A/N: It's not even funny how much trouble I had to go through to get this on here. It had to happen on the last chapter too, it couldn't have waited until I was done with it. It seems that the other computer stopped working when I was in the middle of this chapter. I couldn't get on it at all, so I had to redo the whole thing. I was not happy. Anyway, this is the last part of my follow-up. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. It turned out better than I thought it would, in my opinion. Okay, good, not good? Let me know. -KG

Chapter Eleven: One Last Stand

"What!? How did this happen?" Soi Fon was scowling something terrible, and the messenger shrank back in fear a bit. Irate was probably not the most descriptive word for it, but it was close enough.

Shunsui and Nanao opened their door and stepped out to meet with the two captains. The messenger shrank back more seeing all the important officers surrounding him. Two others came up to them next, causing a further stirring of the ward. It began buzzing as a beehive would, everyone wanting to know what was going on.

Glancing down the hall, Ivy and Retsu were spotted coming out of a room they were speaking in. Hearing the commotion, Retsu spoke up.

"What is all this noise?" Instantly, things quieted down. She didn't yell, but her voice held that demanding quality. They walked up to the others. "Now, what's going on here?"

Seeing Ivy, one of the guards came to life and stepped in front of her, bowing. "Captain Giahara! During Yukio Tokinori's escape, Lieutenant Kira was injured."

Panic flashed quickly across her face. "Where is he?"

"He was on his way back to Third when he was attacked."

Worry ran through her eyes. "Damn. Thank you for the information." A second later she was gone with a gust of light wind.

Shunsui held a puzzled look as to why she ran off like that. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but last time I checked, Yukio wasn't much of a threat. What could he possibly do to Izuru?"

"Allow me to explain." Unohana turned towards him. "Lieutenant Kira is still not well from the after effects of Yukio's ability, having resisted so hard. That's what I was speaking to Ivy about. He was supposed to be on light duty for a couple of days. I sent him home to rest."

"So he was probably caught off-guard then."

"That's what I'm assuming. Ivy probably knew that." She was looking down the hall that she had just disappeared down, a slight frown on her face. Clearing it, she turned to look behind the group, spotting just the person she was searching for.

"Hanataro, could you prepare a room for Lieutenant Kira? I expect he will be arriving shortly."

He jumped slightly at the mention of his name, halting the cleaning he was administering to the floor. "Y-yes, Captain Unohana, at once." He hastily picked up his bucket and mop and bowed, rushing away to do as he was told.

It seems that everything wasn't over just yet.


"Well, he certainly made a mess out of things here. So much for saying he wasn't that violent."

The same four that had accosted Yukio were now standing outside, between the Second and Third Divisions, assessing the damages. In his attempts to escape into the Rukongai, he had partially destroyed parts of both sections.

When everything had quieted down for the most part, Yukio had just 'convinced' one of his watchers to open his cell. Once out, he had knocked them both out and escaped, going towards the Third in his attempt to retreat to Rukongai. By chance, he had came upon Izuru, still disoriented.

Lucky for him, Izuru had still been suffering from the after effects of his manipulation. Coming back to his division from the Fourth, he had been so out of it that he didn't sense him approaching. With no way to defend himself so unexpectedly, he was left with a slash across the back. It had been a quick hit and run though, for the alarm went up as soon as other Second members found the unconscious guards. A few members of the Corps. caught up with him, causing him to leave Izuru bloodied on the ground. He was brought to the Fourth and treated later.

To avoid being captured again, he had destroyed a part of the buildings to provide a distraction while he escaped to Rukongai. A squad was sent after him, but they came up fruitless after an hour of searching, loosing any traces of him almost instantly. Rukongai was a large place, after all. They were hesitant about sending another squad out, knowing that it could be a while before anyone found him. They didn't want to waste time if they could help it.

Even so, the order went out that if any soul reaper were to come across him, they were to do one of two things. If possible, they were to submit him to arrest. If he was uncooperative, they were given permission to execute.

Shunsui was generally a nonviolent person, but right now, he liked the idea of the second option.

They were now standing around, wondering what they were going to do about the current situation. A thought flashed through Nanao's mind, and she looked up at Shunsui, sharing a look of understanding.

She turned towards the other two captains. "I think I know where he is."

"What? Tell me where!" Soi Fon was still bitter that her division had been embarrassed.

"With all due respect, Captain, I think that a large group would scare him off. I request permission to arrest him myself. He hasn't been much of a threat so far, so he shouldn't last long against my kido." Even if he did prove to be a formidable opponent, Nanao still wanted the chance to face him.

"I'll go with her for support." Of course he would.

She sat for a minute, thinking about the idea and weighing the options. It sounded good. Besides, as much as she wanted to redeem her division's esteem, she knew this wasn't really her battle to fight. She nodded. "I'll go inform the First Division immediately." She turned to leave, but Nanao stopped her.

"Wait." She did and turned back. "There's a chance that Yukio will try to flee again. If that happens, do you think that you and your division could follow us to the 52nd District and monitor the edges?"

Soi Fon nodded. It looks like she would be given a chance after all. "I will have it arranged at once. Good luck." Then, she flashed away, leaving a small cloud of dust in her wake.

Having everything taken care of, Shunsui stepped forward and offered his hand to Nanao. "Shall we, Nanao-chan?" She nodded, and reached out for his hand.

"Shunsui, Nanao." Hearing Ivy speak up, they stopped and looked back at her, being silent while the others made their exchange. She was staring off into the distance. "Make him pay... for everything." Her hand had closed into a fist, and she looked towards the ground as she said it. She met their gaze only after she finished. They each nodded at her before she too flashed off.

Her division had been left with a bad mark as well, only more discreetly. There was the fact that Yukio got away with as much as he did right under her nose. Although both she and her lieutenant knew something was odd, they didn't have enough proof to make a good claim.

Shunsui knew though, that the real reason behind her anger was for Izuru. It was common to find that most captains were protective of their lieutenants, forming a strong bond that not many could beat. The closest thing was probably a zanpakuto and their wielder. The Third was a prime example of this. They had worked hard to regain the trust throughout the entire division.

It seemed that Yukio had much to atone for.


Well, this was familiar.

Once again they were standing at the gate of the 52nd District. In this very spot Nanao had stood, more than a year ago, wondering if she was doing the right thing. Shunsui too, had been led here. The familiar grove of pink awaited them, but just like back then, it didn't hold the same peaceful qualities like the ones near the office.

"How do you know he's here?"

She thought for a moment before looking over at him. "I don't really know why. I can just feel it. It may not be logical, but I just know. I don't know how to explain it."

"Instinct. Sometimes that's better than any strategy or logic used." She silently agreed.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hoping he'll try to resist."

She chuckled. "Either way, we're going to cut off all aliments from the past tonight. Although highly unprofessional, I don't think I would mind a little payback as well."

He shared her laugh. "That's my Nanao-chan." He had always known that she had another side to her underneath the mask she always used to wear when around him. "The sooner we're rid of him, the better. Then we can spend time doing more important things."

"Yes, I think curling up with a good book sounds wonderful." She smiled at his pout. "Wrapped up in your arms of course, Shunsui."

His smile returned to him hearing this last bit. He didn't really care what they did, as long as he got to spend time with her (although he could think of some creative ways to do so). Thoughts fading as the present came into view once more, they shared a serious look and a nod before advancing onward, counting on Soi Fon and the Second Division to hold up their end of the deal.

There was a reason why Shunsui and Nanao wanted to do this alone. They had both been wronged by Yukio, in the same but different way. If they weren't the ones to take care of this, it would bother them for a very long time. He was part of that past that wouldn't leave them alone. Even in death, Leiko still caused problems.

If this wasn't stopped, it would be an endless cycle, wrapping around itself again and again to torment them. It wasn't like nothing else gave them grief. They certainly didn't need anything else in the way. No, once this was over, the past would finally be put to rest.

Then, they could focus on their future, together.


The sun was almost spent for the day, casting shadows through the grove. There was no dancing of the cherry blossoms today. They moved cautiously but quickly, from pink to green, as the grove gave way to the forest beyond. If memory served her right, the clearing was just up ahead. Sealing off all traces of their reiatsu, they proceeded carefully.

When the space was visible, they spotted who they were looking for.

He was kneeling down on the ground, looking at something in the dirt. They approached slowly and quietly, but not quietly enough.

"So, you found me after all. How fitting." He took of fistful of dirt and stood up, facing them. "Her blood is now a part of this soil." He opened his hand, causing its contents to waterfall down to the ground. "I suppose you're here to arrest me. Or, perhaps killing me would be more fitting?"

Nanao answered. "Yukio Tokinori, you are under arrest. If you resist, we'll have to execute you." They took a step forward, and a light blue barrier flew up around him, preventing them from advancing further.

"Look familiar?" He held up a strange device. Shunsui recognized it right away. It was the same type that Leiko had possessed. "I used to be in the Twelfth too, you know."

Shunsui then asked something that had been bothering him for a while. "Why is it that nobody remembers you? You would think that your ability would've been documented or something."

Yukio laughed a little. "It's easy to forget a nobody. All the better for plotting. My skill wasn't perfected until recently." Smirking, he continued. "Now, if you want to play, follow me. I think you'll find it quite entertaining."

A gate to the real world appeared behind him. He waved and disappeared into it. The barrier disappeared, but the door remained ajar. They were left with a choice. Choosing to pursue, they stepped through, coming out into an expanse surrounded by forest. Nanao mentally groaned. What was with this guy and bringing up bad memories?

The doorway disappeared, and they took a look around. On the edge of the wood line, laughter was heard. Yukio stepped out, and beside him stood a familiar shape.

It was a hollow.

Yukio walked a little farther out, and raised up his zanpakuto. Straining her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things, she watched it twist into a coil-like shape. After the transformation, a ring of hollows had appeared around them.

Suddenly, Ivy's joke didn't seem so funny.

"Well, do you doubt my abilities now? I thought we could have some fun for a bit. I want to see you two bleed!"

At this, the hollow standing next to him gave a shrill cry, and the others joined in. Nanao automatically flared her hand, and Shunsui unsheathed Katen Kyoukotsu. They stood ready for battle, back to back. This was not going to be easy after all.


Nanao was tired. There was no denying it. Every muscle within her ached. It didn't matter how many hollows they managed to kill, more just kept coming, all persuaded by Yukio. It made things worse that he also joined the fray, striking at them when they were occupied and retreating before they could retaliate. Nanao knew that they needed to defeat him in order to get the hollows to stop, but every time either one of them got close, a hollow would defend him.

Finishing off another hollow close to her, she spared a glance at Shunsui. He was minimally injured, but she could still see little streams of blood rolling off of him. She was much the same. Between the endless flow of hollows and Yukio's interfering, they had gotten separated and fought on opposite sides of the field. If they kept up like this, they would never win. One of them had to get close to Yukio.

Her chance magically manifested for her as he appeared in front of her. He lunged, forcing her to move out of the way. He was fast, she would admit. Buying some time by moving some more, she began a chant of her own creation, a modification to a spell she already knew. Yukio was unrelenting, charging at Nanao one after another.

Shunsui saw what was happening, and tried to help. He found his path blocked by more hollows, however.

Nanao waited until Yukio was close to finish her chant. It brought down the lightning, cascading many bolts towards the ground. Hearing a painful yell, she knew that she hit her target. As intended, his sword flew from him. He flew back a few yards as well, being stunned for a moment from the shock.

Now was her chance. Being drained for the moment, she went for his zanpakuto as he did, hoping to give her the advantage. Unfortunately for her, a hollow chose that time to appear, slashing downwards at her. She was forced to deviate, the hollow clipping her foot in the process. She crashed towards the ground, landing on her back. His zanpakuto was out of her reach, a few feet away.

Just her luck, he pulled out a short sword. Handy, but not good for Nanao. She wasn't able to move, watching him reach out to strike at her. She closed her eyes and braced for the pain.

It didn't come.

She opened her eyes to see a wall of pink in front of her, hearing a strangled cry. All the remaining hollows abruptly stopped, eyes flashing as they disappeared into darkness. She got up as fast as she could in order to see what happened.

Shunsui stood between Yukio and Nanao, successfully stopping his attack with his own sword.

When Shunsui saw the hollow strike at her, he had darted towards her. On his way, he had picked up Yukio's zanpakuto, impaling him with it when he moved between them. Yukio was now gasping for breath, nearing his end.

Shunsui let go, and Yukio stumbled backward. He sunk to his knees looking at his hands that were full of his own blood. He looked up at them with sadness in his eyes. "What else...could I have done? It's...what she would've...wanted."

His eyes unwillingly closed, and he slumped backwards, blood streaming down.

Shunsui turned towards her. "Are you alright, Nanao?" She nodded, coming over to his side. He wrapped his arms around her, glad they were both in one piece and this was finally over.


"Shunsui, where are we going?"

"You'll see, my wonderful Nanao-chan."

Two days later, everything had calmed down. Soi Fon had met them in the world of the living, having sensed that the two of them had disappeared from the 52nd District. After some research by communications, they had pinpointed their locations based on all the hollows that appeared and disappeared. Everything had been over by the time they got there. Damage to them had been minimal, nothing the Fourth couldn't handle with ease.

Now, Shunsui was leading Nanao to one of the hills outside their division. He sat down and leaned against a tree, Nanao sitting beside him.

An array of colors in the sky greeted them, their own personal celebration, courtesy of the Shibas. One particular arrangement caught her eye. It showed a shining moon next to a sun, bringing out a scene from her memory.

Knowing what she was thinking, Shunsui spoke up, whispering in her ear. "You are the moon, and I am the sun. I will always love my Nanao-chan."

She grinned. "Then, because I hold love for you, this day must be complete."

Another explosion went off, and she gasped in awe. There was always something about fireworks that caught people's attention. "It's wonderful. How did you do this?"

He smiled at her. "I called in a few favors."

Leaning in to give him a kiss, she rested against him to watch the rest of the show contently. Things were definitely looking up now. Shunsui was now able to have a display for the joy he felt.

Yes, Kuukaku always had the best fireworks.


A/N: Yes, I realize that my poem is very cheesy, but I like it! So I used it anyway. I made a lot of references to "The Three Hardest Phrases" too. A few lines in the last chapter, the 52nd District, and the last battlefield were all the same. Thanks to those that read/reviewed/favorited/alerted once again. I hope you enjoyed! -KG