Summary: Uzumaki Naru, daughter of Uzumaki Naruto, is a failure who doesn't even resemble her father. Watch her as she grows to become the greatest ninja fluke. Narutox?
A/N: I hope someone's reading this. Even so…I really love this story idea! If you ARE reading this, please try and review. I'm keeping the mothers of the children a secret, so you can believe Naru's mother to be whoever you want to! That way, everyone's happy.
Dear Diary:
Hey. Tomorrow's my birthday. Tomorrow is also the graduation exam day…I don't even think I should go tomorrow, to the academy. I'm just going to fail, anyway. I've failed the past two times already. Haruko-nee will yell at me again if I fail. Maybe I shouldn't even try. But Sasu-kun is going to be there, so I may as well go. I'll just fail, but whatever.
Naru rolled over. People said she was the daughter of former Hokage Naruto Uzumaki, but most people said she looked exactly like her mother, even though both of her older siblings looked like their father.
"Good morning." A boy with long, shagged, spiked blond hair walked into the living room, a mask over his face and his headband pulled over his left eye, making him look almost exactly like Kakashi of the Sharingan Eye. He sat at the small table, looking up at the older girl, about eighteen or so, putting on an ANBU mask. "You leaving for work already?"
"Shouldn't you be doing the same?" came the sharp reply. "Tsubeto, if you're late for everything, you'll never get anywhere in life."
"Yeesh." The boy, Tsubeto, rolled his eye. "Comes the reply from the Ice Queen."
"Yeah, yeah." The woman turned away from Tsubeto. "Don't wake up Naru. Let her sleep in."
"But isn't today the graduation exams day?"
"That's exactly why you won't wake her. She's useless. She'll just fail again. We're doing her a favor." With that, the blond-haired ANBU walked out of the living room, slamming the door.
Tsubeto scratched his head. "Well…………" he paused. "I may as well wake her up." Tsubeto stood, heading towards Naru's room. He opened the door. "Good morning!" he said in a sing-song voice. "Wake up! Today's graduation day!"
"Go away. I'll just fail." Naru pulled the covers over her head. "I heard everything you and Haruko-nee were saying."
Tsubeto paused. "Oh, come on. Won't you at least try?" Tsubeto sat on his younger sister's bed. "If you don't try, Haruko-nee will get even angrier."
"That's a lie, and you know it." Naru replied sharply. "She doesn't even believe in me anymore."
Tsubeto paused again. "Well, I believe in you. And so does Sasu-san, right?" Tsubeto placed his hand on Naru's straight hair as she sat up. "You should at least try. If you pass, Haruko-nee will start to believe in you, too."
Naru sighed. "If you say so, big brother." She stood up grudgingly. "but if I don't pass," she added, "I'm not coming home for awhile."
"Understood." Tsubeto smiled underneath the mask. "Do your best."
"Yeah, yeah……Whatever." Naru stood at the window and jumped out. "I'll try to pass the freakin' exam."
Naru walked slowly to the Academy. She was already late as it was.
As Naru approached the Academy, she could see a boy with raven-colored hair in the shape of a parakeet. "What're you doing, Sasu? You're late to class."
Sasu Uchiha, Naru's best (if only) friend, waited for her to catch up to him before replying. "I wanted to see if you were coming. If you weren't, I wasn't going to go."
"Come on, Sasu!" Naru argued. "You have a chance at becoming a ninja. We all know you're a prodigy. You're just feeling bad for me because I didn't pass!" Naru huffed, looking away. "I don't need your pity. I'll graduate this year, and we can train together." Naru could feel herself turning red. "We'll train together, and we'll fight together, and we'll…just be together."
From the corner of her eye, Naru could see Sasu also turning red.
"We're here." Naru commented, looking up at the looming Ninja Academy. "So should I go in first, or you?"
"Be my guest."
Naru sighed, opening the door.
There stood an old man, with brown, but graying, hair tied in a ponytail, an old scar placed on his face between his eyes, on the bridge of his nose. "You're late." He growled.
"Yo, Iruka-sensei." Naru said, lifting her hand in a semi-wave. "At least I showed up."
A/N: So? How was it? This is probably the longest first chapter I've ever written. (Eh-heh…) Everything picks up from here! A lot of things are bound to happen, so make sure to give me some self confidence by reviewing!