A/N I had trouble figuring out what it should be called) as fast as he could. He woke up late because he forgot to set his alarm clock again.

'OH MY FRKKIN GOD!! If I don't hurry I'm gonna be late and not gonna be on a team!!' It was all ready 8:27 am and school started at 8:30 am (A/N if you think that's late or too early just tell me).

He started to see the academy, he looked up and saw it was 8:28.

" NO!!" yelled Naruto, " This might be the last time I'll be here, and the first time I can get there before those Gates of Doom close!!"

He kept running, and running he looked at the big clock again and it said 8:29 and 45 seconds. As soon as it was 8:30 the gates started closing, so he jumped over them while thinking ' THANK YOU KAMI!!'

But his foot got left behind the gate and so he fell flat on his face.

"Well at least it's a new record." he said while twitching at the pain. He got up cleaned him self off and head to class to find out which team he would be in and get his very first pokemon ( A/N or in his case second, you'll find out later in the story).

As he entered he saw all the other students with the Kohana headband, a piece of paper which he didn't recognize and a pokemon all around them.

" COOOOOOOOOOL!!" he screamed which made everyone stare at him.

" Naruto your late!! Iruka-sensei yelled " Well I shouldn't be surprised it's actually a new record. Oh well, come over here."

Naruto walked, no ran to Irukas desk nearly breaking it in half….again. Iruka thought ' Note to self, get a metal desk'

" Naruto, your journey is about to begin, through the pokemon world (A/N I know that sounded retarded). You have a three man cell, one will come from the Southwest of Kohana, and another will come from the East west of Kohana. This card I am holding is a picture of your teammates and their names. Next is your headband and pokemon.

" Yeppie!!" yelled Naruto, then he started dancing (A/N on my profile)

"Now do you know which one your going to pick as your new partner?" Iruka asked

" Uh,"

" You have no clue do you" said Iruka was a decent sized sweat drop on the back of his head

" OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT POKEMON I'M GONNA PICK I'M NOT AN IDIOT YOU KNOW" at that everyone looked at him staring.

" OK OK stop staring, lets see………………….." Naruto said while staring at the three pokemon in front of him. (A/N how did they get there??)

"Well I already have one" said Naruto" I want a good one……, a strong

' I just can't decide, hmmm there's Turtiwg a grass type, Chimcar a fire type, or Piplup.'

So he took a quick look at the card, it had two pictures on it one female and one male.

As soon as he saw the girl he shouted


" NARUTO DON'T YELL!!" everyone else shouted back at him

" I don't have to listen to YOU guys!!

20 minutes later………………

Naruto dead on the floor while Piplup was doing it's happy dance cause he was picked (A/N if you saw the video of Naruto dancing then just put Piplup in his place)

Iruka did a big big big sigh and said

" Naruto when are you gonna learn, especially when there people that had enough of your yelling while they have pokemon. Well anyways here's Piplups poke ball, now choose what color of headband you want"

Naruto looked at the choices, there were only three, black, red, and blue. With the metal plate in it the symbol of Kohana. Kohana has and still is divided into three sections ( A/N its my fanfic so go to hell if you don't like it) Naruto lives in the Northwest of Kohana. The headband Naruto decided to pick was the blue one. No reason in particular his instict just told him to.

So now he had everything his new pokemon, his card which told him who his new teammates were, and his headband ( A/NI didn't what to put in a pokedex because this is Sakuras thing) he was ready to go.

Iruka couldn't believe it was time, he had grown to this student, the very student who played pranks, and broke his desk so many times, and the one who had so much determination in his soul. After all Narutos goal was to become a pokemon master, Iruka knew he could do it.

" Oh and I almost forgot to tell you Naruto. Your new teammates are going to met you at Mearal City."

" Why?"

"Huh? Oh that's right there's a festival for all the new rookie trainers. That's probably the reason why they wanna met you there. And good luck too you're the farthest one from it, also on being a pokemon trainer I just wanna warn you its not gonna be easy."

" Yeah I know that's why I made a vow to myself that I'm not going to give up on anything." He said with a toothy grin.

After that Iruka made everyone stay for one more hour to tell them some things before he let them leave with there new pokemon.

" Hey Piplup" Naruto whispered to his new pokemon

" Pip?"

" I just what you to know that I have another pokemon, he's -"

" NARUTO stop talking!" Iruka yelled

" Fine, Ill tell you later okay?"

" Pip" said Piplup while nodding his head knowing what he means.

' I can't believe that I have to have deal with these guys' thought an unruly head with spiky darkish bluish hair that had a remarkable resemblances to a chicken s butt, and onyx eyes filled with an aura of coldness .

' There're just gonna slow me down' he thought disgustedly as he stared down blankly at two faces of his new teammates that he hasn't met before.

A young girl named Sakura Haruno with a look of kindness in her eyes, and an annoyingly hyper looking boy named Naruto Uzumaki. He had no clue who they were, but it was pretty obvious what kind of person they were from the way they looked.

But there was something about the girl that bothered him, he could a swore that he saw her before ,or maybe its just the pink hair. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

'Hn, annoying' thought Sasuke

He was eating some rice balls while relaxing under a tall beautiful tree, it was big enough that it could cover two medium trees. With two small pokemon by his side, one fire type the other a rock type. Both of them enjoying a rice ball that had a poke food flavoring.

' better get going before the sun goes down' thought Sasuke

"Chimcar, Crainidos return" Sasuke commanded "Hn"

He got to his feet and started walking Northwest, where Mereal city was, since he was the closest to it, he had the upper hand. As he walked he looked up at the sky blankly, lost in thoughts of his own.

' What in the world were they thinking in putting us in teams, what's the use if there just gonna be dead weight on the strongest shoulders. This is just stupid, but Ill just have to deal with it if I want to find him.'

At that thought his face turned clod and uncaring with a hint of angrier.

' Whats he's done is unforgivable, he shouldn't even be alive' he thought disgustedly.

A couple hours later

From his point of view he knew he was exactly on the border, just a few more hours and he would be there. The sun was close to disappearing. He looked back up at the shades of pink and orange sky. He was most interested in the pink shade which drew his attention at back to his new teammate that he hasn't met.

" Damn it, what is it about her that bothers me so much." he thought out loud

It took him while to realize what he was doing. ' Damn, its got an darker, I got a stop getting lost in my thoughts, it just wastes time' he thought But he just couldn't stop thinking about his new pink haired teammate.' What the heck is wrong with me?!'

Then his mind wandered off to a different person, and that person was his other new teammate.

Naruto Uzumaki, he already knew he wasn't going to get along with him, the card that had his new teammates showed all their grades, EVERYTHING! And right under Naruto's name it showed his final test, the test to determine which team the trainer will be on and if they're able to be a pokemon trainer, Narutos score was a 58.1.

If any student got below or a 58 they would fail, if it wasn't for the .1 he wouldn't even be on this card that Sasuke was staring at, or mostly glaring at would be the correct term. Then his eyes traveled to the person he couldn't stop thinking about, Sakura Haruno, he looked at her score, and he couldn't believe it, she got a 56.9 on her test, so he had no clue why she was on his team. When he looked down at her grades they were all perfect A+'s. What is with this girl?

' great I got an idiot on my, team, and an air head who was probably crazy.' Then it hit him, he had a FEMALE on the team, he stopped in his tracks, his face looked calm, but deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP DOWN INSIDE HE WAS SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF.

' OH MY FRIKKIN GOD, what if she's a fan girl, I mean what if she tries to cut my hair in my sleep, or look at me while I'm taking a shower! I mean she must be crazy since she got straight As, and failed the test, what the HELL! Okay Sasuke, calm down…………………….'(sorry if that was ooc, I promise not 2 do it again)

He started walking he just……. He didn't even know all he wanted was just to get this over with, and to get back on his brother.

He was so lost in thought, he didn't even know he was already in Mereal City until a couple of girls stopped him while walking over a bridge, that had a decent river flowing under it, and started giggling.

' Crap fan girls'

" Hi Sasuke-kun!!(giggle)We were just wondering if you would like tow hang out with us some time?( giggle)

" No thanks, good bye…." he said coldly

The two fan girls looked like somebody slapped them across their fan girl faces.

" Bu-But…"

" No means no" Sasuke with an aura of coldness, both fan girls were on the verge of tears, they just couldn't believe it. 'How could Sasuke Uchiha be so cold,' they thought.

" Ho- How could you be so.. So COLD" one of them yelled at him, but not loud enough to draw a crowds attention.

" I -I MEAN LOOK AT US, WE' RE PRETTY, SMART, AND HAVE GREAT POKEMON!!" The other one shouted, this was loud enough to bring in the attention of a crowd, while bringing out there pokemon. Sasuke started hearing murmurs. Then he signed,' I wish every thing would just stop..' he thought

" PLEASE, please just give us one chance" said the other one, her eyes had a small spark that showed hope ( A/N I said they were on the verge of tears)

While the crowds attention was drawn to the girls he jumped over the handles of the bridge. Everyone gasped with surprise, and ran over to the side where Sasuke had jumped off.

They looked down and saw nothing, the river was clam and that a reflection the crescent moon.

People started saying things like" Where could have he gone, he couldn't have falling into the river" or" I don't see him anywhere, where could he be??"

Luckily, there was a very large bar that helped support the bridge, which Sasuke was holding on to.

' Damn, when are these people gonna leave??'

20 minutes later

' Damn it, I need to start putting up my hoodie more' he thought since he dark blue hoodie sweat shirt with the Uchiha fan sign on it under it was a white shirt under it, which his gray backpack was covering, and black shorts that covered the knee alitte, the shorts were kind of baggy, and black running shoes.

" Where is he….."

"Its been a while…."

"Who are you guys looking for……" asked a girl with a injured pokemon in her arms

" A boy with spiky black hair, his name his is Sasuke Uchiha."

"Oh I saw him, he was just leaving the village"

' What, what's with this person?' thought Sasuke


"Its true you guys might wanna hurry or you might not catch him in time"

At that everyone left, not for Sasuke but for other reasons, only the fan girls left for Sasuke. The person who lied waited a few minutes and then looked under the bridge and said" You can come out now, their gone"

At that Sasuke jumped over and stood next to the person who helped him. When he looked all he could do was stare, at this girl covered in dirt, a cut on her cheek, a scrape on her knee, a few scratches and bruises here and there, a hurt Pikachu in her arms, but the thing that caught his eye the most was the smile that was on her lips. It wasn't a amazing smile, a sexy smile, or any smile, just a simply smile.

"Hi, I'm Sakura Haruno" said the girl still with the smile on her lips," Your new teammate"

Sasuke finally realized that she was his teammate, pink hair, and eyes full of kindness just how the card had shown, only this was more realistic.

" Oh, uh….. Thanks… for-

" No need, it just looked like you needed help, that's all" said Sakura with a cheerful grin

' I needed help?! Look at her..' he looked down at the hurt Pikachu, it looked like it was already treated, it looked like it was just resting.

"Do you know where the pokemon center is?" she asked

"Hun…. Oh yeah, its this way, just follow me"

"Okay" she said

As they walked to the pokemon center al they could hear were people chattering, shoes stepping on the ground just like theirs. A few minutes later they were at the sliding doors of the pokemon center. They went to the counted where a woman wearing a nurses outfit, and a hat that hade a medical sign on it. Her hair color was hot pink, with eyes that are blue with a green tint to it.

" Oh dear, what happened?"

" Well I was in the forest and this Pikachu was running form a swarm of Starly, he slipped and fell from a tree, I caught him but I couldn't get my pokemon out, so I fell a couple of times, and a few of the Starlys attacks hit me. But I'm fine.

" My goodness, how did you get away from the Starly then?" said Nurse Joy while getting some first aid things from under the counter.

"Well I had to hide in a tree, it wasn't easy climbing up there."

" Oh, all I can say is, it must have been a rough day for you, here's a first aid kit, if you don't mind do you think you can tend to yourself, or do you want met to get one of the Chanselys to it?"

"Oh no that's all right, I'll just go to the lounge and do it thank you!"

So Sasuke and Sakura walked over to the lounge and sat on a cream colored couch.

Sakura laid the sleeping Pikachu on the end, and sat herself in the middle of the couch with a medical kit in her hands.

" So how come Pikachu has bandages?'

"Well I had some in my backpack but I only had enough for one person. So I used on Pikachu, he needed it more than me." she said with a smile

' He needed it more?! By the looks of it, they were even at needing it ' he thought

'Why didn't she treat herself? Then she could have gotten here faster to get to the pokemon center.' He just couldn't understand it, he knows that pokemon go first, but not this far into the league.

' This is really is a bad day for me.'

Then it came to him, the test scores, he thought she must have been crazy to have gotten all those perfect grades yet a horrible score on the test.

' Should I ask her, will she think it weird, or will she not care?'

So he went with his guts and said

" About the test scores, why did you have such a horrible- oh sorry I didn't mean it that way it just-" he was cut off

She was laughing, the laugh has a soft tone to it, he kind of liked it. Sakura said

"No need to apologize, I got that a lot, well it's true that I got good grades, and I totally blew the test, but that's because I thought it was stupid."

When he heard that he was quite surprised, he had never heard someone say it was stupid, sure he heard it was hard or boring or some other stuff, but stupid. Why? Did she think that it was too easy, no then she would have gotten a good score.

" Your probably think I'm weird or, something"

"No, not really, but why do you thinks its stupid, of course nobody want to take it but it is important-"

"Why should you thinks it important?"

"Well why shouldn't I?" he asked in a sort of rude tone

She laughed at this, it was the same laugh as before, it calmed him

" That is a good point, but I still think its stupid" she said while wrapping her knee in a bandage

"But why?"

"Because what's the point, the test didn't get you ready for the pokemon world did it? You had to learn it, it only shows if you pass and which team you'll be on but you didn't have to take the test and proves it you're smart enough to be a pokemon trainer is what some people say, I honestly found that offensive, you could have left two years ago, but it was recommended that you stay to get on a team. But I think that no stupid test proves anything only if you know stuff, you could learn every single thing in that text book and still not know everything, its because on the road you're taking, you're still learning things, while realizing that it's nothing like the academy said, yes they said it was a harsh road, but not like it would feel." she said fishing treating herself and resting Pikachu on he lap, slowing and gently petting Pikachu

"You're realizing there is more than any textbook could say, the test doesn't prove any thing, to prove that you're a true trainer, you have to face all the difficulties there are coming your way with your pokemon, and the way you are with your pokemon.

The only thing that useless test proves is how smart you are that the Pokemon Academy, not in the Pokemon World."

'I understand her a little more, she is suborned yet kind and gentle.' thought Sasuke

"OH im sorry, I know that sounds dramatic but-"

"No its okay…" Sasuke said as he cut her off, he looked at the digital clock on the coffe table " We better check out a room"

"Oh, right, I'll go do I-"

"No I'll go do it" he said cutting her off again while getting off the sofa and walking to the counter.

"How the hell did I let this happen?!" Naruto yelled while running throughout the forest "Well at least the sun is coming back up" He had been running the whole night searching for his lost pokemon.

He stopped to take a small break trying to catch his breath.

"Damn it, I can't stop im losing time!" he said as he started running again" Those Starlys went that way but I haven't see them .Damn! And my own Starly who knows where the heck it is? I don't even know if it found P-" Unable to finish because his own Starly had come back.

"Did you find anything?!"

But all Starly could do was shake his head in disappointment. Naruto had a small sad smile on his face.

"I know you tried, you been flying since yesterday afternoon, you should rest so return." Naruto said while a red beam shot from the poke ball and on to Starly putting him back in to his poke ball.

"What the hell happened….." he said as he started to walk while trying to remember what had happen earlier.

-Flash Back-

He was walking back from the Pokemon Academy to his house with his new pokemon, Piplup. When they got there he unlocked the door to meet the face of his best friend.

"Pika chu!" said Pikachu in a happy tone! Pikachu looked over and saw Piplup by Naruto's side.

"Pikachu, this is Piplup Iruka gave him to me since I'm a new trainer, but that'll change as soon as we beat all the gyms and the Pokemon Leuage!" Naruto said

Pikachu went over to Piplup and stuck out its paw (A/N is that what it is, a paw right?) and then Piplup shook Pikachu's paw. While Piplup and Pikachu decided to play Naruto made sure he needed everything for their trip.

"Extra clothes, water bottle, toothbrush, towel, swim trunks, sleeping bag, blanket, and RAMEN!" he yelled not really paying attention to what else he needed like a map compass ect.. He was just too excited about being a pokemon trainer.

About an hour later Naruto returned Piplup to its poke ball and then headed out the door to Meareal City. They started up the road and went on. A couple hours went by and they still had a long way to go. So Naruto decided to take a break and let Piplup out of its ball. Then he heated up some water for the ramen and put some poke food in a bowl for his pokemon. When they were done he packed up and when he was done he spotted a Starly.

"Whoa its a Starly, catching something like that should be a piece of cake for the worlds soon to be greatest trainer of all time. So Pikachu are you up for it?"

"Pika!" said Pikachu in a agreeing tone.

"Okay then! First use thunder bolt on Starly!" said Naruto

So Pikachu use thunder bolt on Starly making fall down out of the tree and hitting the floor hard which caused extra damage making it unconscious.

"ALL RIGHT! Nice job Pikachu! Now go poke ball!" he said as he threw a poke ball at the hurt Starly.

The ball hit Starly sucking it in to the poke ball and landing on the floor shaking while the dot in the middle still red. Then suddenly it stop shaking and the red light turn back to white. Naruto had caught Starly!

"WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!" Naruto screamed throughout the forest which cause a very large group of Starly to awake very angry. And the Starly that Naruto caught happened to be part of the same flock.

So the very large group of Starlys started chasing Pikachu and Naruto. And by luck Naruto was able to grab the poke ball with his new pokemon inside it. Wile they were running Pikachu got separted from Naruto because the trees started to get thicker and it was nearly impossible to see through, plus one of the Starlys was able to get an attack on Pikachu getting him farther away from Naruto."Leave me alone damn birds! " Naruto yelled but they wouldn't.

"That's it!" he run faster jus barley getting away from them but just enough to let out both his remaning pokemon.

"Come out Plup, and Starly!Starly I want you to see if you can find Pikachu, and if you do stay close to him and help him out." Naruto said

"Star" said Starly understaning what Naruto had said and then flying off

"Now Piplup thin is gonna be a rough battle, you ready?"

"Pip!" Ppiplup said with determination.

"Okay then first use bubble beam all over the place!" said Naruto

Piplup obyed, when he did bubbles went everywhere making hard to see, some of the bubbles were getting popped but the Starly were still unable to see only few made it out to chase Naruto and Piplup.

"Now start running!" As he and Piplup were running they spotted a small ditch that could hide them so they ran faster to get away from the very few Starly and hid in the ditch. But Naruto's plan wasn't jus to hide it was a sneak attack on the very few Starly.

So when the Starly passed them they started to look confused and then out of no where came a voice


So Piplup use the strongest bubble beam it could bring, it was barley enough to send them flying down, but before they could reach the ground Piplup used peck on each one knocking them out.

Piplup was extremely tired since it was a little bruised up, and panting hard.

"Good jog Piplup,Return." So the pokemon was put back inside its ball for it to rest.

Now I have to find Pikachu as he started running again.

End of flashbck

Naruto couldn't belive he let this happen he should have been careful he thought to himself. But right now all he could do was run.

Hope u enjoyed the first chappie plez review
