Title – How to Build an Empire
Rating – this chapter R (overall NC-17)
Pairing – guardiansxTsuna... just about lol (this chapter, GokuTsuna)
Warnings – slash, probable OOCness, Tsuna uke? XD
Comments – Uh ._. I wrote chapter one a year ago... haha? ^^; I actually had the majority of this written for a while, I just got stumped at the porn. Figures D: There is no guarantee that chapter 3 won't also take a year to write ^^; Written completely for amusement and totally not meant to be taken seriously lol.

Chapter 2

For the first time since taking up his post, Tsuna was grateful for Sunday logs. Reborn had assigned him the duty of reviewing weekly their finance logs to familiarize himself with their expenditures, investments, stocks and numerous bank accounts (extensive even though Tsuna focused exclusively on their assets in Japan). Tsuna had yet to find an error in his accountant's work—which was expected, considering he doubted Reborn would accept anything less than perfection from an employee who wasn't directly a member of the family.

Focusing on numbers was a welcome reprieve from the madness that had gripped him lately. He'd woken early and finished breakfast before either Gokudera or Yamamoto could join him. Simply looking at either of them was something he wasn't confident he could do just yet without spontaneously combusting in mortification.

It wasn't that Tsuna was uncomfortable with his sexuality... okay, that was a lie. Tsuna was extremely uncomfortable with what his recent fantasies meant in terms of his sexuality. By virtue of being No Good Tsuna, he was in no position to discriminate against anyone, so it wasn't that he had anything against being gay—the possibility had just never occurred to him.

After middle school, Kyoko had attended a different high school and Tsuna had grudgingly put his childhood crush to rest. He'd never found anyone who made him feel quite the same way Kyoko had, but he was still one hundred percent certain he liked girls.

To test this, he thought about the one girl he'd slept with in high school. After a brief mental recap, he confirmed that yes, he had rather enjoyed it and would have very much liked to repeat the experience... and probably would have, except Reborn had somehow known and subjected him to an in-depth lesson in safe sex, complete with pie charts, slideshows, and 3-D models.

Extracting a promise from him not to die from a venereal disease or leave any illegitimate children to someday challenge the seat of Vongola had been unnecessary because Tsuna had been properly traumatized. Afterwards, he'd been too apprehensive about Reborn's meddling and far too busy training to lead the Mafia to pursue anyone else. Sex had become an unnecessary detail, and Tsuna regretted it now that his hormones had conspired with the universe (and Reborn) to muster together and counterattack by turning him gay. Bisexual. Whatever.

"Augh." He cupped his head and returned to squinting at the columns of figures on his desk. He still had several pages to go through and he'd learned from past experience that Reborn was not above nailing him to his desk until he finished.

Thirty minutes later, he was yawning behind his hand when his mental calculations slid to a halt. He leaned forward, his bottom lip slipping between his teeth as he compared the last two weeks' numbers. There was a minor variance, but nothing he needed to be concerned about. He made a note beside it and moved on.

Two pages later, he noted, again, another variance. "Hm." He made another note beside it. They were likely nothing more than data entry errors but, considering this was a first, Reborn would want to know.


Sunday, as it turned out, had been a successful day. Tsuna had managed to avoid running into both Yamamoto and Gokudera—true, he'd done so by retiring early, blockading his door, and snoring extra loudly when Gokudera came knocking to bid him a good night, but he'd still avoided direct contact so it was a victory, however minor.

The next day began in much the same way. Childish though it may have been, Tsuna felt entitled to his solitude, considering how scarce it'd been since Reborn had first crashed into his life. If he wanted to drag his desk into the farthest corner of the library, well hidden behind rows of bookshelves, then that was his prerogative. He was the Vongola Tenth, damn it.

He slouched in his chair, legs cramped beneath his desk and knees knocking against the sides, and propped a file open in his lap.

A small yakuza clan had recently moved into the area, hoping to establish their turf by bullying surrounding businesses into compliance. Every business for a ten-mile radius around the base was under the family's protection. As such, business owners had felt confident in rebuffing the yakuza's intimidation tactics.

They'd retreated since, loitering at the edges of the city, bothersome to the overall peace but otherwise harmless. The clan hardly posed a credible threat, but it was obvious that they were lingering for a reason. While Tsuna knew sending over a couple men to confront them would probably resolve the issue, the idea of chasing them off to terrorize some other suburb wasn't an appealing one.

Waiting them out seemed to be the most peaceable solution and Tsuna was sticking to his decision despite Reborn's urging to 'take care' of the matter. To placate his tutor, Tsuna had dug up as much information on the clan as he (and his investigators) could find. Any knowledge was vital knowledge when it came to one's enemies. Of course, Tsuna would have preferred not having any enemies at all but that decision had been taken out of his hands long ago.

A soft click in the silence of the library signaled an arrival and Tsuna resisted the impulse to duck underneath his desk. Instead, he held his breath and strained his ears while pretending he didn't feel like he was back in middle school again, avoiding the schoolyard bullies.

There was a brief shuffle of feet and a series of noises before—

"Haha, sorry about that." Yamamoto's voice carried throughout the library, his light-hearted laughter filling up the spaces between shelves of dusty tomes.

"Stop crowding me," Gokudera snapped.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't think you'd just stop in the doorway like that. Oh hey, his desk is gone."

"I'm not blind, you moron. I can see that."

A moment of panic seized Tsuna before he realized with a hopeless kind of horror that the mere sound of their voices—arguing, no less—had sent 99.9% of his blood supply southward. Taking into account the sudden lack of oxygen in organs necessary for coherent function, he really couldn't be faulted for how his legs jerked beneath his desk, the momentum of feet hitting wood sending both him and his chair toppling backward. The resulting crash was immediately accompanied by footsteps as both Yamamoto and Gokudera rushed over to investigate.

Tsuna groaned and cupped the back of his head before rolling onto his side and attempting to burrow into the carpeting. On the bright side, his erection had been no match for abject humiliation.




Warm hands tugged him upright. Tsuna batted away the assistance, flustered. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"What are you doing way over here in the corner?"

Rather than answering Yamamoto, Tsuna stumbled to his feet and skirted around them, wary of the large hands that Yamamoto tucked into his pockets. The back of his head ached and there was a strong possibility that he was just delirious, considering his sleep had been erratic the night before. Every time he'd closed his eyes, he had felt the brush of hands on his skin, phantom warmth sliding between his legs... before he awoke with a start, alone and frustrated and unbearably horny.

He shuffled away from their concerned faces and tried his best not to look like he was suppressing lewd thoughts. "I... I just wanted somewhere I could sit undisturbed for a while. I need to finish going through the files on that yakuza clan."

Gokudera lifted an angry fist. "Send me out there, Tenth. I'll make sure there's nothing left of them to sully the city."

"No," Tsuna said quickly. He could already envision the ensuing property damage and it sent him reeling... or that could have been the new bump on the back of his head, it was hard to tell. "Don't do anything. I'll handle it."

Gokudera looked like he wanted to argue but Yamamoto cut him off. "You sure you're okay, Tsuna? We haven't seen you in a couple days. We were getting worried."

Tsuna watched as Yamamoto slung an arm around Gokudera's shoulders, presumably to illustrate how they'd been united in their concern... or something. Tsuna bemoaned the inevitable direction the simple gesture tugged his thoughts down. In the past, it had meant little more than Yamamoto being typically friendly and good-natured. Now, it carried all forms of innuendo that Tsuna was certain were due to his overactive imagination. He seriously doubted an arm over the shoulder translated into 'Please have mansex with me.'

When Gokudera predictably shoved Yamamoto off him, Tsuna wondered if it was just their typical interaction or if Gokudera had noticed the way Tsuna had plastered himself against the bookcase.

"There's no need to worry," Tsuna said, and ignored the high, airy quality of his voice. "I'm fine. I'm just trying to work. You know how Reborn is when he wants me to focus."

He smiled; although it was probably more of a grimace by the way Yamamoto tilted his head at him.

Crossing his arms, Gokudera said, "Hey, Yamamoto. Go see what the chef is making for lunch."

Yamamoto glanced between them and smiled easily despite the shrewd look in his eyes. "Sure thing."

Tsuna watched him retreat with a growing sense of unease. "Um..."

With Yamamoto gone, the Gokudera's scowl gave way to concern. "Tenth, are you sure you're all right?"

Tsuna nodded vigorously.

"...Have you been avoiding me?"

Tsuna's eyes widened and his mind blanked. When questioned directly, lying had never been one of his strong suits. Not that he had very many.

"Uh, n-no, not at all, why would you think that? Hahahaha." He tucked his sweaty palms behind his back and swallowed with difficulty.

Gokudera glanced away, fingers combing through his hair in agitation. "If this has to do with the other night, I'm sorry if I... offended you with, um, with my..." His neck turned red but he barreled on. "...with my offer." He hung his head and the look of complete dejection made Tsuna stiffen with guilt.

He waved his arms wildly before he straightened off the bookcase and reached out to take Gokudera by the shoulders. Then he thought better of the gesture and just waved his hands around some more. The truth, at this point, would probably be easier than trying to throw any more ineffective lies at his friend.

"You're wrong," he said, shoulders hunched. "It's not that... well, it is, but not the way you think it is. It's..." He shook his head, realizing he was making little sense. "I'm not offended. The opposite actually..." He trailed off and pointedly averted his eyes when Gokudera perked up in interest.

"You mean...?"

"I'm... curious. Too curious." His face burned at his mumbled confession. "B-But you're my friend," he hurriedly continued. "And I can't accept your offer. It would be too weird and, and it'd be wrong of me to take advantage of our friendship just because I'm your boss."

Gokudera, who was looking far more relieved and optimistic than Tsuna had expected, stepped forward. Tsuna resisted the urge to scramble up the bookcase.

Beaming (Tsuna wondered if Gokudera's rapid mood shifts ever gave him a headache), Gokudera said, "No, no, it would never be about taking advantage! Not at all! You would never do that, Tenth! It's... it's about strengthening th-the relationship between boss and guardians."

Tsuna made a mental note to ask Reborn if all the members of the Vongola family were given the same lecture about strengthening bonds by way of sexual relations. The idea was alarming.

"But we're friends too," Gokudera said, grinning despite the mottled blush that made him look like he was suffering from a spontaneous case of hives. "Best of friends! And rest assured, it would be completely mutual."

Tsuna couldn't tell by the manic look in his eyes if he was finished, but he'd stopped talking so Tsuna assumed he was waiting for a response. What confused Tsuna then wasn't so much formulating an answer ('yes please!' his libido very unnecessarily offered) as it was wondering why Gokudera was so insistent. Tsuna had assumed that Gokudera had initially made the offer out of his sense of duty that, for some misbegotten reason, he thought should extend into the bedroom. But Tsuna had given him an out and instead of taking it, he'd countered with more excuses.

Tsuna harbored no illusions about himself. He'd grown considerably over the last few years but he was still a bit on the skinny side for a twenty year old man. He didn't have the solid, lithe build of a swordsman like Yamamoto. But hadn't Gokudera just said it'd be mutual? He made it sound almost as if he wanted to... to sleep with Tsuna...

The realization had him blinking rapidly at Gokudera's anxious face as heat, once again, pooled in his groin. Tsuna was surprised he hadn't fainted yet what with the constant redirection of his blood supply. As it was, he felt lightheaded and slumped back against the bookcase.

"Tenth," Gokudera said, stepping close and pressing a cool hand to his forehead. "Tenth, are you okay?"

Tsuna nodded in a daze, finding relief in the small bit of contact and wondering if he had any right to change his mind just because he now knew Gokudera wasn't just being a compliant right hand man.

Since they were being candid, he opened his mouth to ask what he'd wanted to know for days now. "How did you and Yamamoto get together?"

Gokudera reared back a bit, startled by the question. The hesitation was enough for Tsuna to gather his bearings and quickly retract the question.

"F-Forget it, I'm sorry. You can tell me another time if you want."

Gokudera paused, indecision twisting his lips, before he nodded and stepped back. "If you decide you did want to... Um. Then please let me know."

There was a strange look in his eyes – it was earnest but also underlined with a sense of urgency, as if Gokudera was afraid he wouldn't press his point enough and Tsuna would go to someone else instead. But Gokudera had nothing to worry about, if indeed it was a concern (however peculiar). The mere idea of approaching any of his other guardians with the proposition was daunting enough that Tsuna would rather face an army of moscas.

"Thank you," he said, rubbing the back of his neck and feeling both infinitely sheepish and grateful, despite that the clearing of misunderstandings had resulted in an even more insistent erection than before.

Such was Tsuna's luck.

"I'll... I'll think about it," he said. And in fact, he doubted he'd be able to think of anything else. He glanced at the file still open on his desk and, regrettably, knew it would do little to distract him.


Tsuna's resolve lasted approximately four days. After the awkward conversation with Gokudera, he'd given into his body's demands and began jerking off in the mornings before starting his day. But while having tea in his room Thursday afternoon, he'd glanced down into the garden to see Yamamoto and Gokudera enter and linger about the oleanders as they spoke. Then Yamamoto had leaned in and Gokudera had turned his face away before grabbing him by the collar and leading him from the garden with long, purposeful strides.

Tsuna had attempted to temper the sudden strain in his pants for a few valiant minutes before he'd lost and made a beeline for the bathroom.

A part of him wondered if he shouldn't be more troubled by the fact his fantasies were now primarily filled with flat chests and broad shoulders.

Friday morning found him slumped in his desk during his second history lesson as Reborn rambled on about the greatest accomplishments of the Vongola First. Unfortunately, his lack of attention resulted in getting stapled to his desk by his shirt sleeves with Reborn perched on his head (he was heavier than he looked) and reprimanding him for failing as a student. Tsuna couldn't find it in himself to care so long as Reborn didn't start dropping objectionable photographs in his lap again.

But then Reborn had launched the stapler itself at Tsuna and he'd tried to duck but that hadn't worked very well on account of him being attached to the desk. In terms of tactics, Tsuna would always have to hand it to Reborn. He had certainly reminded Tsuna of the importance of always being on guard (and having quick reflexes).

As a result of his morning lesson, Tsuna spent the rest of the day twitching at every movement in his periphery and worrying about Reborn's next angle of attack instead of lingering over the unresolved issue of his sexual frustration. At least until dinner.

Tsuna couldn't, in good conscience (and because he wasn't clever enough to come up with a convincing enough lie), continue avoiding his friends and returned to joining them for meals. Gokudera patted the spot beside him when Tsuna appeared in the dining room. Reluctant to offend him, Tsuna took it with a smile and a greeting. Gokudera had taken to reserving the seat beside him for Tsuna all week (never mind that the massive dinner table had eight other empty chairs). Tsuna wouldn't have minded so much except his body had somehow decided any kind of physical proximity with Gokudera was its cue to demand attention by way of blue balls.

Tsuna seriously needed a vacation. Or a new tutor.

"How was your history lesson this morning?"

Was it his imagination or had that been a deliberate attempt to remind him of their previous conversation on the topic? Tsuna disregarded the thought. He had been paranoid all day.

"Um... it was fine." He rubbed his shoulder where a stapler shaped bruise had formed. "Reborn lectured about Giotto and his accomplishments."

"Maybe I should sit in with you, Tsuna. I don't know much about the previous bosses either." Yamamoto began filling his mouth with rice and fish, and Tsuna, to his dismay, could think of nothing more interesting right then than the way Yamamoto's jaw moved when he chewed.

"Er," he said intelligently.

Gokudera snorted. "You'd never retain the information."

Tsuna busied himself with eating as quickly and efficiently as possible and ignored the less than furtive looks Gokudera kept sending him. When he'd cleaned his plate, he pushed away from the table with a strained smile and made his escape.

Or, he would have if Gokudera hadn't stopped him with a hand on his arm. Tsuna froze in place, praying to whatever deity might answer that Gokudera wouldn't notice how tight the front of his pants was.

"Tenth, are you okay?"

Tsuna was getting a little tired of hearing that question. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Um. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning to pick up Hibari. Good night."

He hurried from the room and didn't pause until he was safe inside his bedroom. He turned the lock and collapsed against the door, sinking down to the floor, legs sprawled in front of him.

He sighed, his hand already reaching for the button of his pants when a thought struck him: this simply couldn't continue. That the thought had sounded suspiciously like Reborn helped motivate Tsuna to stand and brush himself off. He had too many responsibilities to focus on, too many people depending on his leadership, without being troubled daily by something as frivolous as sex. Or in this case, the lack there of.

Unfortunately, there was only one solution to that problem (that his lust-clouded mind could logically conceive). He'd tried going back to the way it'd been before, to when he'd convinced himself that sex was something that would happen in due course, with the right girl, presumably far, far, far away from his meddling tutor. But the last week and his rising blood pressure was evidence enough that it was either a lost cause or a long time in coming.

Gokudera had said it would be mutual.

Before his mind could formulate an objection, he turned on his heels and pushed the button on the small panel beside his door. A moment later, a female voice chirped through the intercom.

"What can I do for you, sir?" The voice belonged to Tsuna's head maid, who directed the small army of servants that kept the estate in top form, or as Reborn put it, up to Vongola standards.

"Um..." Tsuna coughed lightly. "Could you please send Gokudera to me? He should still be in the dining room."

"Right away, sir," she said before the intercom went silent.

Tsuna swallowed and had to put several feet of distance between himself and his door to keep from scrabbling at the intercom and rescinding his request. He backpedaled to the sitting area and paced circles around the sofa. His anxiety was enough to quell his hormones because by the time a knock sounded at his door, he was ready to call it quits and pretend he'd called Gokudera just to wish him good night. Again. Gokudera might believe it.

And then Gokudera walked in with one hand in his hair and a curious smile on his lips, and turning Gokudera away seemed a distant option. When he spotted Tsuna, he shut the door quietly behind him and stepped into the room.

"You called for me?"

"Um... yes, I... sit down. Please."

Gokudera gave him a confused look but sat down all the same. "Tenth, are you sure you're—"

"Yes, I'm fine," he said, cutting off the question he was seriously considering banning from the base. His curt tone made Gokudera's brows draw together. He looked not unlike a kicked puppy. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... to shout."

Gokudera shook his head but wisely said nothing.

"Look, this has... been a really... frustrating week. Really frustrating. And I don't know if I'm going to regret this or not b-but w-w—" Tsuna slapped a hand over his face and tried again. "W-w-will you...?"

Gokudera's faintly puzzled expression was helping little. Tsuna threw up his hands and looked about wildly for something to write with.

He spotted his pad and pen on his desk in the corner and stalked over to retrieve it. Then he returned to the coffee table and got to his knees before putting ink to paper. His hands shook as he wrote a few unsteady words, crossed them out, began again, and then grew frustrated and crumpled up the top sheet before dropping his head to the table with a defeated sigh.

"I'm going to kill Reborn," he mumbled into the table top.

"Uh." Gokudera reached out, fingers brushing Tsuna's fist curled around the crumpled sheet of paper. "May I...?"

Tsuna nodded miserably without looking up and released the paper. He closed his eyes and listened with tightly strung nerves as Gokudera smoothed out the crinkles and read Tsuna's brief, partially scratched out message to 'please teach me.'

The silence was piercing and he found he really didn't have the courage to look up and meet Gokudera's eyes. A moment later, he heard Gokudera set the paper down before gentle hands nudged at his shoulders. Mustering his fortitude (it was, after all, his doing that they were here), he lifted his head and sat up.

He hoped he wouldn't have to clarify his request. He'd just as soon pen Xanxus a letter to congratulate him on becoming the new Vongola boss on account of Tsuna expiring from sheer mortification.

Fortunately, that seemed not to be the case as Gokudera uttered a breathy 'Tenth' before the room tilted and he found himself on his back with Gokudera leaning in over him. He made a strangled noise of alarm, which made Gokudera pause, lips just short of touching.

"It's okay, Tenth. Trust me," he whispered. Tsuna did trust him; that much he was sure of.

His breath against Tsuna's skin sent odd little jolts—not unpleasant—down his neck and arms. Tsuna nodded and closed his eyes.

Gokudera kissed him. His lips were soft, surprisingly so, and he moved against him with almost painful care. Hands trailed down Tsuna's jaw, his touches firm but gentle. He sipped at Tsuna's lips as if partaking of something sacred, something to be cherished. Tsuna wondered if this was how Gokudera was with Yamamoto... He somehow doubted it.

His fingers curled against the skin just beneath Tsuna's ear, his mouth drawing ragged breaths from Tsuna's chest where oxygen seemed suddenly in short supply. Without being asked to, Tsuna reached for his shirt and began unbuttoning it. Gokudera drew back, lips parted and looking breathless. Tsuna averted his eyes but continued until his shirt fell open and he shrugged it off.

Gokudera lowered his head and dropped a line of kisses down his chest, taking a brief detour to flick his tongue against a dusky nipple. Tsuna's fingers convulsed against the carpet.

"Gokudera," he said, arching.

Gokudera looked up, mouth open against the skin just beneath Tsuna's bellybutton. "Have you done this before?"

Tsuna began shaking his head before he stopped and gathered enough coherence to say, "With a girl. Once. Back in high school."

Gokudera nodded before undoing the clasp of Tsuna's pants with his teeth. Tsuna threw an arm over his face and made a pitiful sound. There was a tug at the waist of his pants and he lifted his hips enough for Gokudera to slide them off, taking his boxers along as well. The cool air was startling against his skin and Tsuna shivered.

Gokudera grunted—a soft, slightly pained exhalation of breath—before a warm mouth brushed along the side of his erection. Tsuna pushed to his elbows, eyes wide as he watched Gokudera take him in hand and part his lips, pink tongue darting out to dampen the head. He swallowed thickly, the tension in his gut painfully tight.

"Gokudera, I... I don't think..." He felt overheated already as he pushed his hair out of his face and admitted, "I don't think I'm going to, er, last very... long."

Gokudera sucked lightly at the tip, tongue sliding along the slit and making Tsuna's breath catch, before pulling back. "We don't have to do anything more than this," he said. Tsuna caught the disappointment in his voice and was surprised that it seemed to mirror his own. Maybe the sudden end to his years of celibacy was giving him courage.

Or maybe he was just desperate. Tsuna decided not to think on it.

He shook his head. "I want to."

Gokudera rose up to kiss him, tongue pushing past his lips as his hands trailed down Tsuna's chest, thumbs pausing to press against his nipples. "Do you want to take me?"

It only took a moment for Gokudera's question to register. Then Tsuna's elbows gave out and he collapsed on his back, winded and blinking up at Gokudera's surprised expression. Reborn hadn't exactly covered this part in his lessons and he'd been too embarrassed to look it up himself. "Uh." His brain had abandoned ship again, apparently deciding it was useless seeing as Tsuna had thus far successfully been thinking with his penis.

"If you're not comfortable," Gokudera began.

Tsuna shook his head. "No, no, I... I think I'd rather you... do it. You're more experienced and I'd probably just mess up..." He turned away and focused his gaze on the corner of the coffee table, just a foot over from where Gokudera had pressed him into the floor.

"Bed?" Gokudera asked.

After a moment, in which Tsuna mulled over the minor delay having to move would cause, Tsuna nodded. "Bed," he agreed. They both moved onto the large mattress and thick blue comforter, Tsuna centering himself as Gokudera crawled over him.

Gokudera swallowed audibly before leaning over again and licking the corner of Tsuna's lips.

Tsuna's breath caught, anxious to continue, and he reached up to card his fingers through Gokudera's hair, something he'd wanted to do for days now. Teeth nipped lightly at his jaw before Gokudera scooted back between Tsuna's legs. Tsuna bit his lip and resisted the urge to cover himself, namely because Gokudera was staring at his erection with ill-disguised excitement. He smoothed his palms down Tsuna's stomach and rested his cheek against the line of his hip before dragging his tongue across the base of Tsuna's cock.

Tsuna arched again helplessly, his fingers tightening around Gokudera's hair. Gentle hands nudged at his thighs and he bent his legs, sliding his feet out to give Gokudera more room.

Gokudera stared down at his spread legs for so long that Tsuna felt his blush spread all the way down to his toes. "I... didn't come prepared," Gokudera said. "I didn't want to presume."

Coughing lightly, Tsuna pointed to the end table next to the bed. "Uh... in the drawer." Tsuna had been very frustrated. He didn't mention the bottle of lubricant had appeared at his bedside one morning the week before and he'd spent the entire day trying to hunt down Reborn. When he'd finally located his elusive tutor, Reborn had simply knocked him on his back mid-tirade with an ominous 'You'll thank me later.'

Gokudera beamed and shuffled over to retrieve it.

Tsuna blinked up at the ceiling, at the gathering of cloth where the bed's canopy hung from gold chords. He covered his eyes and wondered what the hell he was doing.

And then Gokudera returned, completely naked (his clothes lay in a pile on the floor beside the end table), and wrapped slick fingers around him.

"Gokudera," Tsuna breathed, doubts fleeing as he thrust up into his hand. He tugged at his own hair, feeling too hot and too exposed and gasping loudly when Gokudera slipped a hand beneath his balls and pressed lightly at his entrance.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you," Gokudera said before lowering his head and lapping at the fluid leaking messily from the tip.

Tsuna nodded without really comprehending, eyes squeezed shut as slippery fingers filled him. He supposed he'd known what to expect, it was just so strange to actually do it. Thinking about the mechanics of it just hadn't been at the forefront of his fantasies.

Then Gokudera was hovering over him, lips pressed to his forehead and something thick nudging him below. Tsuna panted against Gokudera's collarbones, biting down into the thin bone.

"Relax," Gokudera whispered against his temple. "I promise it'll be good."

Tsuna wrapped his legs around Gokudera's waist, thighs grasping at sharp hips. Gokudera groaned and slid deeper, fingers brushing with reverent care along Tsuna's sides. He twisted, mouth open to drag in air, Gokudera's hair fanning his cheekbones and fire burning between his legs. It was everything and nothing like he'd expected and he wiggled a hand between them to grasp himself.

"You're so tight," Gokudera mumbled between gasps, still moving excruciatingly slow, making Tsuna arch and writhe impatiently.

"Faster," Tsuna urged, squeezing down and tightening his legs. He needed more; more pressure, more friction. Gokudera was being too gentle. "Gokudera, faster." He scored nails down Gokudera's back and cried out when Gokudera groaned into his neck and complied.

"Tenth." His hands tightened around Tsuna's hips. Tsuna opened his mouth against the damp curve of Gokudera's shoulder and shuddered.


Gokudera and Yamamoto met him at the door. They were both dressed in dark suits and Tsuna took a moment to admire how sharp they looked, even if he still didn't believe all this ceremony was necessary just to pick up his Cloud guardian.

"Good morning," he said. They both smiled and returned the greeting. His gaze lingered for a few seconds too long on Gokudera's mouth before he blushed and looked away. He tugged at his cuffs and nodded to the driver who held the door to the black sedan open for him. Gokudera and Yamamoto slid in beside him, one on either side. He was used to the routine by now.

Gokudera sat perhaps a bit closer than was necessary, his thigh flush against Tsuna's. Tsuna felt his neck grow warm before he glanced up and offered Gokudera a tremulous smile. Contrary to Tsuna's expectations, the night before had not assuaged his frustration. It had only heightened it. His backside was slightly sore but it was only a reminder of Gokudera inside him, skin sliding damply against skin and a wet tongue drawing patterns down his chest. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"How was your morning?" Tsuna asked, turning to Yamamoto. It would be a half hour to the airport where Hibari was arriving. The Vongola estate was located five hours north of Namimori and Hibari couldn't abide the train system (too much crowding) so first class air travel had been the most logical and swiftest means of travel.

"Great," Yamamoto said, chuckling softly. He glanced at Gokudera, gaze flicking down to where Gokudera's leg was pressed against Tsuna's, before looking away and watching the passing city with unfocused eyes.

Tsuna blinked. "Um. Are you... okay?" He winced at having repeated the same question he'd grown sick of hearing.

Yamamoto looked back at him and affected a surprised look. Then he laughed. "Oh yeah, I'm great! I like it when Hibari visits; he's fun to spar with."

Gokudera snorted at Tsuna's other side and Yamamoto, to Tsuna's confusion, closed his mouth with a crooked smile and looked away again. Tsuna didn't need hyper intuition to realize something was off.

The rest of the ride passed in a slightly awkward silence with Gokudera and Yamamoto exchanging precisely two words ('Shut up') and avoiding direct eye contact. Gokudera was twice as brusque as usual. Tsuna hadn't felt this much tension between them since they'd first met back in middle school. He began to worry that the impending sense of doom had little to do with Hibari's arrival.


Hibari was, predictably, right on time. He followed them back to the base in a separate car with Kusakabe. The return trip was, if possible, even more uncomfortable. Yamamoto had brushed against Gokudera's side when they'd arrived at the airport and then, with a mumbled apology, stepped away and put a good two feet of distance between them. Gokudera had given him a look of deep disgust and Tsuna had straightened his shoulders, prepared to initiate mediation. But then Hibari had arrived and it really wasn't a good idea to not give Hibari one's complete attention unless one didn't mind becoming intimate with the infirmary.

When they pulled back into the broad drive of the estate, both Yamamoto and Gokudera opened their respective doors and made to exit. Tsuna placed a hand on Gokudera's wrist to still him and waited until Yamamoto had cleared the car.

"Gokudera," he said, beseeching. "What's... what's going on with you and Yamamoto?" Tsuna had never really made it his business to interfere with whatever conflicts his guardians had with each other unless it could result in physical violence. But on this issue, he felt certain he should speak up.

Gokudera shut the door, which he'd left ajar. He dragged a hand through his hair. "It's so stupid," he said, shaking his head. "I told Yamamoto this morning where I was last night."

Tsuna blinked. "Oh." And then, "Oh." He felt suddenly ill. "Wh-what happened?"

"Now that we've... been together, he thinks he has to back off so you can have me to yourself."

Tsuna reared back, sputtering. "But but but... you said you weren't exclusive!"

"We aren't!" Gokudera said. He took Tsuna by the shoulders and gave him a little shake before he seemed to realize what he was doing and drew back in apology. "It's just... he thinks this is different. Because you're boss."

There was a knock at the window and both of them looked up to see Kusakabe giving them an apologetic look and making broad gestures at Hibari, who stood near the entrance looking increasingly cross. His aura of killing intent was admittedly intimidating.

"Fuck off," Gokudera spat before turning back to Tsuna. "Look, Tenth, please don't worry about it. The baseball idiot is just being stupid. He'll get over it." He gave Tsuna an encouraging smile before opening the door and waving dismissively at Kusakabe.

Tsuna watched him walk away, Yamamoto nowhere in sight, and buried his face in his hands.

