"Greencough?!" The crowd of cats yowled to the forest surrounding them.

"Mum?" Fallenpaw meowed, fear glowed in her eyes. "What will happen to dad?"

Feirceraven stared at the Highrock, her eyes emotionless. "Honey." She meowed. "Go into the apprentices' den. I'll come get you when the meeting is over."

Fallenpaw's ears drooped; her tail kit the ground with a thwak!. "Yes mum." She mewed. As she started to pad away, Glowingsun continued to rasp about Midnightstar and his position.

Great, Fallenpaw, She thought. Just great...

Fallenpaw hit the bottom of her nest with a thud!. Why didn't her mother want her to listen to the announcement? It wasn't fair!

"Pssst... Fallenpaw?" An unfirmiliar voice sounded at the back of the den.

"What do you want?" Fallenpaw growled. "Go away."

Glowing green eyes sparkled in the darkest corner of the nest. "Hold it there, kitty," The voice meowed. "I have a job for you..."

"As you all know, Midnightstar has Greencough," Glowingsun meowed. "I'm here to tell you that it is a very bad case. He will not be waking up."

Yowls for greif sounded all over, and Feirceraven hung her head. Why now, Midnightstar? Feirceraven asked the dead leader. Right when your daughter needs you, too...
