Disclaimer: Eyeshield 21 is owned by Riichiro Inagaki and Yusuke Murata.

Generally, Hiruma Youichi would wake up, wash his face and get his ass straight to the kitchen. He'd rummage into the plastic bags and grab something he got from the convenience store the other night. The said 'something' ranges from cup noodles to store bento. Most of the time however, he'd just have coffee, on other days, with toast. He'd toss the used mug on the sink, sometimes he'd left it on the table. His kitchen, all of his house actually, reflect his being single and living alone. There were papers on the table, some are from school, most are game analyses for the next match. There were noodle cups too on the table, others on the floor. On the rare days he's free of anything, he'd clean the mess up, but on most cases, it would be Musashi or Kurita when they come over. Kurita would often remind him of proper ventilation and would open the curtains for him. Musashi would then tell him that athletes are supposed to take care of their health and reprimand him for eating MSG the whole week.

Today, he woke up with the sun's warm rays playing on his face.

Heck. He thought. What time is it?

He stretched out his arms for the small clock on the side table. 6:48 am. The sun's too bright for a 6: 48 am, he thought, wondering why this day's particularly sunny. He sat up and saw the curtains neatly tied.

The heck. He mumbled while looking for his slippers. He scratched his head as he went down the stairs. And then something tickled his nose.

Smells good.

As was his usual routine, he went to the kitchen, but this time, he pulled a chair and sat down.

"I see the damn manager knows how to cook." Hiruma teased her.

"But of course!" Mamori said proudly while skilfully cracking an egg with one hand.

"What time did you get up?" Hiruma asked knowing she must be tired from last night's wedding party. It ended so late, it was almost early.

Mamori paused for a while. "Around six?" She said giving him a quick look. She ran the spatula with ease and placed the egg on a plate she was holding with the other hand. She quickly put the fire off and turned to the table.

"It does look edible." Hiruma teased again.

"What do you mean by that?" She said, annoyed. She puffed her cheeks a little, hand ready to grab a broom.

He just cackled, getting a piece of the food set before him and tossed in his mouth. Realizing the food actually tasted good, he busied himself with it while she dashed back to the counter. He smelled coffee being poured. Seconds later she placed two mugs on the table. He stopped munching and gave her a look.

"Just like how you want it." She assured him. Mamori is known for her sweet tooth, coffee not exempted. She'd always have it extra creamy, as opposed to him, who'd want it black and bitter.

After the meal Mamori gathered the plates and mugs. Hiruma stood up and headed back to the room, after gazing at her gracefully performing such a motherly task.

About nine a.m. they left for the offices to process paper works. They have to fill in forms after forms in the family registry center, to passport renewals, to the statistics and census office. He had memorized the blanks already, all those forms asking for his name, age, birthdate, the likes. But one query had him pause for a while. Light reflected on the ring he was wearing. He glanced at the pretty lady beside him, wearing the same band as his. She seemed amused for some reason. He went back to his papers, an idiotic grin playing on his lips. Then he checked- status: married.