[Author's Notes:
This story takes place in April, 2002 almost a year from when Jason left.
Nikolas is still being played by Tyler,
because as I read over this I can't imagine Coltin pulling this off. I'm
keeping my opinion of the actor out of this, but I'm trying to remember
RealNik. And RealNik would do anything for Elizabeth,
so that's why I had to write it for Tyler.
No matter how dumb I think the current Carly betrayal storyline is, I had to
write it in. It's important for the part of Sonny that Carly betrayed him. Which means that Carly is Tamara, no matter how much I dislike her,
because the thought of Sarah's Carly betraying Sonny makes my stomach turn.
That's about it, I think! Enjoy!]
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"Elizabeth?" he asked, pushing the
door open. "Elizabeth?" Lucky
glanced around the dressing room for his bride. Where is she? "Elizabeth, you in here?" He walked towards
the shut bathroom door and heard the water in the sink running, feeling
relieved that she was in the bathroom.
"Elizabeth." He knocked gently on
the door.
No answer.
"Elizabeth," he said more firmly.
Alarm started rising in his stomach. She
wouldn't run out on her own wedding, would she?
No answer.
He tried the doorknob and it was unlocked. Lucky tried to push his way into the
room, but there was something in front of the door. "Elizabeth,
are you in there?" he asked, getting more irritated. He pushed on the door a
little more and the chair that was wedged up against it gave away.
He looked from the water that was overflowing onto the carpet to the open
window, curtains flapping in the wind. "Elizabeth,"
he whispered, not really hearing himself.
"NO!" he yelled out the window.
"No," he said to himself, as he folded like cardboard against the bathroom
door. "No, no. She can't be gone. She can't be."
"Elizabeth," he breathed.
She was gone.